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!!! THE ULTIMATE CARDS (not overpowred) !!!


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tell me what you think guys (and possiblr girls but im thinking no)




card text

This card can not be special summoned. This card requires 5 tributes to normal summon. This card can not attack. Once during your main phase you may activeate one of theese effects. (you may not activate one of these effects twice in a row.) *You may special summon one monster from your graveyard that has been destroyed by battle. *You may return one Spell or Trap card to your hand from your graveyard. *you may skip your opponents next turn(meaning when you end this turn, it will go back to your draw phase) * you may destroy all cards on the field, exept this card. after dooing so shuffle all cards in you and your opponents graveyard and hands, into their respective decks, and both players draw 3 cards, in addition to this both players lifepoints get re-set back to 8000.

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