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The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Deity [CLOSED]

Saiba Aisu

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If you see the future do you know it?


There’s a thunder around the room is dark, Mira does not understand, she looks around only to turn to her left and see The Dark Lord Gannon Impaling Raven, "Nooo!!!!!!!!" She screams, as the top of the tower where she stands becomes incased in Ice.


Mira awoke in a cold sweat, she quickly regained her usual denemor and got up and took off her shirt and underwear, she walked to the kitchen with her new underwear on, she found the food still hot and the note, Mira blushed at the things Raven said apologizing to her because of leavening early, She got the food on a plate and ate the rest of the food. After Mira washed the dishes she went to the room, she got her white dress out and put on a cute white sun hat she gathered her things and left the house.


Mira passed by the stables, Frost Shard jumped up and galloped over, she Greeted Mira with a sniff to the face, Aside from the usual ride or race against Raven and Raizen Frost never got to get any real exercise, Mira headed off to the castle when she got inside the city gates a Group of Children raced up to her, "Its the Snow Lady! Make it Snow!" The children chanted.


Mira Brought out her Ocarina and played the song of Blizzards, the clouds began to darken she stopped playing and manipulated the storm with her magic so the storm was only a temporary light snow, the children cheered, Mira gave them each a Rupie and went to the market to find Raven.


When Mira had gotten to the fountain she saw a bunch of girls crowded around Raven, she just stood with an angry face waiting for him to notice her......

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||||Raven never liked when this happened. It was one of many reasons why he preffered to stay at home with Mira, the tendency for a gaggle of young girls gathering around him and each vying for his attention. "No, really, I have to get going!" But none of them would listen. They didn't care if he was married or not, they just wanted to get him alone and try to seduce him. Deciding that he'd had enough, He took out his ocarina and played a quick tune, summoning Raizen from where he was in the stables.


||||Appearing in a sudden flash of light and running forward, Raizen neighed happily and ran over to where Raizen was, then started snorting in frustration due to being blocked by the gaggle of young girls. Many of them noticed Raizen and immediately started paying attention to him instead, giving Raizen a chance to escape in the ensuing confusion. Noticing Mira, Raizen immediately ran over to her before any of the girls could try to block him in and says "Mira, thank goodness. Would you please help me explain to these, these..." Raven struggles for several seconds while jabbing an accusing finger over at the young girls before finally yelling out "VULTURES...!!" Taking a few more seconds to clam down again Raven says in a much quieter tone that sounded like he was pleading. "Please tell them that I have no interest in them and to leave me alone!" Raven exclaims, practically groaning at the end of the sentence.

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||||Raven never liked when this happened. It was one of many reasons why he preffered to stay at home with Mira, the tendency for a gaggle of young girls gathering around him and each vying for his attention. "No, really, I have to get going!" But none of them would listen. They didn't care if he was married or not, they just wanted to get him alone and try to seduce him. Deciding that he'd had enough, He took out his ocarina and played a quick tune, summoning Raizen from where he was in the stables.


||||Appearing in a sudden flash of light and running forward, Raizen neighed happily and ran over to where Raizen was, then started snorting in frustration due to being blocked by the gaggle of young girls. Many of them noticed Raizen and immediately started paying attention to him instead, giving Raizen a chance to escape in the ensuing confusion. Noticing Mira, Raizen immediately ran over to her before any of the girls could try to block him in and says "Mira, thank goodness. Would you please help me explain to these, these..." Raven struggles for several seconds while jabbing an accusing finger over at the young girls before finally yelling out "VULTURES...!!" Taking a few more seconds to clam down again Raven says in a much quieter tone that sounded like he was pleading. "Please tell them that I have no interest in them and to leave me alone!" Raven exclaims, practically groaning at the end of the sentence.

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||||Raven never liked when this happened. It was one of many reasons why he preffered to stay at home with Mira, the tendency for a gaggle of young girls gathering around him and each vying for his attention. "No, really, I have to get going!" But none of them would listen. They didn't care if he was married or not, they just wanted to get him alone and try to seduce him. Deciding that he'd had enough, He took out his ocarina and played a quick tune, summoning Raizen from where he was in the stables.


||||Appearing in a sudden flash of light and running forward, Raizen neighed happily and ran over to where Raizen was, then started snorting in frustration due to being blocked by the gaggle of young girls. Many of them noticed Raizen and immediately started paying attention to him instead, giving Raizen a chance to escape in the ensuing confusion. Noticing Mira, Raizen immediately ran over to her before any of the girls could try to block him in and says "Mira, thank goodness. Would you please help me explain to these, these..." Raven struggles for several seconds while jabbing an accusing finger over at the young girls before finally yelling out "VULTURES...!!" Taking a few more seconds to clam down again Raven says in a much quieter tone that sounded like he was pleading. "Please tell them that I have no interest in them and to leave me alone!" Raven exclaims, practically groaning at the end of the sentence.

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Mira could see he was sorry she turned to the gaggle of women and looked at them with anger, "Back off!" She screamed as they scattered, because they knew she wouldn’t have problem with fighting them off, "Why do they do that..... Well I guess I can understand You are pretty sexy hee hee"


Mira turned and faced Raven with a smile her dress and hair ruffling in the wind, "So my love where to now?" she said, smiling.

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Mira could see he was sorry she turned to the gaggle of women and looked at them with anger, "Back off!" She screamed as they scattered, because they knew she wouldn’t have problem with fighting them off, "Why do they do that..... Well I guess I can understand You are pretty sexy hee hee"


Mira turned and faced Raven with a smile her dress and hair ruffling in the wind, "So my love where to now?" she said, smiling.

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Mira could see he was sorry she turned to the gaggle of women and looked at them with anger, "Back off!" She screamed as they scattered, because they knew she wouldn’t have problem with fighting them off, "Why do they do that..... Well I guess I can understand You are pretty sexy hee hee"


Mira turned and faced Raven with a smile her dress and hair ruffling in the wind, "So my love where to now?" she said, smiling.

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Raven sighs at the embarrassing comment Mira made but decides that perhaps now isn't the best time to pursue that particular line of argument again. "I was actually on my way to see Lorenz about repairing my sword that I use for training. I ended up hitting it on the pole that we use as an impromptu needle for the sundial, and it snapped in two. Luckily it was a clean break, but I was thinking I might finally take Lorenz's advice and just let him reforge it instead of doing a simple repair job like before." Raven sighs and looks a little downcast about his sword being broken, that and those darned girls that were bothering him. After a few seconds though, he smiled and whistled for Raizen, quickly grabbing Mira and jumping on Raizens Back with Mira in front of him. "Over to Lorenz's Raizen!" Raven said as he placed his hands around the front of Miras waist to help hold her steady. He just hoped that it wouldn't be to uncomfortable, since Raizen hadn't been saddled before being summoned.

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Raven sighs at the embarrassing comment Mira made but decides that perhaps now isn't the best time to pursue that particular line of argument again. "I was actually on my way to see Lorenz about repairing my sword that I use for training. I ended up hitting it on the pole that we use as an impromptu needle for the sundial, and it snapped in two. Luckily it was a clean break, but I was thinking I might finally take Lorenz's advice and just let him reforge it instead of doing a simple repair job like before." Raven sighs and looks a little downcast about his sword being broken, that and those darned girls that were bothering him. After a few seconds though, he smiled and whistled for Raizen, quickly grabbing Mira and jumping on Raizens Back with Mira in front of him. "Over to Lorenz's Raizen!" Raven said as he placed his hands around the front of Miras waist to help hold her steady. He just hoped that it wouldn't be to uncomfortable, since Raizen hadn't been saddled before being summoned.

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Raven sighs at the embarrassing comment Mira made but decides that perhaps now isn't the best time to pursue that particular line of argument again. "I was actually on my way to see Lorenz about repairing my sword that I use for training. I ended up hitting it on the pole that we use as an impromptu needle for the sundial, and it snapped in two. Luckily it was a clean break, but I was thinking I might finally take Lorenz's advice and just let him reforge it instead of doing a simple repair job like before." Raven sighs and looks a little downcast about his sword being broken, that and those darned girls that were bothering him. After a few seconds though, he smiled and whistled for Raizen, quickly grabbing Mira and jumping on Raizens Back with Mira in front of him. "Over to Lorenz's Raizen!" Raven said as he placed his hands around the front of Miras waist to help hold her steady. He just hoped that it wouldn't be to uncomfortable, since Raizen hadn't been saddled before being summoned.

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OoC: Chaos Zero and Aqua Girl, please check your respective private message inboxes. There is something we need to discuss.




Golden sunlight filtered prettily through an expensive glass door, flanked on either side by lush velvet curtains—although the rest of the room couldn't be seen very well, it promised to be just as luxurious. The manor house—more like a castle, really—was located relatively close to the well-defended, sturdy gates that marked the entrance to the Castle Grounds where the Royal Family lived, subtly hinting at the considerable wealth of its owners. The manor was made of shining, polished white stone, dazzling passerby when the sun was high in the sky, as it was now, putting the other buildings around it to shame.


There was a flicker of movement at the transparent door, and with a soft click, it was unlatched and pushed slowly open onto the adjoining balcony, which gave a breathtaking view of the surrounding area—from this angle, the red-topped buildings of Hyrule Castle Town certainly looked more charming than up close. With a soundless tread, a figure stepped onto the balcony, shutting the glass door behind him with an equal amount of noise. Erzet leaned briefly against the ornate rail, drinking in the rich scent of promise that seemed to permeate almost all aspects of life in the nation's capital city. The golden sunlight shone brightly down upon him, revealing him to be a slender, firmly tanned, and dark-haired young man with flashing emerald eyes. Erzet was clad in an unusual fashion, with gray cloth armguards, slightly baggy pants in an Arabesque style with matching scabbards, brown boots, and a gray scarf that he now wound around his head, folding it into a hood to throw over his face.


He patted a neatly tied but obviously bulging leather pouch at his side, making sure it was fixed firmly to his waist before stepping back from the balcony rail. With a graceful movement, he jumped atop the rail's thin surface and leaned back, his sun-browned hands finding the overhanging stone ceiling and taking firm purchase. Erzet pushed off the rail and vaulted backwards onto the manor's roof in a perfect back-hand spring, crouching momentarily in a catlike manner as he gazed from right to left. Satisfied that the rooftop was otherwise deserted, he glanced at the the surrounding countryside, marveling at how green it was. He regretted not having been able to pay a courtesy visit to Hyrule Castle where there were bound to be all sorts of pretty and expensive things, but the amount of rupees he had obtained from this house alone would be enough to satisfy even the most demanding of the Elders of the Clan of Thieves. The dark-haired man turned and began to run swiftly across the roof, springing twice from flat-topped level to level before flipping across the void and onto the roof of one of the smaller and less luxurious buildings in an incredible acrobatic display.


Erzet half-turned in a final glance at the manor house, his intense catlike eyes the only thing visible above the gray scarf that covered the rest of his face. Far below him, the murmur of Hyrule's citizens and Guards going about their business could be heard, oblivious to the young thief stealing across the rooftops above. He felt no twinge of conscience as he pictured the reaction the owners of the house he had just visited would have when they discovered most of their red-colored gems and expensive silks had mysterious vanished.


After all, the dark-haired man told himself consolingly, falling back once more into his jumping routine as he sprang across the rootops, it's not my fault if people can't hold onto their own valuables.

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"Awww, she’s so lucky to have a hunk like him!" The girls moped about because they were left alone with on one but them selves. "Darn I want a man!!!!!"


Mira softly laid her head on Raven's chest with a smile she closes her eyes, she wasn’t asleep she was enjoying her husband's warmth, "Raven......" She sighs.

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Raven stays quiet and blushes, a little embarrassed at the way things seemed to be headed. Ai-yaaa. As soon as the sword has been put up for repairs, I am going to head straight home before there is trouble. Deciding that he should say something conversational, Raven kisses Mira on the head saying "I don't think we've had our race today, have we? We should do that when we have the chance." As he finished saying this, Raizen slowed to a stop in front of Lorenz's shop and started pawing at the ground, waiting for Raven and Mira to dismount. "We're here." Removing his hands from around Mira's waist, he places a hand on Raizen's back behind Mira and uses it to steady himself as he swings his left leg over him and lands on the ground. Walking in front of Raizen but also keeping to his right side, Raven offers a hand to Mira saying "M'lady." as he does so.

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Sariri sighed a little after a bit of roof-gazing, figuring that she may as well find something else to do while she was here. She glanced around with hawklike persision; While Hylian had fair sight, they were still nothing compared to the ocular persisan of a Rito's eyes. She raised an eyebrow when she beheld the fabled Castle Town Bazzar; Among the shops, it was a legend. A massive congregation of shops too small to actually be shops, collected into a single mass that could be simply discribed as a Black Whole for rupees, compressed by the massive mass of all the combined greed and sales pitches.


She cocked her head, figuring it was worth a try, just as she spied something green and shiny out of the corner of her eye.


She smirked, leaped from her perch atop the store, and swooped down by the fountain with her wings unfurled. She angled them properly to allow for a leisurely dive, dropping her right by the centerpiece fount in the center of the the Square and nabbing the shy green gem from the glimmering blue waters. Immediately she angled herself back upward into the sky, flapping a little as she reversed her direction into a leisurely glide towards the bazzard, smirking slightly. She stretched her leg up by her chest, a feat of acrobatics for most species but fairly simple for a Rito, in order to examine the shiny object, a verdant green Rupee.


She smirked. It was amazing how many Hylians neglected to keep an eye on their purses, and just let rupees drop from them. It was a bit less than she hoped for, but her funds were quite lacking and she needed all the help she could get, she thought to herself as she tucked the gem away safely in a sack within her mail pouch, where it made a strange 'glint' onomatopaeic sound.


As she twined and twirled gracefully through the crowds of Hylians, some stopping to blink at her odd form of movement and others simply dismissing her as another oddity-of-the-day, she kept an eye out to examine more of the city. While it was relatively clean, she could see many smaller streets and back alleys that obviously weren't fortunate enough to share in the prosperity of the rest of the city. Shabbilly dressed beggers shambled through this network of filth and dirt, occasionally emerging like a moblin from the shadows to accost random strangers for their ernings. None of them held any rupees in their begging pots rather than the standard green, she noted with a hint of a sigh.


Technically, she was among their number; Homeless, that was, not begging. She didn't have any home anywhere, though she supposed she might still be welcome back in Dragonroost if she ever deigned to go back -she didn't-. It wasn't so much the mountains that were the bad part, and more just the knoledge that it wasn't anywhere she hadn't been before... Heck, what would she do back in Dragonroost anyway? Deliver more mail? Settle down, have a child and spend the days looking lustilly at the evening sunsets across the rugged and romantic seas? No, she decided immediately, that wouldn't be for her. She would travel 'till the day she died, and if it was the cause of her death in itself, so much the better.


She stopped, grasping the ground with her bright talons once more while buffeting the air in order to stay aloft for a second to relieve the impact from her tender nails, in front of a great red banner.


The banner simply declared, "Castle Bazzar".


Well, she thought to herself, can't deduct points for clarity.


What lied beyond the banner was, for lack of a better word, Heaven, and Hell.


Desks, lined with any good possibly imaginable, stretched on either side of the street for farther than the eye could see -and she could see pretty far-. People walked up and down the streets on horses, goats, any sort of animal or on food in the humid, sweaty crowd. Some of the venders even lacked solid desks and made due with boards held infront of their stomachs and secured with a strap, or used their beast of burdon as their vending table itself.


The sound was immeasurable. Every bargain, every rebuttle, every offer pierced the ears of everyone else who felt the need to yell above the compition. Venders yelled their wears, buyers yelled their price. Venders cried out their deals in hearty tones, or cried their sob stories in sweet balads, while buyers matched them point and point with their own painful conceisures and excuses. Some man needed bread for his starving orphan children -yes you read that correctly- while some vender needed Rupees to pay for his dear ol dying mam, at age twenty-two, stricken down with a blight and requiring an expensive magical proceedure in order to cure her. Unfortunately, like it always was, magic appeared to be powered by the valuable little gems themselves.


She smiled as she joined the crowd, trying to ignore the potent scent of fear, sweat and greed, and instead focused on all the colorful imagery around her. She smiled and waved off a vender offering mutton, ignored a lamp merchant, sent a travelling smoke trader on his way and assured a tapestry salesment she was neither a woman of finery nor finance. A colorful Rito man had even attempted to push some gilded golden Kargarok feathers upon her, obviously haivng not gotten the memo that such things had been out of fashion with their species' female members for years. Upon correction, the hawkish man had prompty redirected his efforts to trying to sell her a sapphire broach under the logic that it made her raven hair look pretty.


She turned him down polietely and went on her way, smirking a little. What a bafoon, she mentally rationalize. Obviously her hair ALWAYS looked pretty, she thought with a slightly peacock-like primping of her raven locks.


She stopped at a general object's merchant, who looked like he had specialized tools. Unlike the others, he wasn't accosting random passerbyes; obviously he was either renown or respected enough that he didn't require the random passerbies to make impulse purchases.


"Hey, you." she said with a hint of agression. One had to make themselves stand out in a crowd somehow, especially while actually IN a crowd.


The balding man either didn't hear her or ignored her, as he began to hammer a small piece of metal into a shape on his anvil. He held it up to the sun, evidently checking the creases.


"Hello? Hey! I'm talking to you!" she said with a hint of a growl at her last words. The man sighed and turned to her, scowling a little.


"Didn't someone teach you little girls aren't to speak unless spoken to?" he barked at her. She blinked, eyes widening, dumbfounded. Someone hadn't been THAT rude to her in quite a while indeed.


"Well that's just-" she started her retaliation, before being cut off.

"-Well, what do you want?" the man scowled, throwing down a metalstained rag against the counter. "Time is money you know."


She sighed, rolled her eyes and retrieved her Grappling Hook from her satchel. The weapon had served her well for many years, getting her wherever she needed when her wings wouldn't cut it. Before she had learned to fly, the item had been her lifeline; even now, she kept it for the oft instances it was useful. Including using it as a weapon- people generally didn't expect that.


Unfortunately, the years of use were becoming apparent. The rope was worn and while still holding strong, was begining to become frayed. The metal portion was somewhat bent out of shape.


The man spat a bit of what was probably chewing tobacco beside him, and picked up the weapon, giving it a close examination. He tapped his finger against the claw, and shrugged a little.


"I'd give you seven rupees for the whole thing. Ten if you show me how to tie that knot-" he said, pointing at the tie between the rope and claw.


"I don't want to sell it!" Sariri said with a scowl. "I was wondering how much it'd cost to fix it up. Replace the rope, straighten out the metal."


The man paused and shrugged. "For that? Ten minute job and a length of rope. Sixty Rupees."


Sariri was reaching into the money portion of her mail bag, only to blink, stop and drop her jaw. "W-what... that's... that's highway robbery right there!" she said, stammering a bit. The man shrugged.


"I don't like you bird folk, or your odd tools. And I especially don't like mouthy girls like that. I'll take fifty. Final offer, take it or leave it."


Sariri scowled. Traditional vender's bluster, that's what it all was. She knew bartering was the system here in this part of Hyrule, but something THAT ridiculous just couldn't be standed.


Plus, she only had about thirty six rupees on her anyway.


"I'll give you twenty, and be lucky for that. Like you said, fifteen minute job and a piece of rope." she said with a scowl. "I'll tie the the freaking thing myself."


The man scoffed. "Twenty rupees isn't even worth getting my tools out for. Fifty. That's ten for the rope, ten for the heat I'll need to get my forge up to, and thirty for the trouble."


"'for your trouble'? Look around, does it look like you're getting any buisness today?" she said with a little anger. The man smirked a little bit, and she felt like wincing. When she was riled up, she had a habit of squeaking like, well, a bird. Evidently he had noticed that.


"Look, I feel sorry for you like that." he said with a mocking tint of his voice. "Obviously you're only out this far, birdy, is because your robin went and flew off with some other pretty magpie. I'll do you a favor and go for forty."


She scowled. "Do it for thirty five and I'll forget how rude you were next time I talk with the people who deliver your mail."


"What, so I have an excuse not to know of tithe increases? In your dreams, sparrow. But you're obviously desperate, so I'll do my charity for the poor today. Thirty five." he said, offering his hand.


Sariri grunted and looked into her money pouch, wincing when she dropped three yellow rupees and a four green rupees into the man's outstretched hand- she was still one short. He raised an eyebrow, evidently expecting more. Sariri glanced around quickly and... Yes! She smirked, noticing a small green gem beneath one of the vender's tables. She briefly held up one finger to the man, agily twisting herself beneath the nearest table and nabbing the fallen rupee in her beak. She flapped herself upright, dropped to the ground beside the rude forgeman, and dropped the rupee into her palm before placing it into his. He chuckled a bit, but waved her off and took the grappling hook.


"I'll take me maybe an hour, girly." he said with a grunt. "And don't hang around my stall for the whole time. A freak like you will scare the customers." he said grumbling. Sariri rolled her eyes, but walked off nonetheless.

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Skull Kid had come down from the roof and was walking through the bazaar, looking at some goods. Some things attracted his attention, a slingshot, some hats, but he restrained himself, he knew that money was important for the adults and did not know how long he would stay in the city. The thing that most attracted his attention was a mask store, their favorite were the ones that intimidated the most of people.


The city was confusing, so the times he walked through the roof, always playing his flute


Some time had passed since he arrived. So he decided to look for a store that sells food, because he was hungry. He had not eaten anything since he left the forest. Then he asked the direction to a boy, who showed him where to go, Skull Kid jumped on a roof and walked.


Along the way he saw something that made him remember his hatred of adults. a seller, asking a girl, a high price to do a job relatively easy. After a few seconds he saw that she was a Rito. Seeing that the seller had taken almost everything she had, and he was very rude, Skull Kid was angry. He was about to shoot an arrow at the seller when he calmed down and approached her playing a song.


He walk up to stand beside her and said. "That's why I do not like adults, you should have saved your rupees and asked another person to fix your hook." He turned away trying to not scare her. He walked up to come face to face with her and said. "My name is Skull Kid." he made a little reverence, taking off his hat, as one friend said that was how he should present himself at the city.

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DarkCrestSmall.pngGM Post: Hyrule Castle TownDarkCrestSmall.png

DarkCrestSmall.pngGM Post: Hyrule Castle Town


Far above the bustling sunlit alleys and structures of Hyrule Castle Town, two dark, batlike figures glided almost silently on the wind, save for the occasional dull thud as they flapped their powerful leathery wings. Although their featherless wings clearly marked them as mammals, their bodies seemed to be an overwhelming mix of reptilian and avian characteristics, with scaly, elongated heads that tapered into sharp beaks, and long tails that rippled with muscle—tails that swung sinisterly back and forth behind them in the invisible air currents like maces. The creature's faces were cruel rather than savage, with beady, glittering black eyes. Beneath their torso, each creature curled a pair of wickedly curved talons, obviously designed to tear out flesh and latch firmly onto prey.


The two monsters flew steadily—almost in unison—through the sparse cloud cover above the approaching city, taking great care to avoid dropping too close. From this distance, even the most sharp-eyed sentry wouldn't be able to see anything except a seemingly innocent pair of blackbirds—they couldn't be mistaken for Rito, since there was no reason why any of the winged people would dare fly so high and close to the sun. Although the creatures disliked the intense golden sunlight that burst through the clouds, their minds were tempered with the thought of what would happen if they failed in their mission. The pair was not clever enough to consider soaring away and leaving the mission uncompleted, but they did possess a cruel and rudimentary intelligence that made them the perfect spies. And now, as they passed without trouble over the shining white battlements of Hyrule Castle Town, they turned their dark attentions to the city below, their sharp eyes straining to find their target among the crowds of people.




The clearing Deralen had chosen for his training was apparently deserted, tucked well away into the city's southern wall, in a peaceful and grassy clearing that housed a small, silvery fountain with a nymphlike figure holding an urn from which the water tumbled into a oval pool. As soon as Deralen passed the few trimmed trees that separated the area from the crowded streets of the city, the dull roaring that he had come to associate with the pedestrian masses faded away almost completely. Perhaps the area served as a park of some sort or maybe even as a private garden—regardless, it would certainly serve the purpose he had in mind; namely, training.


Just as he began arranging himself into a flexing stance, however, there was a harsh and painful noise behind him, as if the surrounding air had been forcefully ripped in half. There was a muffled thud as two pairs of hooves descended and began to move stealthily across the grassy floor—turning around, Deralen caught sight of two creatures that seemed as if they had been born from a nightmare. Each of the monsters easily stood at six feet tall, with savage, leering piglike faces and bipedal bodies that bulged with muscle. Although their torsos were largely uncovered, each monster wielded a long, cruelly pointed spear. With low, hoarse growls, the creatures began to move forward slowly, their wide nostrils dilating as they scented the air around Deralen hungrily.




It was unusually cold inside Lorenz's shop, although he did not immediately register this, being cold-blooded and able to withstand much lower temperatures than other beings. It was only when a thick sheet of ice began to spread across the door and windows with a harsh, disjointed crackle that he looked up from the account books, but by then it was far too late. Three frost-covered creatures glided slowly towards him across the ground, their only recognizable features a gaping, toothless maw opened wide. The monsters were roughly rectangular in shape, although the way they were arranged was quite similar to a human body. While the Zora were known for being a tall people, the approaching monsters easily towered over Lorenz, and a chilling air seemed to emanate from them—a cold which managed to permeate even the Zora's resilient and fishlike skin.




The alley through which Raven led Raizen and his wife, Mira, was oddly deserted, which was unusual enough in itself—although Lorenz's shop was by no means luxurious, the Zora craftsman was quite skilled at his job, and his efforts had been met with no little success from the people of Hyrule Castle Town, meaning that he always had more customers than he could deal with. In fact, Lorenz had hired an assistant, Amy, for that exact purpose. Raizen's footsteps echoed loudly on the cobbled ground as they came to a halt in front of Lorenz's modestly-appearing shop, although it appeared to be closed—the door was shut firmly, and there was some sort of glimmering crystalline decoration that obscured the view of the building's interior through the windows.


Although it was a warm day and the golden sunlight was plentiful, the area around the shop was characterized by a bizarre and intense cold that seemed to discourage passerby from drawing too close—even the horse, Raizen, who was normally so steely-nerved, cantered back nervously from the door, nostrils wide as he snorted in alarm, dark eyes rolling. There was something very wrong about Lorenz Vibbard's shop, and it was clear that the horse, at least, would proceed no further.




Far away, to the eastern end of Hyrule Castle Town, the Temple of Time's wooden doors parted slightly as the same slender, hooded figure from before appeared, moving lightly across the steps that led into the deserted courtyard. She had not expected the enemy to launch an offensive so quickly, but there was no doubting the reverberations of evil that sounded across the city, quickening her pulse and the beating of her heart—there were Shadowspawn on the move within the city.


I only hope that I am not too late! she thought, quickening her pace considerably until it was all but a run, the long brown train of the cloak trailing behind her feet. She began to pray with what little hope she had left; praying to the Gods who had long ago abandoned Hyrule that she would arrive in time to prevent any deaths. Her fast pace soon carried her out of the deserted courtyard and out of sight, as she disappeared once more into the crowded confines of the capital city's streets.




OoC: Alright, this GM Post marks the beginning of where the action will pick up, now that all of the player characters have been introduced. As you can no doubt see, evil has somehow managed to bypass the gleaming defense of Hyrule Castle Town, and moves with a sinister purpose. Encapturer, I trust that you are familiar with the turn-by-turn battle system used in Shards of Twilight, and I'm pleased to inform you that a similar style will be used here. Basically, you are free to engage and attack your respective enemies as you wish, just be sure to avoid posting their actual reactions to the attacks. For now, the two monsters flying above are to be ignored, since they have yet to be noticed by anyone. Chaos Zero and Aqua Girl, your characters are able to turn away from the bizarre cold of Lorenz's shop or break down the door and assist the Zora in his battle against the Freezards—either way, the choice is yours.

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"Why thank you my prin...! Frost Magic!.... Lorence!" Mira said, as she gracefully jumped off the horse, she had to react quickly she touched the door and with a few flicks of her fingers she unfroze the door.


She opened the door, as she saw the creatures she quickly shifted her fingers quickly, activating her spell she made a wall of ice between Lorence and the creatures she then made signs again and used two walls of ice to hold down the creatures and suddenly knelt down to give Raven the opportunity to jump in, "Now!" She Screamed.

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Leaping over Mira, Raven already had his hand on the Noble sword while grabbing some Seeds of Mystery from his seed satchel. Landing on the frozen floor as he unsheathed his sword, anyone looking at him now would see death in his eyes. Though he had never said as such, he considered Lorenzs to be a friend, and nobody messed with his friends without paying very heavy price. Quickly standing up, he took the 5 seeds that he had in his hand and released them as he threw his arm to the left, each seed exploding into flame near the creatures to keep them distracted and unbalanced while he struck out at the nearest one with the Noble Sword.

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Lorenz had been looking over his recent orders and appointments and had seen that today wasn't going to be very busy. Then he thought the room might have gotten colder. It was hard to tell as he was used to colder temperatures and the shop did have a draft or two. Then the distinct sound of freezing could be heard from the windows an other objects. He looked up and saw the most bizarre creatures made out of ice apparently. All three were a decent bit taller than himself and looked quite dangerous. It left Lorenz speechless, though by no means paralyzed him. The room was getting quite cold, and the creatures looked aggressive. Lorenz needed to get rid of these intruders before too much longer; either that or get out.


Lorenz could only hope his water weapon would be affective against these ice creatures. There were a few swords in the shop but the creatures would have him pinned long before he could reach them. The fact that his weapon was made of water concerned him, it took much colder temperatures to freeze water he was using but it was by no means impossible. As there was still water in the air Lorenz summoned his weapon. The sapphire around his right wrist glowed a brighter blue momentarily and condensed into a lance in his right hand, and shield on his left arm. Lorenz looked at the three, seemingly mindless creatures.

"I won't get anywhere doing nothing!" he yelled out loud. Upon this call he jumped out and swung his lance down vertically to hit the nearest creature. However before he even had a chance to get near the creature a wall of ice appeared separating himself and the creatures. At first he thought it might have been the creatures using a defense but then he heard and saw two past customers outside.

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Meanwhile, a large shadow appeared in the air nearby Skull Kid and Sariri. Taking a closer look you would see that this was a large purple eagle-like bird with a feather-less cranium and was glinting at the item the Skull Kid was carrying. The bird moved slowly up to the duo, and then swiftly acted, clamping its large beak around the flute, yanking at it ferociously, hoping to take it back to its master.


Speaking of its master, Lokiri was having a good day, several people had bought his Red Potion already, he grinned as he stared at his multicolored Rupees in his hand greedily. He placed them in a sack formerly used to carry his mail and began waiting for more customers with a glint in his eyes and a smile on his face.

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Guest Tainted Black

Billos sensed something of consequence in Castle Town. He knew he was a wanted rogue, so he grabbed his signature cloak. He wore the ragged thing any time he went where he would be recognized. After donning it, he stepped outside of the cave. He invoked the powers of Farore's Wind, and the wind began to whip around him, causing the cloak to rustle. He landed not too far out of town, and he began to saunter in.

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Raven's shining blade cut sharply into one of the Freezards, slicing through its frozen body with a noise like breaking glass. However, the monster was not finished off so easily, and the golden-haired knight's attack had been reckless, inspired by concern for his friend. As Raven grasped the blade more firmly to draw it out and strike again, a powerful current of concentrated cold flowed up the sword's length and into his body, sending him flying against the far wall, where he began to shudder fiercely, almost unable to move. Without any indication that the sword had dealt any damage, the Freezard turned back to Lorenz, who had managed to summon his water-formed lance and was clutching it tightly.


Rejoining the other two monsters, the Freezards passed through the frozen barrier Mira had summoned as if it weren't solid, appearing on the other side unharmed. They drew closer, their icy outlines blurring together, and the intense feeling of cold within the room almost doubled, making it hard to even move. The three creatures drew closer to Lorenz, cold mist spewing from their mouths and swirling around them as they prepared to freeze the Zora solid. The flames that had appeared from Raven's mystery seeds flickered briefly before dying in the wake of the frozen creatures.

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Raven was hardly able to move. All he could do right then was watch as the Freezards seemed to simply phase through the ice. "Mi...ra...." Raven struggled upright and grabbed his seed shooter as he stumbled upright, reaching into his seed satchel and grabbing several more mystery seeds. "Take these...and throw them on the floor....hurry...there's not...much time......." Raven was no good as he was now. hardly able to move, having trouble breathing, the uneasy feeling that he had had increased several times over since the arrival at Lorenzs place. Ganon......could it really...be him...? The Evil King...of Darkness?!

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"This isn't good! If it gets much colder in here my body's going to stop functioning!" Lorenz thought at the three creatures drew in near him. He could feel his blood temperature dropping with the room temperature. Then he had an idea. The fact that his lance wasn't frozen inspired him. Water, even in freezing temperatures, could manage to remain unfrozen and a few degrees warmer than the outside air. With any luck his lance was still warmer than the ice creatures and an attack might start to melt them. Regardless, not doing anything would be suicidal so Lorenz had to act. With that thought he swung his lance horizontally to strike through each of the creatures as they approached. Having seen what fighting one did to Raven, he had no idea how his attack would go over.

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Skull Kid was distracted, but could see the approach of something in his direction. He did not know what it was but he knew it was big. he felt something trying to get his flute. He quickly grabbed the flute with strenght, trying to prevent that that eagle-like bird stole his flute.


He had an idea to get rid the bird. With one hand he held the flute and with the other he got a seed in his bag. He pulled the flute, pointing the vision of the bird to the ground. "Close your eyes." he shouted as he closed his own eyes and threw a seed on the ground in front of the bird. The seed exploded in a stunning burst of light. Unfortunately it had not worked and the bird flew off with the flute.

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