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Dragon Guard Requiem/Wrath of The Dragon King [Started,Accepting]

Lord JZ of the Enigma

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[spoiler=PLOT]: We all live in a world in which Humans and Dragons try to live together in peace, but it was never an easy thing to do, The Humans always tried to have order and did things in a civilized manner, while the Dragon’s lived freely and openly letting the course of nature take it’s course.

It was difficult for them to coexist at first, until the day that both species discovered the power of “Soul” using it they were able to increase the rate of farm productivity, Hunting was plentiful, people were born and raised in a healthy environment, and Science and Magic could understand the other. Finally, Humans and Dragon’s had gain their own portals to the spiritual, what was known as, the “Soul weapon” a look into their own soul in the shape of their own weapon of choice. They were not used for violence, instead they were used for rituals and empowerment of the spirit, and everything seemed to be right with the world.

But as all things do, this peace would not last, the Soul of the Planet itself began to fade due to the constant struggle of being used by both species for it‘s resources, thus making the shaky peace between the two people collapse. War broke out, and the Dragon Army took advantage of the fact that they were physically more powerful and the fact that they could easily take the shape of a human to defeat their enemies, thus forcing most humans into slavery and decreasing their resources they can get from the planet to a bare minimum.

While many resistances attempted to go against the New Dragon Kingdom all were doomed to fail. Again, another resistance is trying to go against them, the difference is that we're in it(the RP'ers) and we have Intel from the inside, one of them being the fallen prince of The Dragon Kingdom. But of course, we have to be wary of the High General of the Dragon Kingdom, who isn't satisfied with simply enslaving humans, he wants them all gone, to finally protect the Remaining “Soul” in the planet. The Dragon King awaits to see what the humans are capable of. Will you join the Humans for freedom? Or “save the planet from the scum of humanity?


NOTE: I'll be playing The fallen Prince Josep, The Dark Prince Jazeth(


Josep is not the leader of the resistance, he acts as a simple soldier, I will allow anyone to be resistance leader.


[spoiler=Rules]1: All YCM rules apply

2: All advanced rules apply

3: Keep the OOC's to a minimum, use PM instead!!!

4:Don't go off killing other people's characters, if anyone decides to die it will be done later in the RP

5:One Character only, unless they are necessary

6:if you need to play an NPC, go ahead and do it

7:if I'm not on you may battle but not move too ahead of the story....I wanna be able to catch up when I come back

8:if you wish to play a resistance leader or Dragon General, PM me.

9: To prove to me that you read the rules, I want you name to be colored anything except Black,White, OR Gray

10:Enjoy the RP



Name:(Self Explanatory, just what do we call you....hmmm?)

Age:(Are you young?Old? Ancient? who knows?)

Appearance:(What do you look like? are you a glowing Adonis? or do you look like an ogre(even though they're not in this RP))

Species:(very Important, are you a Dragon, Human, or Halfling?[Half-human/Half-Dragon])

Alliance:(Simple, are you with The Human Resistance or The Dragon Army?)

Experience:(Are you a hardened veteran, or are you fresh from a training camp? you can place a military rank here if you like)

Gender:(He? She? It? Yubel?)


Physical abilities:(How strong are you? can you take a punch? describe your characters Physical capabilities as best you can)

Mental Abilities:(How intelligent is your character? average? above? under? any mental problems we should know about?)

Energy Abilities:


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name:(The Name of your great weapon Young[or old] Knight, it can be in any language that you like, so be creative, just have an English translation for those of us who are Lingually challenged....)

Mediator Appearance:(Can't always carry your weapon around....what does it look like when you have it sealed? is it a pretty necklace? a belt buckle? who knows...)

Weapon Appearance:(When the Weapon is unleashed, what does it look like? you can put a pretty picture if you'd like, and if you can't find one, write it out.)

Special Ability:(A special weapon would be nothing if it didn't have special powers, what can your Soul weapon do?)

Oversoul Mode:(When both your soul and the soul of your weapon unite, what are you capable of doing?)


Personality:(What are you like? Kind? weird? that jerk in the back of the class that keeps shooting spitballs at you? elaborate...)

Biography:(How did you come to be in this world? Were you born from a rich family? Poor? did you suddenly rise from the ashes of hell? *Must be at least 4 sentences long)


~Strength: /100

~Defense: /100

~Agility: /100

~Weapon Skill: /100

~Accuracy: /100

~Intelligence: /100

~Energy Manipulation: /100

~Fighting Spirit: /100

~Fusion Synchronization: /100

~Control of Powers: /100

-Total= /1000


NOTE: For now you only have 750 points to spread out, so place them wisely



[spoiler=Boss Battles] Now then, I decided to have some fun with my RP and decided to add characters to test your RPing skills, They are aptly named "Boss battles" and it's simple, when I place a Boss app in an OOC:Post a Boss battle will commence, this means you can't just beat the boss so easily, make the battle a little difficult, but you can emphasize what you do in a way that makes the fight entertaining, I have plenty of characters in my head for Boss battles so don't worry, and I even have some set up for our villains, so they don't feel left out, have fun!


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Name: Hide Ryuga


Appearance:A rather attractive male, a flare of red hair with the entirety of it spiked up, the fringe is pushed back bheind his goggles, the back is rather long going down to the bottom of his neck. He wears a tight black shirt that shows off his average amount of muscle, he has grey combat trousers and rarely wears shoe's or socks. He essentially wears a long turqoise green scarf and has black goggles at the top of his forehead.

Species: Human

Alliance: The Human Resistance

Experience: Recenetly joined though put a lot of effort in to training, he is already rather high in the resistance



Physical abilities:Hide has a rather strong defence, being able to take several punches. He has a naturally a good speed, being able to dodge and block several attempts of attacks. Though he lacks in attack power he makes up for it with his speed and ability to perform several attacks. Though he is not as strong as others he is still able to handle large blades and hammers

Mental Abilities: Not the smartest but he is still clever. He doesn't excel in academics but rather idea's, deception and timing


Soul Weapon

Name: Hikari (Translating in to Light)

Mediator Appearance: Simply a lighter with with a design of vines on it, it is similiar to a zippo but as soon as opened the flame starts

Weapon Appearance: A rather thin but sharp blade, medium in length with a small handle. It is a misty blue but has several long pieces of black string like material handing from the bottom

Energy Abilities: Energy Sap, Hide has the ability to sap others energy and make it own, be it to heal himself or use it. Though a drawback is that the energy he takes is nowhere near as strong as the original users. This increases his energy regeneration and health regeneration, his signature attack is to hold an enemy by the throat and drain some of their energy

Special Ability: Able to create a freezing mist cloaking Hide and if the mist hangs for too long, able to freeze others

Oversoul Mode: Sets Hide into a hyper speed mode in which he can jump several feet higher than usual and move immensly faster

Personality: A cocky and arrogant soldier, he rarely cares for others emotions unless he can use them to his advantage. He commonly lets girls get in his way, he strongly dislikes other males and despises them when they ruin his chances

Biography: Hide was a rather rich boy but extremely lazy. His parents urged him to do better in his academic work but he'd rather entertain women. They eventually kicked him out due to his flirtatious and uncaring nature. With no money and nothing to do, he joined the resistance, though he'd still rather fool around with women.



~Defense: 75/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 65/100

~Accuracy: 85/100

~Intelligence: 70/100

~Energy Manipulation: 50/100

~Fighting Spirit: 65/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 75/100

~Control of Powers: 75/100

-Total= 690/1000


hope thats ok

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Name: Kari Coplousky

Age: 19

Appearance: Kari is a intermediate height girl with short brown hair which is straightened down to just below her neck. She has normal sized pale blue eyes, a smallish nose and ripe red lips that look that of a vampires. Usually wears a crimson coloured long sleeve shirt with a golden breastplate over it and just crimson trousers at a slight tilt to the left.

Species: Human

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: Exiled, but still wishes to help them if they like it or not. Has experience with combat.

Gender: Yubel Female


Physical abilities: Kari is able to wield most weapons but hammers, in which she cannot move unless she drops it or tries harder than she would ever be capable of doing. She can take most sword/dagger attacks that are thrown at her, but things such as maces and spears seem to hurt her exceedingly badly.

Mental Abilities: Kari has always been a smart girl, ever since she was a child. She is capable of working out tactics incredibly quickly, along with fighting styles of people. She cannot, however, decide where something is going to land because of her rather poor eyesight.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon:]

Name: Verwelkend Rosa - Withering Rose

Mediator Appearance: Verwelkend Rosa usually appears as a red hairclip that Kari keeps within her hair to make sure that she doesn't lose it.

Weapon Appearance: Verwelkend Rosa takes the appearance of a normal longsword at first, with a rose allocated within it's hilt. After a few seconds, large thorned vines spread from the rose, covering nearly all of the blade but it's point and bottom hilt. During this, the blade's vines throb as they feed off of the energy it produces.

Special Ability: The blade is capable of doubling as a whip also. It can lash people within a long range with it's thorned vines. If the victim is unlucky, they could also get injected with a lethal poison from one of it's thorns, and will soon die. This poison is only contagious from being touched.

Oversoul Mode: Kari is able summon thorned vines from the ground to protect herself and attack nearby enemies also. These vines have near same identities to that of the vines wrapped around the blade itself. When the vines start to wither soon afterwards, they collapse upon themself; implode, causing the thorns that was upon it to scatter across it's level and never upwards. These thorns have the same property as the blade's thorns.


Personality: Kari never likes to speak to people, as she is one of the most shy people that anyone will ever meet. She usually does whatever she is told, no matter what the request is as she wishes to obey everyone commands. Whenever she feels that she is in danger of dying or something of the sort, she will back away from her enemy and always try to flee temporarily, which has gotten her into more trouble each time.

Biography: At birth, Kari was left for dead in the wilderness by her parents as they had gone to fight against local dragons attacking their homeland. As the battle raged on, some halflings took Kari during the battle; raised her up as their own. She loved the halflings as if they were her actual parents. Kari was always a smart child, and it only took her until she was 5 to realize that the halflings weren't her real parents. At the age of 9, her original parents came to claim her back from the halflings; so they went and slew them all. Kari never forgave her parents for doing so, and so ran away from her homeland nearly as soon as she was taken back. Ever since, she has lived in the Wilderness. Her reasons for joining the Human Rebellion side is unknown.


~Strength: 75/100

~Defense: 75/100

~Agility: 75/100

~Weapon Skill: 75/100

~Accuracy: 75/100

~Intelligence: 75/100

~Energy Manipulation: 50/100

~Fighting Spirit: 100/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 90/100

~Control of Powers: 60/100



Good to see you again JZ :]

Yeah, I'll finish the rest off later. I g2g now.

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I'll give this another shot too :D


Name: Diamond

Age: 15



http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2010/010/a/5/a54f9bec27132bf8c33ef65f5183abd6.jpg (Yes, I really have taken the time to draw out a mid shot of her)

Height: 5'8"

Clothing: wears a silver and grey bodice with suspenders, a creamy-pink tutu, and a beaded anklet on her left foot. Her anklet's pattern goes dark brown, cream, light brown, dark brown, cream, light brown, etc


Species: Dragon (but because she works alongside humans, she has lost a lot of her dragon features - only the colour of her scales and her fangs, though they are now minature fangs, remain)

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: She has had some previous experience in terms of fighting

Gender: Female


Physical abilities: She is trained in terms of martial arts, so in general her physique and stanima are better than average. She uses both punches and kicks, so they're equal in terms of strength.

Mental Abilities: She is intelligent, as she knows how to socialise with humans. However, her human knowledge is so-and-so, meaning there are some human concepts she doesn't understand.

Energy Abilities: Diamond is one of those rare dragons to breathe both fire and ice. No matter if she breathes them independantly or together, they are just as strong. However, since she lost her dragon form, her powers are instead focused especially when she uses the Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya, although she can independantly make the odd flame appear, or freeze a small fire. When using the Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya, her signature move is to enshroud the chakrams with ice-flames and send them flying to an enemy, before it explodes in a gigantic ball of fire and ice, sustaining enough damage to allow Diamond to finish them off with little resistance.



[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya (pronounced Ono-ma-ee-ah-ra Saa-ri-naa-ya)

Mediator Appearance: They become a pair of beaded bracelets, looking like her anklet. The bead pattern is the same as her anklet

Weapon Appearance: Her weapon is basically a pair of double chakrams that have a 'flip' ability on the handle - ie the chakram has a joint that allows it to become either semi-circular chakrams (in which case, it makes the weapon have two edges) or full circular. The handle is a glittery carmine with a single diamond in each chakram, and the blades have a jagged gold edge encrusted with twelve amethysts

Special Ability: They can double up to become a pair of wheels that Diamond can use to skate across the ground, or use to fly into the air (this can only happen when the chakrams are in flipped mode)

Oversoul Mode: She regains her scaly body, her dragon tail, her ability to breathe fire, her claws and her wings. Her chakrams, at this stage, become spikes all down her lower arms and calf. In this mode, she also regains her dragon stats - that is, she becomes stronger, more powerful, more difficult to injure, all the typical features of a dragon.



Personality: Diamond is quite a smart, alert and independant girl. She is quite bubbly and friendly, despite looking very intimidating due to her in-between appearance. She is not one to show anger, but when she is in battle, she regains some of her dragon rage and becomes a more formidable enemy.

Biography: Her mother, General Lucinda, is a highly respected dragon general amongst the Dragon Army's ranks. Diamond never knew who her father was, as he was killed in battle when she was 16 months old. Originally, Diamond was set to join her mother in the Dragon Army, until one day she caught a glimpse of human life. She became fascinated by them, and began to change her ideas. She began to see Dragons in a darker light, and eventually decided she would join the humans. When she was 15, she planned to escape but her mother found out, although it is unclear, even to Diamond and Lucinda, how Diamond managed to escape her mother's clutches. All she knew was she was free, and in doing so gave up her identity as a dragon, thusly making her look the way she is today. Even though it's been almost nine months since she escaped, she hasn't regretted it at all.


~Strength: 80/100

~Defense: 80/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 80/100

~Accuracy: 75/100

~Intelligence: 75/100

~Energy Manipulation: 60/100

~Fighting Spirit: 65/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 75/100

~Control of Powers: 80/100

-Total= 750/1000


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Well, I'll be posting the Human Resistance Apps here, or as many as I can....


[spoiler=Josep Zavara]



Appearance:[spoiler=Josep] Hair Color: Black, His hair is slightly outgrown and spiked forward, he doesn’t really care about his hair too much,

Eye Color: Light Brown

Height: 5’7”/1.70 m

Weight: 172 lbs./78.09 kg




Alliance:Human Resistance

Experience:He has moderate experience in battle, having trained with his brother, but he never became a master. His rank in the army is abut that of a Lieutenant



Physical abilities:Rather Strong thanks to the dragon blood in him, being able to carry at least 3 times his weight and can take heavy damage. However his willpower surpasses everything else in his body

Mental Abilities:He’s moderately smart, having been instructed by fine tutors, though he doesn’t have the genius of his brother. When it comes to battle his forte is one on one combat and has difficulty with crowds. He believes he is not meant to be a leader and would rather stay as a Lieutenant

Energy Abilities:He is of a neutral element(Not showing favorites to any element.) and can use small blasts with ease, however if he concentrates hard enough he may use his “Dragon Blast“ attack from either his palms, or if angered from his mouth


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name:Alma Y Espiritu (Soul and Spirit)

Mediator Appearance:Small pendant in the shape of a two swords, encrusted with a white gem in it’s center, it was given to him by his mother before she died.

Weapon Appearance:They are dual swords one a Katana with a black and red hilt, the blade glows crimson in it’s initial release, it has a black five point star cross guard. The other blade is a Jian with a white and blue hilt, the blade glows cerulean in it’s initial release, it has a white four point star cross guard.

Special Ability:The power of his blades is equal to the damage he has taken in battle and can then go into either of his swords, Alma will allow him to heal himself or another in proportion to his damage. While Espiritu will cause damage equal to twice the damage he has taken

Oversoul Mode:He gains two shining white wings due to the fact that his Dragon form cannot be fully activated, this form increases his Stats at the level of a Dragon, though and allows him the ability to use the “Halo Dragon Blast“


Personality:Josep is a very kind person, to the point of being rather naïve when it comes to other peoples feelings. He does of course have his dark side which is blamed for the Murder of the Queen and various soldiers in his escape from the kingdom. He has difficulty controlling his powers.

Biography:The youngest son of the Dragon King, hated by his father for his weakness and the most beloved by his mother. He has always been against his father‘s policy and has always tried to be friends with Half-Dragons and Humans, However his brother Jazeth always enjoyed destroying those bonds and seemed to truly hate him for going against the Dragon‘s nature. Around the time of his 10th birthday while visiting his mother in her personal palace for an unknown reason Josep was left in the brink of madness, Killing his mother and 50 royal guards, thus branding him the name of “the Blood prince“ and throwing his name through the mud around the world. While running away he was however found by the leader of the new resistance



~Strength: 80/100

~Defense: 70/100

~Agility: 90/100

~Weapon Skill: 85/100

~Accuracy: 65/100

~Intelligence: 80/100

~Energy Manipulation: 70/100

~Fighting Spirit: 100/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 60/100

~Control of Powers: 35/100

-Total= 735/1000






Name: Diamond

Age: 15



http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2010/010/a/5/a54f9bec27132bf8c33ef65f5183abd6.jpg (Yes, I really have taken the time to draw out a mid shot of her)

Height: 5'8"

Clothing: wears a silver and grey bodice with suspenders, a creamy-pink tutu, and a beaded anklet on her left foot. Her anklet's pattern goes dark brown, cream, light brown, dark brown, cream, light brown, etc


Species: Dragon (but because she works alongside humans, she has lost a lot of her dragon features - only the colour of her scales and her fangs, though they are now minature fangs, remain)

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: She has had some previous experience in terms of fighting

Gender: Female


Physical abilities: She is trained in terms of martial arts, so in general her physique and stanima are better than average. She uses both punches and kicks, so they're equal in terms of strength.

Mental Abilities: She is intelligent, as she knows how to socialise with humans. However, her human knowledge is so-and-so, meaning there are some human concepts she doesn't understand.

Energy Abilities: Diamond is one of those rare dragons to breathe both fire and ice. No matter if she breathes them independantly or together, they are just as strong. However, since she lost her dragon form, her powers are instead focused especially when she uses the Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya, although she can independantly make the odd flame appear, or freeze a small fire. When using the Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya, her signature move is to enshroud the chakrams with ice-flames and send them flying to an enemy, before it explodes in a gigantic ball of fire and ice, sustaining enough damage to allow Diamond to finish them off with little resistance.



[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Onomoa'iara Sahri'nya (pronounced Ono-ma-ee-ah-ra Saa-ri-naa-ya)

Mediator Appearance: They become a pair of beaded bracelets, looking like her anklet. The bead pattern is the same as her anklet

Weapon Appearance: Her weapon is basically a pair of double chakrams that have a 'flip' ability on the handle - ie the chakram has a joint that allows it to become either semi-circular chakrams (in which case, it makes the weapon have two edges) or full circular. The handle is a glittery carmine with a single diamond in each chakram, and the blades have a jagged gold edge encrusted with twelve amethysts

Special Ability: They can double up to become a pair of wheels that Diamond can use to skate across the ground, or use to fly into the air (this can only happen when the chakrams are in flipped mode)

Oversoul Mode: She regains her scaly body, her dragon tail, her ability to breathe fire, her claws and her wings. Her chakrams, at this stage, become spikes all down her lower arms and calf. In this mode, she also regains her dragon stats - that is, she becomes stronger, more powerful, more difficult to injure, all the typical features of a dragon.



Personality: Diamond is quite a smart, alert and independant girl. She is quite bubbly and friendly, despite looking very intimidating due to her in-between appearance. She is not one to show anger, but when she is in battle, she regains some of her dragon rage and becomes a more formidable enemy.

Biography: Her mother, General Lucinda, is a highly respected dragon general amongst the Dragon Army's ranks. Diamond never knew who her father was, as he was killed in battle when she was 16 months old. Originally, Diamond was set to join her mother in the Dragon Army, until one day she caught a glimpse of human life. She became fascinated by them, and began to change her ideas. She began to see Dragons in a darker light, and eventually decided she would join the humans. When she was 15, she planned to escape but her mother found out, although it is unclear, even to Diamond and Lucinda, how Diamond managed to escape her mother's clutches. All she knew was she was free, and in doing so gave up her identity as a dragon, thusly making her look the way she is today. Even though it's been almost nine months since she escaped, she hasn't regretted it at all.


~Strength: 80/100

~Defense: 80/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 80/100

~Accuracy: 75/100

~Intelligence: 75/100

~Energy Manipulation: 60/100

~Fighting Spirit: 65/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 75/100

~Control of Powers: 80/100

-Total= 750/1000





[spoiler=Hide Ryuga]

Name: Hide Ryuga


Appearance:A rather attractive male, a flare of red hair with the entirety of it spiked up, the fringe is pushed back bheind his goggles, the back is rather long going down to the bottom of his neck. He wears a tight black shirt that shows off his average amount of muscle, he has grey combat trousers and rarely wears shoe's or socks. He essentially wears a long turqoise green scarf and has black goggles at the top of his forehead.

Species: Human

Alliance: The Human Resistance

Experience: Recently joined though put a lot of effort in to training, he is already rather high in the resistance



Physical abilities:Hide has a rather strong defence, being able to take several punches. He has a naturally a good speed, being able to dodge and block several attempts of attacks. Though he lacks in attack power he makes up for it with his speed and ability to perform several attacks. Though he is not as strong as others he is still able to handle large blades and hammers

Mental Abilities: Not the smartest but he is still clever. He doesn't excel in academics but rather idea's, deception and timing


Soul Weapon

Name: Hikari (Translating in to Light)

Mediator Appearance: Simply a lighter with with a design of vines on it, it is similiar to a zippo but as soon as opened the flame starts

Weapon Appearance: A rather thin but sharp blade, medium in length with a small handle. It is a misty blue but has several long pieces of black string like material handing from the bottom

Energy Abilities: Energy Sap, Hide has the ability to sap others energy and make it own, be it to heal himself or use it. Though a drawback is that the energy he takes is nowhere near as strong as the original users. This increases his energy regeneration and health regeneration, his signature attack is to hold an enemy by the throat and drain some of their energy

Special Ability: Able to create a freezing mist cloaking Hide and if the mist hangs for too long, able to freeze others

Oversoul Mode: Sets Hide into a hyper speed mode in which he can jump several feet higher than usual and move immensly faster

Personality: A cocky and arrogant soldier, he rarely cares for others emotions unless he can use them to his advantage. He commonly lets girls get in his way, he strongly dislikes other males and despises them when they ruin his chances

Biography: Hide was a rather rich boy but extremely lazy. His parents urged him to do better in his academic work but he'd rather entertain women. They eventually kicked him out due to his flirtatious and uncaring nature. With no money and nothing to do, he joined the resistance, though he'd still rather fool around with women.



~Defense: 75/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 65/100

~Accuracy: 85/100

~Intelligence: 70/100

~Energy Manipulation: 50/100

~Fighting Spirit: 65/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 75/100

~Control of Powers: 75/100

-Total= 690/1000





Name: Thunder (He is only called like so)

Age: : Looks like 18 (147 in real)

Appearance: Trade 12 : Magician's Quest ( the guy under (with brown hair)

Species: Human

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: 100 years of Experience in Magic and the Nature.

Gender: He


Physical abilities: Isn't really strong in Pyshic combats , But he can reinforce his strenght with magic .

Mental Abilities: Extremely intelligent . And know almost everything about the Nature.

Energy Abilities: Can generate Electricity with his staff , But he gots his name Thunder , cause he can manipulate the thunder , but its requires a huge amount of energy , so he almos't can't fight after he used 2 or 3 thunder bolts. Also got a mystical connection to the nature and can communicate with animals.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name:(The Name of your great weapon Young[or old] Knight, it can be in any language that you like, so be creative, just have an English translation for those of us who are Lingually challenged....)

Mediator Appearance: Master Mana Amulet

Weapon Appearance: Staff of the Fallen EARTHtype

Special Ability: Gives Thunder a huge amount of extra magical energy

Oversoul Mode: Creating a lighting bolt of 10 million volt and shocking everything around him , in a radius of 20 meters.


Personality : Calm , and loves the nature , he will protect it with his life , is as wise as a old man , but got the personality of a young man.

Biography:Thunder was born in the woods of a gigantic forest , where he trained his magical arts and his contact with the nature around him. His dad was a Magician , but got killed when Thunder was only 12 years old , He was risen by the animals surrounding him (thats how he lerant to communicate them) and he got his staff from his dad. Once when he was training his magical skills on the top of a mountain , he got hitted by a unexpected thunder , thats why , instead of dieng , he recieved the ability to manipulate electricity and thunder . He only joined the Human Resistance to protect the forest he lives in .


~Strength: 20/100

~Defense: 50/100

~Agility: 45/100

~Weapon Skill: 60/100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 90/100

~Energy Manipulation: 90/100

~Fighting Spirit: 45/100

~Fusion Synchronization:40/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 600/1000





[spoiler=Kari Coplousky]

Name: Kari Coplousky

Age: 19

Appearance: Kari is a intermediate height girl with short brown hair which is straightened down to just below her neck. She has normal sized pale blue eyes, a smallish nose and ripe red lips that look that of a vampires. Usually wears a crimson coloured long sleeve shirt with a golden breastplate over it and just crimson trousers at a slight tilt to the left.

Species: Human

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: Exiled, but still wishes to help them if they like it or not. Has experience with combat.

Gender: Yubel Female


Physical abilities: Kari is able to wield most weapons but hammers, in which she cannot move unless she drops it or tries harder than she would ever be capable of doing. She can take most sword/dagger attacks that are thrown at her, but things such as maces and spears seem to hurt her exceedingly badly.

Mental Abilities: Kari has always been a smart girl, ever since she was a child. She is capable of working out tactics incredibly quickly, along with fighting styles of people. She cannot, however, decide where something is going to land because of her rather poor eyesight.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon:]

Name: Verwelkend Rosa - Withering Rose

Mediator Appearance: Verwelkend Rosa usually appears as a red hairclip that Kari keeps within her hair to make sure that she doesn't lose it.

Weapon Appearance: Verwelkend Rosa takes the appearance of a normal longsword at first, with a rose allocated within it's hilt. After a few seconds, large thorned vines spread from the rose, covering nearly all of the blade but it's point and bottom hilt. During this, the blade's vines throb as they feed off of the energy it produces.

Special Ability: The blade is capable of doubling as a whip also. It can lash people within a long range with it's thorned vines. If the victim is unlucky, they could also get injected with a lethal poison from one of it's thorns, and will soon die. This poison is only contagious from being touched.

Oversoul Mode: Kari is able summon thorned vines from the ground to protect herself and attack nearby enemies also. These vines have near same identities to that of the vines wrapped around the blade itself. When the vines start to wither soon afterwards, they collapse upon themself; implode, causing the thorns that was upon it to scatter across it's level and never upwards. These thorns have the same property as the blade's thorns.


Personality: Kari never likes to speak to people, as she is one of the most shy people that anyone will ever meet. She usually does whatever she is told, no matter what the request is as she wishes to obey everyone commands. Whenever she feels that she is in danger of dying or something of the sort, she will back away from her enemy and always try to flee temporarily, which has gotten her into more trouble each time.

Biography: At birth, Kari was left for dead in the wilderness by her parents as they had gone to fight against local dragons attacking their homeland. As the battle raged on, some halflings took Kari during the battle; raised her up as their own. She loved the halflings as if they were her actual parents. Kari was always a smart child, and it only took her until she was 5 to realize that the halflings weren't her real parents. At the age of 9, her original parents came to claim her back from the halflings; so they went and slew them all. Kari never forgave her parents for doing so, and so ran away from her homeland nearly as soon as she was taken back. Ever since, she has lived in the Wilderness. Her reasons for joining the Human Rebellion side is unknown.


~Strength: 75/100

~Defense: 75/100

~Agility: 75/100

~Weapon Skill: 75/100

~Accuracy: 75/100

~Intelligence: 75/100

~Energy Manipulation: 50/100

~Fighting Spirit: 100/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 90/100

~Control of Powers: 60/100





Name: Dan or Danny/ Donny

Age: Who knows? He doesn't know his actual age or birth date. He thinks he is around 18

Appearance: He stands at 6 ft 2 inch. His hair is black and tied into a long ponytail at the back that hangs to the middle of his back and two bangs hanging to his cheeks. His eyes have narrow slit like pupils, green irises and pale light green sclera. He has claws on his hands and toes and olive tones skin. He has pointed ears and three small spines on the side of each lower arm and small bumps along the middle of his back, one on each vertebrae.

Species: Halfling

Alliance: The Human Resistance

Experience: A wandering rogue. He frequently clashes with military troops from the dragon empire. Because of his near total recall, he can imitate fighting styles he has witnessed.

Gender: He is a He (male)


Physical abilities: He has rather high physical abilities. His major strength is his footwork. He is capable of amazing speeds and powerful kicks. His punches are powerful as well, but not as devastating. His defense is a bit mediocre however, so he mainly dodges. He heals almost twice as fast as a normal dragon/human ((who heals faster?))

Mental Abilities: He is lazy and dislikes studying, but he has photographic memory and near total recall for terrain and movement.

Energy Abilities: He uses energy derived from will and life force. He generally focuses his will to manipulate the energies in the air for his attacks. He finds it easier to manipulate it into spiral motions. He can breathe a bit of green or black fire, but not much.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Triune Arme Custude (my interpretation: Three guardian weapons in one in one)

Mediator Appearance: Four small scrolls that are chained together with energy cords. Each as the symbol below hanging on them, but in a different color; one emerald, one gold, one black and one silver. They align and connect to form the weapon, each representing and creating a different part of the final weapon. All four parts are not needed to summon the final weapon, that is, it has form main versions, depending on the function dominating.



Weapon Appearance: A silver spear shaft that has a triangular head. the head is set with a white crystal that changes colour to match the version (silver, emerald, black or gold). Four brackets are attached beneath the crystal with a muffler-like pipe on them. The pipes can emit out fire for flight and swing on the brackets in almost 360degree movement (the shaft blocks the bottom.) The weapon has three form- a sword form where the shaft shortens to a hilt, a spear form where the blade is extended parallel to the shaft and a scythe form where the blade is perpendicular and curved.

Special Ability: The four versions have different abilities:

version Silver Spine, The unbreakable blade= name says it all. normal blade (the shaft is made from this too. It is the base of the weapon and the least dominant)

version Emerald Fang, The abstract= cuts will power. Leaves psychological wounds, not physical ones. Can also slice barriers. It can slice through energy attacks. The blade is emerald.

version Gold Wings, The holy edge= Disrupts energy. Weakens the energy of the person cut by it.

version Black Claw, The destroying force= absorbs energy provided by Dan and uses it to increase attack power.

Oversoul Mode: It awakens Dan's dragon form, a beast with hard red-black scales, silver spines and bones, red eyes, sapphire talons, emerald fangs, gold wings and a really bad disposition. Dan has little control in this form.

[spoiler=An Idea of how he looks]2eziavt.jpg



Personality: Carefree and full of smiles, Dan is ever curious and fun loving. He is prone to making snide and sarcastic comments but often acts naive. Despite this, he is very dependable and has a noble heart, not afraid to fight at his partners side. He is a bit irresponsible. He also has an obsession with money. He isn’t very serious about things and would prefer nap or snack than attend a meeting, even carrying a sleep mask, a pair of ear plugs and a chocolate bar around with him. He is lazy and doesn't like fighting that much, preferring to see it as playing.

[spoiler=Inner dragon] A darker version of Dan. He named himself Donny and he is more aggressive than Danny is. He is a berserker and lives only to destroy things. The emerald fang represents Danny and the black claw represents Donny.


Biography: He was born as a result of a research group's attempts to create a super soldier. He was subjected to many experiments from birth and trained in martial arts. About eight years after his birth, the group was disbanded and the project terminated. All the test subject were ordered destroyed but the researcher in charge of him hide him for two years before the military killed him.

Dan started wandering the nation since them, with a deep hatred for the dragon empire. He dislikes soldiers, since they tormented the subjects in the project and he fears doctors.

The treatments in the project led to him having a split personality, one being his dominant personality and the other being his inner dragon. While Danny supports the Resistance, Donny is only there because it offers more chances to fight than the Empire's army would. That and the fact that Danny's dominant. Anger or weakness can lead to Donny taking over.


~Strength: 90/100

~Defense: 70/100

~Agility: 90/100

~Weapon Skill: 80/100

~Accuracy: 80/100

~Intelligence: 70/100

~Energy Manipulation: 75/100

~Fighting Spirit: 60/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 60/100

~Control of Powers: 70/100

-Total= 745/1000




[spoiler=Ryden Ayiodo]

Name:Ryden Ayiodo




Ryden stands at 6'0" and is lean but powerful



Alliance:The Human Resistance

Experience:A very experienced knight for his age, his skills with a rapier are high but his talents with a bow is unmatched.




Physical abilities:Though this young knight is skilled with weapons he is also very good with hand to hand combat. He is stronger then most humans but not strong enough to go hand to hand with a trained dragon knight. Though he is very fast he can only dodge attacks when it comes to defending himself. Ryeden's defense is rather below the average.

Mental Abilities:He is above average when it comes to his mental abilities, but he has not other choice when it comes down to it. His brain is usually what he has to thank when he takes down the dragon knights he fights against.

Energy Abilities: Though human, Ryden has the ability to control and create fire. He uses this to increase the damage he causes to his enemies and also tends to create arrows of fire when he's out of his normal supply.


Soul Weapon


Name: Revolucion (Spanish; Revolution)

Mediator Appearance:A bracellet that he had given to his late loved one. It is made of gold with the engravings of a mediator stone designs.

Weapon Appearance: A blood red bow made of a strange metal. At the end of each side of the weapon seems to be in the shape of a phineox wing.

Special Ability: The weapon fires arrows of fully consintrated energy that can either be very thin or large. The blast can destroy any defense and has the power to injure even the Dragon King's armor itself.

Oversoul Mode:Blood Of The Phoenicians: Ryden's arms and legs are covered by Ruby and Golden armor. A red and gloden flame manufest itself in front of his chest and back, The flames strech out into wings on his back. He gains the power to create great undying white fires and becomes faster and stronger with a power that can match that of the Dark Prince Jazeth.


Personality:Ryden is a kind and peace loving individual, who is loyal to thoses he serves but also looks towards a world where dragons and humans can live together once more in peace. He tends to be a little too serious at times and also seems to think about things a little more then he should. Though all this, Ryden is one not to hesitate when it comes down to defending the weak and due to his high ranking he tends to be hated by most dragons both under his rank and above it. Ryden can be easily depressed at the mentioning of Lady Jaine Kai De Drago or his family and with the painful memories that make him feel alone but also make the young knight tend to doubt his skills, he can easily be taken out.


Born to Elisio and Veronica Ayiodo, he was born into slavery for the royal family, due to his status he was taken away at a young age and like most of his family was forced into labor. Despite this Ryden kept himself strong for his family, and hoped for a better life for them, especially his younger sister who was suffering from illness, When not at work and for as long as he’s been able to hold a bow, Ryden enjoyed Archery, and excelled in it. When this talent was discovered he was sent into training to become a Guardian for the royal family, Ryden seized the opportunity and began training unexpectedly under the tutelage of Master Sarume Meseito. When he came to the age of 6 he met the young Princess Jaine, whom he came to befriend secretly, for the next two years, they formed a deep bond with each other, around the time the “Royal Massacre” occurred Ryden had been sent back to his hometown when he had heard that his sister’s conditioned worsen, as a very dark omen, one year after, around the time the Dragon King began the attack on world, She finally succumbed to her sickness. Ryden was struck with grief and returned to the Training ground in a solemn state, only consolable by Jaine. By the time he became 11 he had completed his training and was allowed to become a low-ranking Guard, sworn to protect Princess Jaine, whom he had now had a secret relationship with, On the outside, he was her Knight, but when they were alone, they were the only one’s they could confide in. After 4 years as her guard Ryden was finally granted freedom by Jaine and with it, the freedom of his family, while at first he rejoiced, he soon learned why he had been released, His Family had died after years of slavery, and with him as the last known member of his own clan in a position as a guard could be granted freedom now that all his family ties were ended. Returning with the thought of being the last person of his namesake Ryden fell into a deep depression. He had to returned to Lady Jaine's side a mess but he managed through the pain. It wasn't until Ryden lost his beloved Janie that he had finally succumbed to his depression. Jaine was killed during a raid in one of the local villages while her knight was summoned by Jazeth to help assist him with a mission. Forced to continue on his life as he was now heartbroken and alone, Ryden joined a new faction as he sorted his thoughts. Eventually meeting Ryuji Santeo of Hikana, who was able to kick Ryden back into spirits in his own way. Ryden had decided to join with the human resistance with Ryuji after finding out that it was a member of the Royal Dragon Family who had Jaine killed. With the painful truth burned into his hear and his skill along with Ryuji’s trust in him, he quickly rose through the ranks, becoming Ryuji’s most trusted Guard.





~Strength: 94/100

~Defense: 35/100

~Agility: 98/100

~Weapon Skill: 100/100

~Accuracy: 100/100

~Intelligence: 82/100

~Energy Manipulation: 87/100

~Fighting Spirit: 90/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 69/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 750/1000




Name:Nazo, Leader Of The Resistance

Age:unknown some where between 23 to 29.


will be scaned in later


Species: Thought to be Human

Alliance:The Human Resistance

Experience:An unmatchable stratigist that is not only the leader of the Human Resistance but also known as the only man with the power to bring an end to the reign of dragons.




Physical abilities:Though this man may not look it he is extremely strong and fast. He has a very centered defense that is hard to get through as wll.

Mental Abilities: Extremely intellagent. Nazo is know not only for his amazingly thought out plans but he is also know for being the first human to ever become a true problem to the dragon kindom.

Energy Abilities:Unknown.


Soul Weapon Unknown


Personality:Nazo is very quiet and plans everything before making his next move. No one really speaks to him unless he says something first. When he does speak the man holds a lot of athuority and makes sure he is very clear.


Nazo appeared in the world about a year back, he first made himself known to the dragon kingdom by stealing information on Jazeth's projects. After realizing that the human were going to be killed, Nazo began his rebeling against the dragon king and his family. Though Nazo's real intentions are still unknown a lot of people believe that he maybe able to shift the balance in power for the better of man kind.





~Strength: 87/100

~Defense: 86/100

~Agility: 100/100

~Weapon Skill: 15/100

~Accuracy: 100/100

~Intelligence: 100/100

~Energy Manipulation: 0/100

~Fighting Spirit: 92/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 80/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 750/1000



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Dragon Army Apps will go here


[spoiler=Jazeth Sai De Drago]

Name:Jazeth Sai de Drago


Appearance:[spoiler=Jazeth]Hair Color: Black (the pic is wrong)

Eye Color: Dark Red

Height: 5’9”/1.75 m

Weight: 186 lbs./84.44 kg




Alliance:Dragon Army

Experience:Trained by the greatest warriors of the time and eventually surpassed them all, his Experience is unrivaled in this world, by only his father, He Has Gained the Rank of Supreme War Chancellor and Imperial General



Physical abilities:His Strength is very disproportional for someone of his size and build, Physically he can be bested only by people larger than him, but that won’t help when his skill and speed come into play. Finally His Dragon abilities can also awaken as he transforms into a large black four winged Dragon about 25 feet tall.

Mental Abilities:a Genius Level tactician and fighter, though when it comes to fighting single opponents he relies on his strength rather than anything else. He cannot be defeated by a large group and must be taken on personally

Energy Abilities: Controlling an advanced element of Darkness he is capable of Precise or widespread blasts towards his opponent normally in the shape of Beams from his palm.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]


Mediator Appearance:His Buster sword is made of mostly Mediator Crystal allowing it to Transform., It is a rare Mediator Weapon as he prefers never to be unarmed

Weapon Appearance:A Large Black Bladed Masamune, it glows purple in it’s Release, it has a four pronged Devils horn cross guard, the hilt is black with a blood red cloth wrapped from the cross guard on to his arm.

Special Ability:With the power of Conquistador everything his sword Slashes that has no soul is automatically destroyed and can then be used as a weapon on his own command, allowing him to “create” his own army if he has gained enough material. It also increases the power of his Dark Energy allowing him to fire his various “Enigma” energy blasts, the most prominent being the Enigma Annihilation Beam whish is capable of decimating large amounts of land in seconds.

Oversoul Mode:He personally refuses to use his own oversoul which allows his Dragon Form to Emit Dark radiation at constantly destroys his surroundings. In it he may also unleash The Enigma Imperial Annihilation Cannon which is assumed could destroy cities . He does however wish to gain a certain Oversoul


Personality:Can easily be described as a Demon in battle, Has no remorse on killing anybody, but all his kills are done elegantly, making sure that every slice is a source of entertainment for him. He has no compassion to Humans or Half Dragons, and seems to dislike quite a few dragons himself. His opinion of friends are those who fear him but don’t show it.

Biography:Second in line to the throne next to his Brother Raico, He has always been favored by the king though, having proven himself as one of the most powerful Dragons in a long time. Despite his accreditation he still longs for more power and has always been interested in the “Soul” of the planet itself, wondering if he could ever use it for himself, the Ultimate power, could only be used if he could help it regain it’s power. The only way to do that, would be to send the “Souls” of others to feed it.


~Strength: 100/100

~Defense: 95/100

~Agility: 100/100

~Weapon Skill: 100/100

~Accuracy: 90/100

~Intelligence: 100/100

~Energy Manipulation: 100/100

~Fighting Spirit: 95/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 90/100

~Control of Powers: 100/100

-Total= 970/1000 çYes…..he‘s just that unfair.





Name:Daenelera "Daena" Calder


Appearance:[spoiler="Human Daena]29yqc5w.jpg


Daena is about 5'5" tall in human form, and looks slender and delicate. She has long bluish-gray hair that goes down to her waist. She often is seen in her robe as pictured, though she can often be seen wearing a white lab coat. She carries around various devices on her person, her favorite being a small handgun that spews fire. While she rarely fully transforms into a dragon for reasons other than transportation, she is a silver-colored wyvern, those longer, flying dragons.


Alliance:Dragon Army

Experience:She has had some experience in large scale combat, though she knows ways to defend herself.

Gender:Female (as you may have guessed)


[spoiler=Abilities]Physical abilities: She isn't that strong, even in dragon form. She is agile, though, and is very healthy. She keeps in shape, though, to help her survive the war.

Mental Abilities: Very intelligent, and absorbs information quickly. Can work out tactics and long-term strategies, though it takes rather long to create a plan to her liking. Rather Observant.

Energy Abilities: She can fire an invisible blast that hits her target instantly, but requires some preparation where she cannot move. She can also fire an bright white blast that travels slowly, but can do this instantly. She can also fire any blast in-between.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]Name:Kuus Meeli (Six Senses)

Mediator Appearance: She was taught to keep her Soul Weapon close, so when she isn't using it, it is actually the last bit of her right pinky finger. She wears a ring there to fool those who think they know where it is. The bit actually snaps on to an attachment on the real finger.

Weapon Appearance: It looks like a simple metal rod, if not for the fact that on each in are three long crystals, protruding from each end like small tripod legs. Each crystal glows faintly in a different color ; one side has red, blue, and green crystals, the other end's are orange, yellow, and white.

Special Ability: She becomes hyper-aware, being able to things from anywhere within a 50 foot sphere around herself. She can move this sphere, as well, to any point within 450 feet. Within the sphere she is able to see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste things as if she was there. In battle, she can use this sphere to spy, or to protect herself from sneak attacks, or to find those in hiding. The Sixth sense is Spirit, allowing her to sense people and soul weapons, as well as various fluctuations in the planet's 'soul'.

Oversoul Mode: She begins to shine brightly, and can float effortlessly , even while in human form. In addition, she gains the ability to overload other's senses. A bright beam that moves quickly is fired from her arm, and those affected are disoriented from the sudden sensory overload. Their sight is blurred. Pain is magnified. Sounds from all over are mixed in together. Their nose is hypersensitive. She herself gains a 500-foot sensing radius, which cannot be moved, but it already encompasses everything she can sense normally.




Personality: Daena is kind and caring, though she tends to be suspicious of people she just met. She is pretty proud of herself and her knowledge, and usually enjoys it when her ideas and effort clearly helps out, even if she formerly doesn't get any credit. She highly values life, and is only fighting for those she cares for.

Biography: She was a born a commoner, though her skill with both magic and science has gotten the attention of many. She grew up to become a Technomagicist, one who studies the interactions between science and magic. The shortage of the planet's soul has caused her to be roped into studying *that*, thanks to her soul weapon being able to directly measure the planet's soul itself. When the war started, she was drafted, although all she wants to do is discover a breakthrough, rendering soul abilities obsolete, and hopefully ending the war. Her line of thinking obviously clashes with those who think humans should be exterminated for the good of the kingdom, but as the humans fight back, she has to fight to protect her home.



~Strength: 40/100

~Defense: 40/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 65/100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 100/100

~Energy Manipulation: 100/100

~Fighting Spirit: 70/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 95/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 750/1000






Name: Panik

Age: Undisclosed




Species: Dragon

Alliance: Dragon Army

Experience: General

Gender: Male


Physical abilities: Being a dragon, he is much stronger then normal humans, though is physically weaker than the other generals.

Mental Abilities: He possesses greater intelligence than the other generals.

Energy Abilities: He possesses control of the shadows, allowing him to hide in blankets of darkness. Though possessing no physical properties, he can use it to distract, intimidate or blind foes.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Eternusoblivio (Eternal Oblivion)

Mediator Appearance: It is seen as an empty sword holder. It is made of black metal, with nothing really special about it.

Weapon Appearance: See appearance.

Special Ability: Eternusoblivio is capable of cutting through most materials with ease, allowing him to forcefully disarm anyone short of their own soul weapon.

Oversoul Mode: Panik becomes one with the shadows, losing all physical appearance as he becomes darkness. His form constantly shifts, usually becoming what his foe fears most. He can be harmed by blows to the body, but severing pieces is useless, as they reform onto his body.


Personality: One of the more silent generals, he stands to only listen and correct those who are wrong. He is constantly calculating strategies to be used. Due to him not fighting as often as other members of the army, it is hard to see his personality in combat, but his has been said that he is very grinding on the morale of his foes.

Biography: Panik rarely speaks of his family, as they had been traitors which he had personally killed, he even abandoned his last name and his own. Being alone without a family, he took to traveling, picking up and learning on the way. His loneliness caused him to become stronger, learning skills with weapons to fend off threatening forces. He was saved from a fight he couldn't win by a general of the dragon army, inspiring him to join up. His nature and gained 'expertise' had him swin through the ranks, until he himself became a general.


~Strength: 60/100

~Defense: 80/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 75/100

~Accuracy: 85/100

~Intelligence: 90/100

~Energy Manipulation: 100/100

~Fighting Spirit: 50/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 65/100

~Control of Powers: 65/100

-Total= 750/1000




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Name: Yuuto Ishii, bish ;D

Age: 26

Appearance: Anime Warrior

Species: Human

Alliance: A human who's with the Dragon Army, perhaps?

Experience: He exelled as a warrior in his training camp, he's kinda pro.

Gender: Male


Physical abilities: Yuuto can pack some hard punches before falling down, he has a normal physical resistance.

Mental Abilities: He can improvise like no one else, when he's in danger he can put a weak technique into something deadly. He can also heckle like hell.

Energy Abilities: Miracle Sphere ( A magical light ball that can either heal Yuuto, or heal his opponent or hurt his opponent and hurt him, depends on what mood he has, not so strong.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Aeon Helios

Mediator Appearance: It's made of white nearly unbreakable metal, nothing else.

Weapon Appearance: It's in my character picture

Special Ability: The Aeon Helios can shatter into 100 small pieces of metal and swarm the opponent.

Oversoul Mode: If Yuushi goes into Oversoul Mode he can multiply himself by parting some of his energy, the clones stay physical and can do the same stuff as Yuushi does.


Personality: Yuuto would never pick a fight against someone unless they would start, he has respect, even for the people he doesn't know. He's like a Robin Hood exept with the steal from rich give to poor thing.

Biography: Yuuto grew up as a normal kid with the normal ambition of becoming a warrior, as soon as he grew up to be 16 he joined the army and worked himself up in the ranks fast. That was, before he heard of dragons though, when he heard of the beasts he immediatly showed much ambition for them and decided to leave the human army and join the nearest outpost for the dragon army. He left his hometown and began searching for any sign of the dragons. He encountered lots of trouble but eventually won the trust of the dragons.


~Strength: 80 /100

~Defense: 70 /100

~Agility: 70 /100

~Weapon Skill: 60 /100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 80/100

~Energy Manipulation: 80 /100

~Fighting Spirit: 60 /100

~Fusion Synchronization: 80 /100

~Control of Powers: 100 /100

-Total= 650 /1000


NOTE: For now you only have 750 points to spread out, so place them wisely



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Here I will post Known bosses, watch out for these. Also, if you wish to control a boss during battle, PM me, cause I can't control them all. unless it's for story line, Just so you all know, Human bosses are the generals the humans will fight and vice versa


[spoiler= Human Bosses]

[spoiler=Boss - Shishio]

Name:Shishio Kaisuno





Alliance:Dragon Army (General in battle)

[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name:Rache (German for Revenge]

Special Ability:His Blade Curses him by being more pacifistic than he is, using Sound and vibrations to cause damage, but it does create large damage when that sound can be used for sonic disruptions and blasts. If used strategically it can also be used to disrupt communication lines, but he prefers to destroy





~Defense: 75/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 100/100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 80/100

~Energy Manipulation: 100/100

~Fighting Spirit: 60/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 70/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 815/1000






[spoiler=Dragon Bosses]



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Name: Thunder (He is only called like so)

Age: : Looks like 18 (147 in real)

Appearance: Trade 12 : Magician's Quest ( the guy under (with brown hair)

Species: Human

Alliance: Human Resistance

Experience: 100 years of Experience in Magic and the Nature.

Gender: He


Physical abilities: Isn't really strong in Pyshic combats , But he can reinforce his strenght with magic .

Mental Abilities: Extremely intelligent . And know almost everything about the Nature.

Energy Abilities: Can generate Electricity with his staff , But he gots his name Thunder , cause he can manipulate the thunder , but its requires a huge amount of energy , so he almos't can't fight after he used 2 or 3 thunder bolts. Also got a mystical connection to the nature and can communicate with animals.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name:(The Name of your great weapon Young[or old] Knight, it can be in any language that you like, so be creative, just have an English translation for those of us who are Lingually challenged....)

Mediator Appearance: Master Mana Amulet

Weapon Appearance: Staff of the Fallen EARTHtype

Special Ability: Gives Thunder a huge amount of extra magical energy

Oversoul Mode: Creating a lighting bolt of 10 million volt and shocking everything around him , in a radius of 20 meters.


Personality : Calm , and loves the nature , he will protect it with his life , is as wise as a old man , but got the personality of a young man.

Biography:Thunder was born in the woods of a gigantic forest , where he trained his magical arts and his contact with the nature around him. His dad was a Magician , but got killed when Thunder was only 12 years old , He was risen by the animals surrounding him (thats how he lerant to communicate them) and he got his staff from his dad. Once when he was training his magical skills on the top of a mountain , he got hitted by a unexpected thunder , thats why , instead of dieng , he recieved the ability to manipulate electricity and thunder . He only joined the Human Resistance to protect the forest he lives in .


~Strength: 20/100

~Defense: 50/100

~Agility: 45/100

~Weapon Skill: 60/100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 90/100

~Energy Manipulation: 90/100

~Fighting Spirit: 45/100

~Fusion Synchronization:40/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= /1000


NOTE: For now you only have 750 points to spread out, so place them wisely




Well pff, hope its good


sorry for the bad grammar :/

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Name: Dan or Danny/ Donny

Age: Who knows? He doesn't know his actual age or birth date. He thinks he is around 18


Appearance: He stands at 6 ft 2 inch. His hair is black and tied into a long ponytail at the back that hangs to the middle of his back and two bangs hanging to his cheeks. His eyes have narrow slit like pupils, green irises and pale light green sclera. He has claws on his hands and toes and olive tones skin. He has pointed ears and three small spines one hte side of each lower arm and small bumps along the middle of his back, one on each vertebrae.

Species: Halfling


Alliance: The Human Resistance

Experience: A wandering rogue. He frequently clashes with military troops from the dragon empire. Because of his near total recal, he can immitate fighting styles he has witnessed.

Gender: He is a He (male)



Physical abilities: He has rather high physical abilities. His major strength is his footwork. He is capable of amazing speeds and powerful kicks. His punches are powerful as well, but not as devastating. His defense is a bit mediocore however, so he mainly dodges. He heals almost twice as fast as a normal dragon/human ((who heals faster?))

Mental Abilities: He is lazy and dislikes studying, but he has photographic memory and near total recall for terrain and movement.

Energy Abilities: He uses energy derived from will and life force. He generally focuses his will to manipulate the energies in the air for his attacks. He finds it easier to manipulate it into spiral motions. He can breathe a bit of green or black fire, but not much.



[spoiler=Soul Weapon]

Name: Triune Arme Custude (my interpritation: Three guardian weapons in one in one)


Mediator Appearance: Four small scrolls that are chained together with energy cords. Each as the symbol below hanging on them, but in a different colour; one emerald, one gold, one black and one silver. They align and connect to form the weapon, each representing and creating a different part of the final weapon. All four parts are not needed to summon the final weapon, that is, it has form main versions, depending on the funtion dominating.




Weapon Appearance: A silver spear shaft that has a triangular head. the head is set with a white crystal that changes colour to match the version (silver, emerald, black or gold). Four brackets are attached beneath the crystal with a muffler-like pipe on them. The pipes can emit out fire for flight and swing on the brackets in almost 360degree movement (the shaft blocks the bottom.) The weapon has three form- a sword form where the shaft shortens to a hilt, a spear form where the blade is extended parallel to the shaft and a scythe form where the blade is perpendicular and curved.


Special Ability: The four versions have different abilities:

version Silver Spine, The unbreakable blade= name says it all. normal blade (the shaft is made from this too. It is the base of the weapon and the least dominant)

version Emerald Fang, The abstract= cuts will power. Leaves psycological wounds, not physical ones. Can also slice barriers. It can slice through energy attacks. The blade is emerald.

version Gold Wings, The holy edge= Disrupts energy. Weakens the energy of the person cut by it.

version Black Claw, The destroying force= absorbs energy provided by Dan and uses it to increase attack power.


Oversoul Mode: It awakens Dan's dragon form, a beast with hard red-black scales, silver spines and bones, red eyes, sapphire talons, emerald fangs, gold wings and a really bad disposition. Dan has little control in this form.

[spoiler=An Idea of how he looks]2eziavt.jpg






Personality: Carefree and full of smiles, Dan is ever curious and fun loving. He is prone to making snide and sarcastic comments but often acts niave. Despite this, he is very dependable and has a noble heart, not afraid to fight at his partners side. He is a bit irresponsible. He also has an obsession with money. He isn’t very serious about things and would prefer nap or snack than attend a meeting, even carrying a sleep mask, a pair of ear plugs and a chocolate bar around with him. He is lazy and doesn't like fighting that much, prefering to see it as playing.

[spoiler=Inner dragon] A darker version of Dan. He named himself Donny and he is more agressive than Danny is. He is a berserker and lives only to destroy things. The emerald fang represents Danny and the black claw represents Donny.




Biography: He was born as a result of a research group's attemps to create a super soldier. He was subjected to many experiments from birth and trained in martial arts. About eight years after his birth, the group was disbanded and the project terminated. All the test subject were ordered destroyed but the researcher in charge of him hide him for two years before the military killed him.

Dan started wandering the nation since them, with a deep hatred for the dragon empire. He dislikes soldiers, since they tormented the subjects in the project and he fears doctors.

The treatments in the project led to him having a split personality, one being his dominant personality and the other being his inner dragon. While Danny supports the Resistance, Donny is only there because it offers more chances to fight than the Empire's army would. That and the fact that Danny's dominant. Anger or weakness can lead to Donny taking over.




~Strength: 90/100

~Defense: 70/100

~Agility: 90/100

~Weapon Skill: 80/100

~Accuracy: 80/100

~Intelligence: 70/100

~Energy Manipulation: 75/100

~Fighting Spirit: 60/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 60/100

~Control of Powers: 70/100

-Total= 745/1000





Took me a few hours to do but done.

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aaaand... done.


Name:Daenelera "Daena" Calder


Appearance:[spoiler="Human Daena]29yqc5w.jpg


Daena is about 5'5" tall in human form, and looks slender and delicate. She has long bluish-gray hair that goes down to her waist. She often is seen in her robe as pictured, though she can often be seen wearing a white lab coat. She carries around various devices on her person, her favorite being a small handgun that spews fire. While she rarely fully transforms into a dragon for reasons other than transportation, she is a silver-colored wyvern, those longer, flying dragons.


Alliance:Dragon Army

Experience:She has had some experience in large scale combat, though she knows ways to defend herself.

Gender:Female (as you may have guessed)


[spoiler=Abilities]Physical abilities: She isn't that strong, even in dragon form. She is agile, though, and is very healthy. She keeps in shape, though, to help her survive the war.

Mental Abilities: Very intelligent, and absorbs information quickly. Can work out tactics and long-term strategies, though it takes rather long to create a plan to her liking. Rather Observant.

Energy Abilities: She can fire an invisible blast that hits her target instantly, but requires some preparation where she cannot move. She can also fire an bright white blast that travels slowly, but can do this instantly. She can also fire any blast in-between.


[spoiler=Soul Weapon]Name:Kuus Meeli (Six Senses)

Mediator Appearance: She was taught to keep her Soul Weapon close, so when she isn't using it, it is actually the last bit of her right pinky finger. She wears a ring there to fool those who think they know where it is. The bit actually snaps on to an attachment on the real finger.

Weapon Appearance: It looks like a simple metal rod, if not for the fact that on each in are three long crystals, protruding from each end like small tripod legs. Each crystal glows faintly in a different color ; one side has red, blue, and green crystals, the other end's are orange, yellow, and white.

Special Ability: She becomes hyper-aware, being able to things from anywhere within a 50 foot sphere around herself. She can move this sphere, as well, to any point within 450 feet. Within the sphere she is able to see, hear, smell, touch, and even taste things as if she was there. In battle, she can use this sphere to spy, or to protect herself from sneak attacks, or to find those in hiding. The Sixth sense is Spirit, allowing her to sense people and soul weapons, as well as various fluctuations in the planet's 'soul'.

Oversoul Mode: She begins to shine brightly, and can float effortlessly , even while in human form. In addition, she gains the ability to overload other's senses. A bright beam that moves quickly is fired from her arm, and those affected are disoriented from the sudden sensory overload. Their sight is blurred. Pain is magnified. Sounds from all over are mixed in together. Their nose is hypersensitive. She herself gains a 500-foot sensing radius, which cannot be moved, but it already encompasses everything she can sense normally.




Personality: Daena is kind and caring, though she tends to be suspicious of people she just met. She is pretty proud of herself and her knowledge, and usually enjoys it when her ideas and effort clearly helps out, even if she formerly doesn't get any credit. She highly values life, and is only fighting for those she cares for.

Biography: She was a born a commoner, though her skill with both magic and science has gotten the attention of many. She grew up to become a Technomagicist, one who studies the interactions between science and magic. The shortage of the planet's soul has caused her to be roped into studying *that*, thanks to her soul weapon being able to directly measure the planet's soul itself. When the war started, she was drafted, although all she wants to do is discover a breakthrough, rendering soul abilities obsolete, and hopefully ending the war. Her line of thinking obviously clashes with those who think humans should be exterminated for the good of the kingdom, but as the humans fight back, she has to fight to protect her home.



~Strength: 40/100

~Defense: 40/100

~Agility: 80/100

~Weapon Skill: 65/100

~Accuracy: 70/100

~Intelligence: 100/100

~Energy Manipulation: 100/100

~Fighting Spirit: 70/100

~Fusion Synchronization: 95/100

~Control of Powers: 90/100

-Total= 750/1000



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