Michico Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 OOC:There are spikes on the wall XDSo practically,you are dead now.You can change the face that you hang agains the wall,to the fact you sit on the floor. IC:Michico wall runs on a chainsaw zombie's back,and she does a backflip,and kicks his head mid air,making him walk backwards,and accidentaly the zombie saw's off the hand of the zombie Jason was fighting against."Hikari,fight,or else they will give you a almost undoable solo task!"Michico yells to Hikari.Michico did see a spike on the ground.She did grab it,rushed to the chainsaw zombie she attacked before,and she started to stab the chainsaw with it at many places of his body.When the chainsaw zombie is dead,Michico's body is covered by blood.She smiles at the camera.The public liked the moment,and they started to yell:"Michico!Michico!Michico!"The whole time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Nice job Michico." Jason ran to a wall with a chainsaw following him. He juked it out to make it peirce the wall. but it wasn't fully dead. Spikes were in him but he still was running after Jason who jumped off a zombies head and to the back of the chainsaw. he pulled out a spike and shoved it through the zombies head. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 ooc: oops!!! lets say I'm lying on the floor! *Hikari finishes his cigarette and stubs it out, more and more zombies come in slowly but soon beginning swarming round, Hikari realising that not even he can take down this many zombies and if he lets the others die he'll recieve the same fate gets up off the floor, he stretches slowly and waves to the camera again*Ok ok, I'll help, whatever* He picks a spike off the floor and throws it up into the air a few times, treating it like a tennis ball, two zombies begin to come towards him and he swiftly throws it through their heads, causing a horrible splatter of blood everywhere*wow wow wow!!! this kid sure may be lazy but he can work when he wants to!!! exclaims the announcer* Hikari begins to sort his hair out but is tackled by 2 peoples, they mount him as he lies on the floor and begin drewling on his face*OHHH NO WAY, THATS DISGUSTING*He headbutts one but the other scratches at Hikari's chest several times, he looks down and see's small blood, Hikari quickly throws the zombie off him and punches it in the stomach, it buckles over and he uppercuts it*I've done my part, when does this round finish? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michico Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "You too,Jason!"Michico said.She quickly started to hit a chainsaw zombie,and after 100 hits,it was totally mashed into pieces."You want tomato sauce with it?"She said,laughing at her own joke.she looks at the zombies."4 of them left!"She yells. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Jason finishes off the zombie he was handling."Make it three!"He then takes a normal zombie and throws it at a chain saw for attention. He jumps hitting the zombies in the gut and then hit himself on the head. He gets dizzy for a second then comes back to his senses. He throws another punch at the Chainsaw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kasumi walked into the arena Wow, that was quick. She quickly took in her surroundings. She jumped onto one of the spikes on the wall and nimbly jumped all the way around the arena behind the zombies and jumped onto on of them their head in a headlock. It tried to saw through her head with his chainsaw arm but she easily manuvered away from it. Once the zombie tried again Kasumi jumped and it sawed through himself and she bounced off the wall and kicked it nwith both feet, it falling to the ground. Kasumi jumped ontop of the dead rotton thing looking straight at the camera. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michico Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Michico grabs a spike,and she puts it through the heart of the last chainsaw zombie."that makes 0"She yelled."Unbelievable,they won!"The announcer says."The rankings are....Michico first,followed by Jason,and after that Hikari,Altair,and last but not least,Zack!"The announcer said through the michrophone."they get a day free...Because the next mission takes much energy!"The announcer said. "We are done for today."Michico said,while walking to their hotel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 *Hikari see's michico and catches up with her, he walks past to her asnd glances at her*you know, you did proper well today, I'm impressed*He continues walking but looks forward as opposed to looking at michico, he has a small grin on his face* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Jason streches his arms, covered with blood. "I don't know about you but I"m taking a shower first thing I get a room." Jason gets his weapons back and grabs his Jet Ski. He checks in and does what he said he would, take a shower. He gets out and yawns. He enters the lobby and asks where he can park his jet ski."In the ake out by the front. I'm sure the manager won't mind.""Thanks" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kasumi looked around at the dead bodies. More energy? What else could there be?She walked into her hotel room and looked around at it. She walked tired after the fight. I wonder if I'll ever get any weapons. She walked down to the shop and saw all different weapons but most importantly the shots that we're filled with the vaccines to prevent the Z-virus. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Hikari noticing that Michico wasnt interested in conversation gracefully walked on and saw kasumiI've never met her before, I'll go introduce myselfHe walked to the shop slowly and stood next to Kasumi, He pretended that his attention was elsewhere glancing over weapons he'd never even seen, though he quickly noticed her looking at the vaccine's"You're in this vaccine then?"He then pulled out a packet of mild sevens and flipped the top open"Cigarette?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kasumi looked up at Hikari, not noticing him walk up. "Huh? Oh, no thanks." Her gaze returned to the various weapons and their prices. "Yeah, the vaccine. I can't believe they're making us fight. Some people make money even if they're life if at risk and the others around them."She looked back at Hikari. "Oops. Sorry. I'm Kasumi." She said holding out her hand. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Jason walks in the hotel lobby again. He had nothing much to do the only person he was friends with (more like barely acquittance) was Michico, and he couldn't find her. He sighed and looked out the window for a second then headed to the shop. He stopped for a second to look at his uncles SCAR. Holographic sight. He was not really a good shot. He stared at it for a second then continued his path. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Hikari smiled and grapsed her hand, he shook it hard and winked, though Hikari couldn't help but notice Jason, but he had more important things on his mind, realising how long he'd been thinking he replied"I'm Hikari, yeah, I've got a few reasons for being in here, there's a bar around here, they recently made it a safe zone, so no zombies, fancy coming?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michico Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "We dont may use our own weapons for the arena,or anything related to it."Michico said to Jason."I think it would be better to go to the weapon store to buy us some weapons"Michico said to the group."Also,the reasons i joined are.....1.for fun,nothing to do this times.2.Meet more survivors.3.Help other people do it.4.get the cure,however,that isnt important,since i have a good working security system."Michico said to the group. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kasumi smiled at Hikari. "Sure." She said looking at him. "So, where is this so called bar?" She said stepping a bit closer to him with a small smile on her face. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Alright I was headed towards the shop anyways." Jason headed towards the shop. "I came here because my family was killed. I figured this place was safer then home." Jason put his SCAR back in his backpack. "Alright we are here." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Hikari smiled back and turned to Kasumi"it's just down the street, a five minute walk, drinks are on me, your friends get killed and leave you with all their money, pretty good deal I think ahaha!"Hikari began to walk towards the door with Kasumi, he soon saw his two allies, rather than be cold and ignore them, he quickly spoke to them"We're going to a bar, be back later ahaha, have fun with your security system"Hikari winked and continued walking, he turned to Kasumi"it's cold outside, have my jacket?"Hikari offered his jacket in one hand to Kasumi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Kasumi smiled and wrapped the jacket around her shoulders."Thanks." She said as they walked together down to the bar. "Sooooo." Kasumi said as they entered the bar and sat down. "How long have you been here on this island?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Jason smiled back at Hikari. He walked to the weapon shop and examined the weapons."Which one would you suggest Michico?"Jason looked for money in his pockets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michico Posted January 20, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 OOC:Going to update the shop soon. IC:"Lets say,we both take a dagger.It will be $900 in total,so we have $100 left if we do it"Michico said.She looked around,and she did see a car."Sir,why si there a car here?"She asked to the guy where you have to pay to."Its for death races.You will know what it is later"He said to Michico."ok.Where do you live actually?"Michico asked to Jason."Because i live in Okinawa,japan,in a nice house.With working security system,so you don't get any problems with the zombies"She said to Jason."Also,the cure doesn't interest me.I always wanted to do something like that,and,i did it to socialize with other people,and to help them to survive"Michico said to Jason. OOC:going to sleep.Just hang around in the hotel,around the place,go to the beach,or something like that until i am back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "Yeah, 2 bottles of your finest sake my friend" Hikari remarked to a member of the bar stuffHe slowly got them their drinks,obviously not happy that he was working here"Bottles or glass?" he questioned to Hikari"Bottles my man ahaha"He placed them on the counter and Hikari handed him the money How can I impress this girl? We're in a zombie infested world and every day I have a chance of dieing, thats the least of my worries, I'll just let this happen naturally"I've been here for about a week, not that long really? how about you on--""YOU'RE THE TWO OFF THAT GAMESHOW!!!"Hikari looked behind him to see a table filled with slightly older Japanese men and their lady friends"Well, I guess we're already ready getting recognized" Hikari said to Kasumi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeroukoo Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 "I lived in Nara but now I'm renting a room here. My house wasn't the best ever." Jason smiled at Michico. "I'm not that interested with the cure either. I mean I don't want people to turn to zombies or anything but..." Jason looks out into space. "Well, nice talking to you. I'm going to the bar. I'll see you later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArtemisFowl Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 OoC:Guys, I'm not the owner but you have to post at least three lines every time. IC:Kasumi glared at the people behind them. She just tried her best to ignore them but she wanted to make them shut up so badly."Acctually I just got here today." She paused and took a sip of the sake. "I don't know the place al that well. Would you mind showing me around sometime?" Kasumi said smiling at Hikari. Then one of the people behind them walked up to her. "Miss? How did it feel fighting out there in the arena?" He said with a notepad in his hand and a pen in his other. She turned around staring angerily at him."You saw what I did to those zombies. Right?"The man shrugged and said "Yeah, of course.""Would you like that to happen to you?" Kasumi asked standing up slightly.The man looked around nervously. "Ummm.. No mam' " He said sitting back down at his table knowing not to come back again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hikariattacks Posted January 20, 2010 Report Share Posted January 20, 2010 Hikari bursts out laughing but quickly composes himself, he grabs his sake and takes a long swig and places it down on the counterHe leans close to Kasumi and whispers " We gotta be careful, you never know what might happen, these guys might have big connections with the gameshow, just give em what they want and they'll leave us alone"Hikari turns around to see a girl holding up a camera, he jumps in suprise but once again composes himself pictures already? ahaha, I'm liking being on this gameshow"Yeah suure, pull a cool pose"Hikari stands next to the girl and smiles, ready for the photo"Noo you and kasumi!!!" says the girl in a bright tone"Ohh right...sure.." Hikari remarks, slightly confusedHe puts his arm round Kasumi and smiles Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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