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Colorful Drawing by NickLD


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Sometimes black can be a bit too boring but it looks good so I'm not gonna argue with you.

lol' date=' i see what ur saying


thx! :D


Wow this is really cool. Not just the drawing but the effects that you used.


I really like and its verey intresting

thx cmc! ^_^


Ooooooo colourz =P

That's pretty darn awesome ;P


thx :D

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But Question: Is him suppoused to be Hal¿?


Anyways... I want to make a siggy of it...XD

thx!' date='

yea its hal, he just has a mask on cuz its part of the whole white lantern costume, like hes not really hal anymore but emotion itself :D


i would love to see a siggy out of it, u make great sigs!!


It looks mad awesome! Love colors. Effects are nice. Great job overall.


'Tis gnarly.


Looks very good' date=' niceh colors!


thank you all :D

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