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Kingdom Hearts: Final Remnant [ADVANCED][PG][Accepting!][Started!]


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A Co-Owned RP by myself and Marsuvees Black.

There are many extremely large images in this thread. If your computer is slow, please wait a moment before continuing.

This is an R.P.820 only RP. Feel free to join solely for this RP.





Note: This RP take place DURING and JUST BEFORE Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Organization XIII is at its peak. Nothing significant seems to stand in their way. Organization XIII, just twelve nobodies, have carved a deep hole in the center of all worlds. Twelve nobodies? No, there were many more.


The secret squad of Pureblood nobodies named "Voluntas de XIII" exists in the dark shadow of the Organization. They are an elite group of nobodies devoted to serving the Organization, and assisting with the opening of Kingdom Hearts by keeping all threats at bay. They are also the only Pureblood nobodies known to exist beside the Organization. They are like the Organization, cold and yearning to gain the luxury of having a heart once again. They are not particularly "not good enough" to be one of the thirteen, but rather, they must carry on the Organization's legacy and become all powerful should the need arise. However, the Organization does not even know of the Keyblade wielder among Voluntas de XIII. The wielder of the final remnant of Keyblade lore. Among the final remnant of the Organization. Which are the final remnant of Pureblood nobodies. The Final Remnant lives.


Now a new threat to the Organization arises, and Voluntas de XIII must stop it before it puts the Organization in a bad situation. The threat are elite heartless. Like Ansem. They call themselves the Xeno Heartless, and they will stop at nothing to destroy the Organization, unless the Final Remnant destroys them first.



[spoiler=[b]Voluntas de XIII[/b]]




Foxiea - Scorching Chagrin - (destron)

One of the original members of Voluntas de XIII. Foxiea is a seemingly cheery girl who appears to be in her mid twenties. However, her temper can flare within seconds if you say something displeasing, even if she is a nobody. She has long black hair that is bright red on the ends. Her eyes are a deep shade of red, and she has a little white hair clip in the shape of the Organization's symbol that keeps her hair behind her right ear. She specializes in magma and lava, and she wields dual, shovel-like, red, black, and silver weapons with blades on the end that form the shape of the Organization.


Nelxiol - The Concealed Key - (Andx)

One of the original members of Voluntas de XIII. If you looked at him you'd guess he was about seventeen. He has a thin, athletic build and fair skin. His hair is a very dark blond, almost brown, that is thick and comes down to about the bottom of his ears. It stays out of his face and is otherwise quite straight. Though it was simply dyed when he was a complete being, the lower inch of his hair is now naturally a pale blue in contrast to his eyes which are blue green. He wields a silver and blue Keyblade called the Final Remnant that has a blade of sorts on the opposite side of the key in comparison to the normal blades of the key, which curve in sharp angles. However, none of the Organization members besides Xemnas know of this weapon, and he has been instructed to keep it hidden from as many people as possible, although this can sometimes be a problem, as he often feels as though he is a burden. Nelxiol can create and manipulate mist.


Xigserul - Composer of Insanity - (Bringerofcake)

One of the original members of Voluntas de XIII. He prefers to keep his hood up over his head, which covers his hair, but his face is still visible. His eyes are greener than any comparable forest. He wields a unique weapon he calls Brelixluma, which looks like a metal pole, and it is, but it has several surprises lurking within it, such as sharp, blade-like edges able to be launched long distances and extended to a few feet, and a hallucinogenic dart launcher. Ironically, he favors the fact that it's a blunt weapon used to hit people most of all. His power over mentality and perspective makes him ineffective against Heartless. The smaller and least complicated can at least be utterly destroyed by Brelixluma, but the bigger one are unaffected by his power because, simply put, they're mindless. Sentient beings like humans, Pureblood Nobodies, and intelligent Heartless are much more susceptible to his powers, which can only be used in short bursts to alter the target's perceptions. But as the target gets more and more fatigued, the more persuasive his powers become.


Yukoux - Dancer of Zephyr - (Andrew Baker)

One of the original members of Voluntas de XIII. Yukoux looks fairly ordinary, with straight black hair and bright blue eyes. On a mission, he is very cautious and doesn't like to be reckless. He wields the Zero Blade, which has Egyptian-like qualities. With emeralds lodged inside the blade, and smaller emeralds hanging from the hilt, the Zero blade has a golden handle and pommel. It can conduct wind well, which is Yukoux's element.


Xanik - The Silent Wanderer - (Final Fantasy Revolution)

Xanik has long, blue hair and is fairly tall. Unfortunately, he has little to no memory of his past. He can manipulate dust to his advantage, And wields a golden staff with a sapphire on each end and 4 blades on the front. He fights like a Hoplite would without a shield, fully offensive. He has also mastered defensive combat, which mainly consists of counter attacks and defenses that can become an attack. Some residents of Twilight Town recognize him from when he was human.



[spoiler=[b]The Xeno Heartless[/b]]




Noir - (Marsuvees Black)

All that is known about Noir is that he is the leader of the Heartless, and he rarely fights for himself, but rather, makes his army of Heartless do the dirty work for him. He took power when Malificent perished at the hand of Sora. Those who have seen him describe him as a devil, no matter what form he takes on. His power, the ability to change his physical appearance at will, seems to come from a giant tome he travels with.


~More Coming Soon



[spoiler=[b]Other Characters[/b]]

~Coming Soon




[spoiler=Noir Mugshot]


A photograph taken of the Xeno Heartless leader's true form.



[spoiler=The Final Remnant Keyblade]


The infamous Keyblade that Nelxiol wields and that somehow hold the key to liberation.



[spoiler=Xeno Shadows]


These Heartless are devilish versions of their ordinary counterparts. They have been altered by Noir's evil magic.





Not much is known about this mysterious lady except that she speaks in a strange tongue and she has an even stranger personality.





This blade used to belong to a Nobody, which is why the design doesn't fit its new wielder, Kythe.








[spoiler=[b]Terms to Know[/b]]

Pureblood Nobodies - human-like nobodies

ex. Organization XIII


Antibody - a demonic creature created when a Pureblood nobody get a heart. It's an extremely strong creature that varies in form and characteristics, although it generally becomes human-like. The heart leaves so much of itself behind sometimes, and this becomes a Pureblood nobody. Then when a large heart is drawn to this type of nobody, it adds much more than necessary so the nobody becomes demonic because of the overwhelming power of their new heart.




  • All normal YCM rules apply of course.
  • Absolutely no OOC-only posts. You will be kicked out immediately if you do this.
  • You will get a PM if you post something less than 5 sentences. If you do not fix it within 4 hours of your next log in, OR until I get back on and it has been past 4 hours, you will be kicked out.
  • I have the right to kick out anyone from this RP or reject any apps for any reason.
  • No arguing with me or Marsuvees Black.
  • I'm strict when it comes to godmodding.
  • You must stay as active as possible. Inactivity for a certain period of time (not yet determined) will result in getting kicked out.




This must be PM'd to ME and ME ALONE. If you post it, you will be rejected and you will have to wait anywhere from 24 hours to ever for you to be accepted, depending on much I like your app. If you send it to Marsuvees Black, he will show in the right direction, but there will be no punishment.


Erase everything in brackets.


One person can have one character.


[b]Name:[/b] [Organization Name, must include an X]
[b]Real Name:[/b] [Human name, must be your name without the X and unscrambled]
[b]Title:[/b] [Example: Flurry of Dancing Flames is Axel's]
[b]Gender:[/b] [straightforward]
[b]History:[/b] [With a heart, not as a Nobody]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [Pic or description]
[b]Weapon:[/b] [Pic or description, must have a name, if you would like to be a Keyblade wielder, just state this, but you must still have another weapon in the app]
[b]Fighting Style:[/b] [Doesn't have to be long]
[b]Element:[/b] [Example: Fire, Space, Wind, Water, Earth, Light, Thunder, Darkness, and Ice are the Organization's, try to stray from these or build on them]





Although image credit is not required, I felt Mr. Hide Patten deserves credit for all images except for the TekTek avatars, which were all made by me.

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  • Replies 82
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Guest Morpheous Erebos

Name: Xonev

Real Name: Nove

Title: Serenade of Crashing Storms

Gender: M

History: Will add later, running short on time =/

Appearance: [spoiler=W/O the wings]1130956180_er_warrior.jpg


Weapon: Torrent Blades



Fighting Style: Will add later, can't describe right now.

Element: Storm

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You must edit your app, as well as PM it to me. Because I like your app so far, you must only wait 24 hours to be accepted.


Just in case you don't know what I'm talking about, check the short paragraph at the top of the "App" spoiler. Sorry about that. XD

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Because we have 3 accepted members (Andx, Bringerofcake and Andrew Baker) as well as the two co-owners, we can officially start this RP. ALL rules now apply. I'll update the Voluntas de XIII spoiler with everyone's characters soon. For now, just get up, and go to Saix, maybe chat with someone or something. I (as Saix) will give you the mission.

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Because we have 3 accepted members (Andx, Bringerofcake and Andrew Baker) as well as the two co-owners, we can officially start this RP. ALL rules now apply. I'll update the Voluntas de XIII spoiler with everyone's characters soon. For now, just get up, and go to Saix, maybe chat with someone or something. I (as Saix) will give you the mission.

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Because we have 3 accepted members (Andx, Bringerofcake and Andrew Baker) as well as the two co-owners, we can officially start this RP. ALL rules now apply. I'll update the Voluntas de XIII spoiler with everyone's characters soon. For now, just get up, and go to Saix, maybe chat with someone or something. I (as Saix) will give you the mission.

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Because we have 3 accepted members (Andx, Bringerofcake and Andrew Baker) as well as the two co-owners, we can officially start this RP. ALL rules now apply. I'll update the Voluntas de XIII spoiler with everyone's characters soon. For now, just get up, and go to Saix, maybe chat with someone or something. I (as Saix) will give you the mission.

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Xigserul awoke, and felt tired again. He felt like he could...Nah. Nobodies can't feel. But fatigue was a problem. All of this mental leaping and controlling can really wear a guy out. But, today was another day. He got up, and put on his Organization robe, a standard black cloak, complete with hood. It was a somber and solemn affair, the only problem was that your standard Nobody wasn't one for somber and solemn. He headed into the main chamber, changing his image into that of Sora. He took a seat on the couch and waited for another member to show up. Organization's regulation: Two members to a mission.

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Nelxiol was having the strangest dream. Perhaps in response to his worries about not being able to summon his keyblade recently. This dream was so vivid though. He fell through an empty void except it wasn't empty. There was a bright platform, made of glass. It had very complicated designs on it. Most prevalent was a large image of his keyblade.

"Don't be afraid, the test won't last long." said a mysterious voice.

As the dream progressed Nelxiol dreamed about fighting heartless and lower nobodies. Then at the end a strange darkness and light engulfed him. When he woke up his keyblade, the Final Remnant was back in his hand. He hadn't had it for a week or two but now this dream and it was there. The whole situation perplexed him.


Nelxiol got up and prepared for the day. He had a mission today, which was odd. His powers with his element were pretty good but the fact that he hadn't been able to summon his weapon yet made the others feel he was a burden. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to tell them about his weapon returning or not. He decided against it. He had no issues with his missions as of late. No need to go about changing things. He pulled the silver cloak over his head as he generally did and went out the door. He walked into the gathering room of the Voluntas de XIII. Saix would be there to give missions and then they wouldn't see anything of the Organization members until Saix's return the next day. He saw one other member in the room but wasn't sure if he was his partner or not. He sat down and tried not to draw much attention to himself.

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Saix beckoned to the two Voluntas de XIII members that had arrived. Both were glancing at each other as they proceeded towards Saix. "Hello there. I assume you are both prepared, for this will be your first real mission. I trust you've been to Twilight Town before with the Organization members for training. Today, it will be just you two. We have spotted a new Heartless of some kind. It seems to be some sort of shadow that inhabits the back alleyways. Just to be safe, we are sending you to the market area where you can blend in with the crowds. Merely eliminate the new heartless threat and RTC immediately."

The pair nodded, and Saix thrust his hand out to his right and opened a portal that consisted of the swirling darkness that consumed them every day.


OOC: For those of you that have not played KH:358/2 Days, RTC = Return To the Castle.

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Xores woke up from a nightmare stating that he could not summon his keyblade, Shinkuriki and that he would lose all that he cared for. "It was only a dream... but... i don't want it to be in reality." Xores said as he stood up, panting hard, still scared of that horrible nightmare. He got up from his bed, washed himself up from head to toe, brushed his teeth smooth yet soothingly, got his Shinkuriki, put on his pitch black Organization robe, which was a complete set with a hood and was on his way to adventure.

Xores then disappeared when a black aura swirled around him and reappered at the Organization castle and sat on the couch looking around the castle. Let's see... since the rule states that Two members equals a mission... i yet have to wait for another memebr to show up... then we'll get our mission.

Xores thought to himself as he waited patiently for another member to show up so that they can start this mission.

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Yukoux woke up and had a familiar feeling which usually t that he was either going to be late or he was late... again. Recently he'd gotten a few annoyed looks from some of the other members because of this. He decided to instead focus on what he was going to be late for, and it hit him as he pulled on his shirt, Saix was going to give them a mission today! He started rushing and he threw on his robe, found his gloves lying on the floor, put his boots on as he went through the door and barely grabbed his weapon before heading out. *Dang, Saix is giving us our first mission today. I can't believe I'm gonna be late, today of all days. I'm gonna be in so much trouble for being late, Saix is gonna kill me.*


He ran into the room barely in time to hear Saix tell two other Organization members the mission and to see him open a portal with a casual wave of his hand. He looked around and spotted another member sitting on a couch, *What's he doing? Oh right the rule... Two members equals a mission. I gotta keep this stuff straight.* He walked up toward Saix and waited for orders.


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"Right-o, Saix sir."

Before the tow entered the Corridor, Xigserul projected a field around himself, and another around his partner...Nelxiol, that was it. He anticipated the skepticism, so before either Saix or Nexiol could ask, Xigserul said, "It's a mental projection field. Whenever anyone looks at you, you will quite literally not be yourself." This was his element. Espionage, or as close as you could get in the Organization. He entered the Corridor, waiting for his partner on the other side.

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Saix waited for a few moments, standing perfectly straight up, before beckoning to the two newcomers. Again, they shuffled their feet slightly, then started towards Saix, who waited patiently, staring at the two of them with his golden eyes. When they were within a few feet of them, they halted. "Your mission will be to locate a certain shopkeeper. We're not sure where exactly he is, but he has something to do with the Heartless, although we're not sure what exactly that is. Locate him, find out what he is doing that he shouldn't be, take him out if necessary, and RTC." Again, Saix thrust his hand out and another portal opened up.

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"Sir!" Xores said as he gripped his Shinkuriki. Xores and stepped onto the portal and looked at his member. He may be useful to me but just keep him in case of vast emergencies. Xores thought has he gripped his Shinkuriki tightly. "So hold on, let me get this straight... you want us to find this shopkeeper, not even knowing his whereabouts, knowing if he has information about the heartless, although we still don't know where that is... and wanting us to elimniate him if necessary?

And exactly where are we going to start looking? There has to be a certain town or village or something that can lead us to him Saix." Xores said stepping out of the portal.

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"Do you have a mind of your own? I should not have to do any thinking for you. A marketplace would be good place to start, and perhaps some shopkeepers will know of whom you are speaking of. You should be thankful you are not going off to hunt an extremely dangerous enemy. Although, if you do not going, you might be." Saix's eyes glimmered and obviously was referring to himself, "Get out of my sight."

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Yukoux stood completely still all his attention on Saix as he told him and his partner their mission. He nodded to Saix in understanding as he finished telling them their mission and opened a portal for them, and without a second thought stepped toward the portal. He looked at his 'partner' for a moment, *I hope he can make up for my lack of skill.* Yukoux was underestimating himself as usual and letting his thoughts get the better of him. *Nevermind that now! Focus on the mission we can't under any circumstances screw this up.* He turned back towards the portal and stepped through it.


He appeared in what seemed to be a back alleyway. Yukoux walked past his partner to the edge of the alleyway and looked around. He seemed to be in the center area of a marketplace, *Ok, now we need to find the shopkeeper who's doing something with the Heartless, shouldn't be too hard.* He turned and walked back into the alleyway and made sure that he still had his weapon under his rope. Then he looked at his partner, "We're in a marketplace of some sort, where do you want to start looking?"

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Nelxiol silently followed Xigserul into the corridor before Saix had begun to hand out the second mission. He took note of Xigserul's odd barrier of sorts. He noticed nothing different about himself. As he emerged on the other side of the corridor Xigserul was there. Twilight Town looked just as it always had on his previous adventures there.

"So, you're saying people won't notice anything odd about us with your barrier? Handy considering our cloaks aren't exactly inconspicuous." Nelxiol asked Xigserul. His cloak in particular stood out. The black cloak was odd enough but his silver version of it really stood out.

"More importantly, will any heartless be able to see us as enemies?" he said.

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