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Konami, I swear, deliberatly made Gale, and all of its "edits", broken.

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Gale just needs a Vanilla counterpart, and we will be all set.


If you control a "Blackwing" monster other than "Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind"' date=' you can Special Summon this card from your hand. Once per turn, you can halve the ATK and DEF of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls.[/quote']




When a "Blackwing" monster you control attacks or is attacked' date=' you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard during the Damage Step to have that monster gain 1400 ATK until the End Phase.[/quote']



"Breeze the Gentle Wind"

If this card is added from the Deck to your hand by a Spell' date=' Trap, or Effect Monster's effect, you can Special Summon this card. This card cannot be used to Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster except a "Blackwing" monster.

[b']ITS A TUNER[/b]



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yup, thats Konami for you.


next one they're making is a Fusion of all 3 which has this effect:


Twista - Bird of Infinite Shadows


Once per turn, you can halve the ATK of all non-"Blackwing" monsters on the field. When this card attacks, you can discard 1 "Blackwing" monster from your hand to increase the ATK of all "Blackwing" monsters you control by an amount equal to the ATK of the monster you discarded.

ATK 2800 DEF 2500

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Gale: doesn't deserve a limit. It's fine, it's just really good at cutting annoying cards down.


Kalut: a little Honest for BW, not much though.


Breeze: being searched means an instant SS, but not that great.



But a Fusion will be more likely since Gale and Breeze are a Tuner...Unless it's something like XX-Saber Gottoms...

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Gale: Yes, Gale is a problem. There is a solution: errata him so he can only be used to Synchro Blackwings like Breeze...or Limit him, which is what they did.

Kalut: Not broken at all, unless you think Honest is broken, which I guess is a valid opinion.

Breeze: Reminds of Watapon. No other comment.

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Gale isn't as much of a problem as Whirlwind, Limit Whirlwind and put gale at 2. Kalut is annoying, but it can't OTK like honest can so it's fine. The new one (breeze) is as broken as whirlwind is, meaning if whirlwind gets cut to 1, it will be totally fine. Basically what I'm saying is that Whirlwind is the problem and the only reason it isn't banned/limited is because Konami is against limiting archetype-specific cards (apparently this doesn't include spirits since 25% of all spirit monsters are banned).

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None of them are broken.




The only thing I find about gale, is that he/she (not sure lolz) can be spec'd while you have another one on the feild. If it wasn't a tuner, I think it'd be a little bit more fair. I'd also like to see his/her eff just be to the end phase.


For Kalut, I love it. You can use all 3 attacking or defending. It makes opponents not only fear your swarming feild, but the 3 kaluts that lurk in your hand.


Breeze, I'm not sure about. I'd have to play it a bit. From what I see, Its just bww food. I'd rather get a gale/kalut if possible for above reasons. Not gonna use it for now.

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