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Champion of the Chaos


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In order to play you must first pm me that you want to join, what side are you on, and your deck master's card which can't be overpowered or i will deny you(yeah, thats right we are going to use a system similar to the deckmaster system). I will then determine based off your history and the number of gamers. Rules will be follow after I explain the story so I don't get ahead of my self.


Thy year tis 4000 B.C. and thy creator O'Dark Master-Zorc Necrophades hath thy very first monsters. He made them by infusing some of histh power into thy mortal humans. Later on it would only be seen in their souls, but their looks hath shown they true selves as monstrus beings. When he perfected the art of growing them inside human souls, but because of their power he made them generals. After hi defeat at thy hands of Atem, they argued about how to take the situation, whether to join thy conquering humans or attempt to conqure them.


Now how we play is that you are the generals, you may summon your selves but if you die, you lose the duel. You only have the effects on your card when itis on the field! No new ones or hand effects. An exception to most of these rules are cards like Twin-Headed Behemoth and Dark Necrofear, and not monsters like Kuriboh with hand based effects. Monster reborn and any nonquick-play and nontraps doesn't work on them, but cards like Call of the Haunted do. Other than that it is normal traditional format dueling with card maker cards.

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have you seen the seen/read the series "enter the shadow realm"? If you have, then it is similar except you are a deck master, like the big five were. If you haven't, go to this link http://media.putfile.com/Yugioh102 and when the video is over, watch this one http://media.putfile.com/Yugioh103 .


Asuma "The Elite Warrior" is on the goodside.

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