Vavel Elreigner Posted January 27, 2010 Report Share Posted January 27, 2010 As the sounds of screams and blades clashing filled the air, the resistance soilders began to fight with more valor and forced themselves to continue. Shishio lifted his sword high into the air to attack Josep a soilder quickly made his way through the others and jumped in to the air, he then spinned three times before kicking Shishio in the face and knocking him over. When the General hit the ground it seemed as if the earth shoock under the feet of the soilders. Then the soilder that had hit Shishio landed in front of Josep and Diamond he turned to them. "This makes it 50 times Josep." The masked man that stood with his rapier in hand and ready for Shishio to attack back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted January 28, 2010 Report Share Posted January 28, 2010 Panik oberserved the battlefield. 'Lies can be created, rumours can be spread, we can make Shishio's death seem purely by accident, or the execution of a traitor. If Shishio's destiny is too die, charge up the cannon and strike him down, along with the blood prince Josep' he ordered. He watched the battle, too many humans this powerful would be detrimental, who would honestly miss one general, especially one like Shishio. 'Fire on my command, keep the cannon charged until the very moment I order to fire' he oredered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 28, 2010 Report Share Posted January 28, 2010 "....Understood." Daena could see the logic behind the move. That doesn't mean it didn't leave a bitter taste in her mouth. She returned her focus to the battle below as she relocated the brawl. This skirmish needs to end quickly so that she can bring about the end of the war, in her own way instead of prolonging the fighting. "490 feet, aur 7, ....-3 nei." The flamecannon took aim at Josep and Shishio, waiting for Panik's command to fire. Daena wondered if the cannon would hit; the fight was taking place near the edge of her range. She opened up her eyes to gain a better perspective of the field, although she soon found that she was too far away for her normal eyes to be of any use. For now, she closed her eyes again and focused on her second set of eyes, the Kuus Meeli. ((Shishio's almost out of range of the Kuus Meeli, so by going far away from the cannon on the cliff, the weapon becomes more inaccurate. Of course, there's always the plan of going inside, and fighting the dragons operating the flame cannon.)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted January 28, 2010 Report Share Posted January 28, 2010 Panik's eyes watched the battle field, waiting for the moment they meet for the final fall. 'Farewell Shishio, we barely knew ye' he recited in his head. The funeral probably wouldn't occur, but it seemed somehow funnier to think the words now. The fighters were seprate, but the fireball should remain on target, despite the sheer scale between the cannon and the battle site. 'FIRE!' he commanded. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vavel Elreigner Posted January 28, 2010 Report Share Posted January 28, 2010 Just then the young masked soldier turned towards Shishio and readied himself, he then smiles and looks back at Josep. "I'll take care of him; you have fun with them." The young soilder then pressed his fingers against the mask he was wearing and then rushed off towards the dragon in front of him as others began to swarm bith Josep and Diamond. This young man has two different names that he goes by, to most people in the resistance he is known as Sir Masquerade a great swordsman that is thought to be immortal but, that is not his real name nor is he immortal, nothing more then something to hide him from the one's that can't be trusted. In reality this young soldier is the human knight, Ryden Ayiodo and only the most trusted of the resistance knew this; people like Diamond, Josep and Nazo. The young knight was part of the resistance but he was also Nazo's best spy in the dragon army this being the reason that Nazo forced him into dressing in the colonial outfit along with light armor. As he clased his rapier against Shishio's buster blade his eyes turned slightly to the distance and noticed General Panik and Daena, two high ranked dragon knight he had worked under before once or twice. Ryden's attention then returned to Shishio as he kicked the young man in the stomach and knocked him over. The knight then stood back up and smiled as he heard the dragon's voice question who he was. Ryden then looked at the man through his mask and then he grabbed the hat with the white feather on it that he had knocked off his head when he was kicked. The young man then tilted his black hat down slightly and then smiled as he took his stance. "I am very surprised General. Here I thought you knew who I was. I am Sir Masqurade The Immortal." He said as he waited for Shishio to ready himself once more. "I have come to end your existance General Shisho Kaisuno. So Face me." Before he had a chance to to fight the young knight noticed that a giant fire ball was flying towards Shishio and himself. The blast was so big that it was going to be able to take Shishio, himself as well as Josep and Diamond. He then turned towards the attack and jumped up at it. "Flama del luz!" Ryden then created his own attack and blasted the giant inferno ball off of it's course, but doing so drained his energy. He then stood up and looked towards Shishio. "Well this is going to be a little harder then I thought." Just then the fire ball hit about 20 feet into the forest nearby. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wuu. Posted January 28, 2010 Report Share Posted January 28, 2010 While Yuuto was consequently slaying the humans who opposed the dragon's might a warrior dressed poorly and looked like a peasant tried to sting his back, but due to the overly perfect state of Yuuto's armour and the peasants poorly executed sting he turned around towards the peasant who was shivering in fear being afraid of the void that was death Yuuto felt a a sense of compassion towards him "What is a peasant doing in the midst of a battlefield?" He yelled, Yuuto stepped towards the peasant and took his arm that was occupied by the rusty blade and took it out of his hands and used it to throw it into someone's head "You should return to your family, peasant... They must be worried about you." He said and sent him to retreat At least i wont have his death on my conscience. He thought, returning his mind on the big slaughter and started another skilled spree. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted January 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 ooc:this is what I get for losing ONE day of RPing...gomene. Shishio Looked at the human and avoided the latest blast. "What the hell is Panik thinking? any closer and I would have been hit...." he looked up towards the General in charge of this skirmish. "he will pay dearly for this later..." he looks at Masquerade and lifted his blade slicing down towards him, and though he missed Masquerade the force of his blow slashed various soldiers behind, killing some, and leaving others impaired."Stop running around!" he rushes towards the boy again and slashes horizontally with great force. Josep looked towards where that blast came from, it looked like they knew he was around. "Crap.....first Masquerade comes to the rescue like the jack@ss he is...and now this..." He begins running through the crowds."well then....I'll give them what they want...I doubt they can hit a fast moving target....I think...." he holds on to his pendant and runs through the mob in front of him. Far away from the war zone, overlooking everything, Jazeth smiled."The smell of blood is quite enjoyable in the morning breeze...." he joked making sure the tides were in the Dragon's favor, if not, then he was going to have a field day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Daena kept focus on Josep until the fireball landed. Unfortunately, it was knocked away harmlessly by one of the human soldiers. No one down in the thick of battle was happy about that development. "Seems like General Shishio was not pleased with that attempt." Daena said, still focusing on the battle. The flamecannon hummed quietly as it charged up for another attack. Knowing that Josep was still a high priority target, her sights remained on him. "470 feet... no 450......" Daena turned silent as she watched. It seemed like Josep noticed that they were aiming at him. She tried to read his movements but the became increasingly erratic. "Can't get a bead on Josep, and I think he might be coming up here to us..." She wasn't sure, but it would be the thing she would do in his situation. She lamented the fact that the scatter-fire mode was not perfected yet, else they could seal Josep's movements with a rain of magical fire. They could try it, at the risk of the cannon exploding in flames in their faces, and they would be lucky to escape alive if that would happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted January 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 "Okay, getting their is more difficult than I thought it would be...." it was a crowded path, , dodging through them was difficult, especially at his speed, but he knew he had no choice, he had to arrive up their and fight, even if they best him in a fight, their aim was on him, if he were near the Dragon's they may hesitate.....may. the closer he got, the more energy he put in his pendant, close to awakening it, but he needed the right moment, after a release he didn't know how long he would be able to control his swords....before the Blood prince truly appeared, he looked back as Ryden and Diamond dealt with Shishio, he hoped they would be okay. He looked back up and saw a familiar face, he had sen her under the command of Panik before, and she would be a difficult battle. "Daena.....great...just great" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Panik bent down to whisper to Daena. 'Prepare to evacuate the dragons, there is a fail-safe I had installed in the cannon, should the need arise. Begin evacuation as soon a spossible' he whispered, only to face Josep. From the empty holster, he drew out the Eternusoblivio. He pointed the blade at Josep. 'Well men, and woman. It appears that we are graced by the presence of the Blood Prince himself, truly an honour' he stated, attempting a conversation to draw out the evacuation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vavel Elreigner Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Masquerade jumped back and then continued to fight off Shishio, the dragon's attacks were powerful but slow and Ryden had no problem dodging them. He made sure that he did his best not only for himself but for the human soldiers that were also in the way. Masquerade continued to clash his rapier against the giant blade Shishio carried. Though the human was making the Dragon general angry he could feel a small hint of satisfation. It seemed that he was making a good impression with the general but during the struggle Ryden felt a familair glare in the distants. Though there were many others, though the battles did not stop, Ryden felt as if he was one of the only two on the battlefield. The other man was the most powerful soldier the dragon army had, Jazeth. Ryden turned to look at the only man that could send a true cold shock down his spine. The human's rage then began to boil over as he thought of the powerful warrior, but as it all came in Ryden returned to the battle against Shishio as Masquerade. He then began a more firey assualt against the Dragon in front of him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wuu. Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Through the massive battleground filled with warriors two warriors who had amazing skill pulled the attention of Yuuto, What are those two? They make me look like a small kid! He thought and decided to move closer towards the two epic warrior while still stabbing, slashing, impaling and decapitating any soldier who would eventually cross his path, finally when he got close to the two he inspected them while staying unnoticed They are indeed the two warriors from afar He watched admirably as the two where fighting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Daena nodded in response, and began a sweep of the escape route down the backside of the hill. Nothing dangerous, good. "Evac Delta," she told the nearest soldier, who then proceeded to relay the command to the others. Under that protocol, the soldiers would escape slowly through a predetermined escape route, making sure not to draw attention from any high-profile enemies. This meant they could not undergo any transformations to escape. The high-profile enemy soon showed himself; the blood prince Josep. The path he took would get him to the cliff without going around the backside, but he would have to plow through wood and sandbagged barricades. He probably would have no problem getting through them, as they were designed to keep humans out, not dragons. On top of that, he glanced her way, as if he recognized her from somewhere. Well, that didn't matter. All that mattered was that Josep needed to be taken out, hopefully without using the flamecannon's failsafe. Even though it was a tool of war, she actually liked the thing. She retreated behind Panik to create some distance between herself and Josep, so she can blast Josep safely; nothing else she could do would do much damage. Well, maybe her personal weapon, a gun-like object that was essentially a miniaturized short-range flamecannon could hurt Josep, but close range combat was always risky. The fact that she was also further away from the flamecannon was an added bonus. She dug Kuus Meeli into the ground, and began to focus. She extended her arm, and a ball of bright white light formed at her palm. As she continued to focus, the light started to dim. When the time is right, Josep will take the full brunt of her attack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted January 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 "Damn cliffside....they prepared too well for this, there mst be a reason why they would barricade the route, considering they would have no other way off the cliff.....but Panik is far smarter than that, I just wonder what he's up to..." he used his sword to keep slashing through as many obstacles as he could, though a few managed to cut into him....stupid barbed wire."almost there, with one final leap he saw them, but at the same time, he noticed a bright light. ".........crap" Shishio was becoming amused, his opponent was beginning to fight more furiously. "You really are quite the interesting specimen, we'll take some time later to examine what makes you strong Human....unless of course their is nothing left to examine of you when I'm done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Didn't expect him to get up here this fast! Daenelera thought as she fired her energy wave. She didn't have enough time to charge it, so the glowing sphere of energy was fired from her palm, heading towards Josep. If one ran away from it, you could not outrun it, but Daena made some distance before charging, so Josep probably had a good amount of time to dodge. Realizing this, she closed her eyes and centered Kuus Meeli's sensing sphere around herself. She held her soul weapon in her left hand, and dug out her flame gun out of its holster under her robe. Her original plan failed, so she would need to be able to escape, or at least fend off Josep's attacks. The soldiers were already well down the hill as this occurred. The sight of Panik and herself would probably draw Josep's attention, Daena thought, as she aimed her flame gun at Josep. He was too far away, but that was irrelevant. All that was important was that she already started to transform into a dragon, under her robes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted January 29, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Josep overlooked the blast, he had jumped up at the last second, but it had gone ahead and blasted the side of his stomach "damn!" he fell towards the ground, but began rolling as much as he could so he could still move forward towards her position, as he jumped up his pendant shone brightly for a short instant. "Alma!!!Espiritu!!!!" the Pendant separated in two as his true swords appeared. "all then....I....oh boy." he sensed she was changing, activating her Dragon Blood, his eyes became slit as he braced himself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vavel Elreigner Posted January 29, 2010 Report Share Posted January 29, 2010 Ryden fought harder then he normally wanted to and if he was not careful he would give himself away. Masquerade then found an opening and stabbed the dragon, with that a loud roar filled the air. Masquerade then charged his aura and smiled as he forced the flames onto his opponent. "Flames of the immortal!" The attack then sent the monster into the knights that sided with him. With that Masquerade waited once more for Shishio to stand once more as well. "Come now dragon show me what you think is true power... so that I may crush it and show you!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted January 31, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 31, 2010 Shishio looked around, the stab wound in him would eventually heal, but this "Masquerade would become an obvious problem later on, he picked up his own blade and was soon about to call forth his spirit weapon, but then, he felt an odd pulse, the second time he felt it was like a warning, he gazed far into the horizon, and there he was, Jazeth overlooking the battlefield, that was the signal for Shishio to leave."Well then...I won't be able to finish a warrior I bid you farewell, boy. your pretty good, but still nothing to this Kingdom"He grows his wings back and flies away, armed guards still protecting him on the way out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vavel Elreigner Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 Masquerade cut his way through as many guards as he could but by the time the young warrior got to Shishio he had managed to fly away. As Shishio fiew, Masquerade turned to look back at Jazeth but when he did the dragon was also gone. Ryden sighed softly as he turned to look towards the Dragon army soldiers that were left. Most of them began to retreat and Ryden sighed with relief as they did. The young knight then turned to look at Josep and then rushed over to his aid when he noticed that he was out numbered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted February 1, 2010 Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 Panik walked forward to bar the way between Josep and Daena. 'Unfortunately for you, traitor prince, your life ends here. The Muses will sing upon this day when you are engulfed in a fiery maelstrom of despair, with none to remember your name' he quoted succintly. He raised his blade into a defensive stance, held diagonally across his body. He was waiting to see what the failed prince will do. 'I am outnumbered weapon wise, however, in skill and power I should be his superior'. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord JZ of the Enigma Posted February 1, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 1, 2010 "Damn....girl in back turns into a Dragon....and now Panik is ready to kill me.....this battle is dwindling in importance...I really should just leave and regroup....that would be best for us all....but I doubt Panik will just allow me to leave like I may as well give him something of a fight." he lifts his blades and points one towards Panik, the other away, in his stance, hoping they really won't have to fight, but ready for anything none the less Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Panik smirked as he lowered his blade, watching the movements of the prince. His eyes weren't visible to his opponent, so the blood prince wouldn't notice that Panik's eyes were looking aaround the plateau, small wisps of shadow were starting to creep up on Josep. 'This will be too easy, he looks distracted, so this i s the best oppertunity to attack and defeat him, I'm sure Jazeth would want him alive, or at least close to that.' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Daena said nothing as Panik faced off against Josep. She slowed her transformation so that she could still wield her weapons, since she didn't want to be caught off guard. Her transformation then stopped, the only visible signs being the silver scales on the back of her hands and the distinct webbing in between her fingers and toes. With Panik engaging Josep, she was free to scan the area for other interlopers. She learned two things. First, it seems like Jazeth was approaching. She thought about leaving before he got here, since he was never pleasant to be around. That plan was dashed when she noticed the second thing of note. A masked soldier was making his way through the path Josep cleared earlier, probably to assist him. For now, all she could do was to make sure Panik was not interrupted. She spread her arms to the side, revealing scales, that when combined with her arms, formed the wings in her hybrid form. She couldn't fly like this, but she could use them to glide short distances. She jumped off the side of the cliff, falling slowly, yet awkwardly, until she landed along the path Josep took to reach the summit. Surrounded by torn barricades, she put her hands at her side, gripping Kuus Meeli and her flamegun, and waited for the masked soldier to make his way to her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vavel Elreigner Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 Ryden stopped as soon as Daena landed just in front of him, he then stopped and looked at her. The young knight worked for her and Panik once during his days as a trainee and low-ranked soldier. He knew a lot about the way they worked together, Panik just sat back and would give orders while Daena made sure that they were put into action. The solider then smiled as he drew out his rapier, he then stopped and put it back. Masquerade smiled softly and then bowed, removing his hat as he did, Ryden was just being polite as always. Though he was secretly part of the resistance Ryden had a lot of respect for Daena. "I'm sorry dear lady but you seem to not only be in my way but also my enemy. I have no other choice." The masked knight then draws his blood soaked rapier and takes his stance. "Will you continue to stand in my way, or shall you move so that I may put an end to this senseless violence?" Ryden was ready if he knew anything about Daena it would be that in a fight he would best her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted February 2, 2010 Report Share Posted February 2, 2010 This one's of Dragon Blood! Daena thought that this masked soldier was a dragon, fighting for the humans. Occasionally, she would get strange readings from Kuus Meeli's soul sensing ablilty, and not notice it, since she tended to rely on that more often than her natural instincts. He was probably the one who knocked away the flamecannon blast earlier, too, she thought, since that soldier also wore a mask. In light of this, she holstered her flamegun, and held Kuus Meeli with both hands. "You goal is noble, and It's a shame that we're on opposite sides," Daena replied. Her voice was soft, though she sounded sad as she spoke. "But," she continued, her voice getting firmer. "I *must* protect my country!" She closed her eyes fired off three quick flashes of bright light from her hand; one upward, one towards the masked soldier, and one away from the mountain. These energy blasts were relatively weak, any well trained soldier could take the hits with little problem. They moved slow, as well. The advantage, though, was that they were very bright, flooding the vision of those who saw them with white light as long as the blasts didn't dissapate by hitting something. Daena then jumped backwards and prepared a stronger attack, as the light ball in her hand now began to dim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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