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Fight Night 1 [Accepting/Sort-of-Advanced]


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"Fight Night 1" is probably the first boxing Role Play. I plan to make this my best RP yet.


In the alleyways of NYC there are usually some fights. Some make it into big time, some obviously don't. Its your job to go through the 3 circuits and become the champion!




Minor: 0-100 Posts, The guys who fight garbage cans in alleyways, try to be better ;)


Major: 100-500

You go to the rings at casinoes, you fight some of the best.


World: 500-1000+

Well, you've made it to the big leagues. You now fight the champion, of the WORLD. Otherwise, you just try not to get killed by your challengers.




[spoiler=Sign Up App]

Boxer's Name:


Special Move:



[spoiler=My App]

Boxer's Name: Rockfist

Picture/Desc: Brown Hair, Black Boxing Shorts

Special Move: Rock On!





All YCM Rules



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