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Zac Efron = Light Yagami?

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Yet again, America has ruined good anime/manga.


In the new upcomming live action movie of Death Note, to be released in original English language, Zac Efron will be playing the role as Light Yagami and do you know who Misa will be? I've heard rumors she's being played by Miley Cyrus.


Do they want to kill us?


Please, G-d of the new world, please... at least don't ruin L!



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You get the point. I hate Effron, but I hate Light too.


I agree with ya Marisa on Kenichi playing L down to a T, he got a few awards and nomination for his role as L.


Miley Cyrus as Misa? I hate Misa, but I hate Cyrus more.

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Anime and Live Action just don't mix. It's like crossing an elephant with a fruit fly. They are completely different in both style and execution.


The live action Akira' date=' 2 death note movies, and Higurashi was good.


are you effing serious? Disney better not produce Death Note!

i have no idea who should be in the movie, but it better not be Zac Effron!


I doubt they are producing a live action movie, but rather doing just doing voice overs over the actual Japanese Live Action, but Zac Effron?


Also if I'm wrong and they are D=

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no.....for all thats Holy....NO!!!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!! "inb4 someone mentions This is Sparta", they may get that guy from Superbad, *McLovin* to play as L....


*shudders at thought..*


and for that i demand Justice, as in where Light kills Misa in the most brutal way, and Ron Perlman plays Ryuk. THEN ill be happy with this movie.

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You mean the people who didn't even want to consider Terry Gilliam to do the Harry Potter films in spite of the fact that he was J.K. Rowling's first choice?


We're doomed.


True, but Steve Kloves is still pretty good, he just has to write under the Director's guidance.


But this is going to suck, Zac Efron will be alright with Light's casual scenes but when it comes to insane-murderer scenes I think he'll suck. He might be okay, but it'll mean Death Note is associated with Disney.

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