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~+~+~+~The Fiorre Region~+~+~+~ _+_+Zoroark Is Our Mind Slave+_+_


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Machamp can use a fighting move on Lapras and Snorlax. Ampharos can use an Electric attack on Charizard and Blastoise. And I'm sure you have at LEAST 1 ground move somewhere since you get an Earthquake from the 16th gym which will handle Venasaur and Pikachu.

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0_o OYEAH. I forgot. So yeah, that team will get rid of Red pretty fast.


Ampharos: Charizard and Blastoise

Hitmonchan: Lapras and Snorlax

Earthquake: Venus and Pika.


Wow. I didn't notice how easy that could get.


And if I can't kill Venus, I still have Ty and Cro.

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You know what? I'll just use my Wobbuffet.


No ubers allowed, either. :D


Also, here is my official team I'll be getting for SS. I looked up what was availible in it.

Typhlosion (This is going to be a baby of my starter for move purposes.)



Focus Blast

Hidden Power (Ground)




Signal Beam

Power Gem

Hyper Beam (lulz)



Dragon Claw

Aqua Tail


Dragon Dance



Night Slash


Psycho Cut

Shadow Claw



Posion Jab

Stone Edge

Cross Chop

Brick Break


HM Slave(A Mew from my Platinum.)

Whatever moves are required at the time.

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You know what? I'll just use my Ditto.


It won't copy the stats. So it will be significantly weaker. Plus' date=' they have a free turn to hit you.



I don't have a team.

I like Fire Type Pokemon Starters, always.

So that aside, what Pokemon should I look for in SS? I'm considering that over HG.


Wait, SS is the one with the Lv 70 Lugia, right?


HG has the level 70 Lugia.

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