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My Fakedex *Update* 1/29/10-12/100 pokes done

vengeful lemonS

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[align=center]here is the reigon of Rondo if you want to help complete this reigon just ask and tell me what you want to do wether its making pokemon custom items, trainers, or ows










































[spoiler=Trainers/Gym Leaders]

[spoiler=Female Heroine]




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I dunno whether you've made this or not

You have a history of ripping anyway...

I'm gonna go do some research across the interwebz to find the truth.

But yeah, the sprite that's up looks epic, even if it isn't yours.

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Willoeat took me a bit to realize it was a kecleaon and Lileep, so I say good work on that!


Dodrop's beak is a little awkward, and the black outline on top of his head should be a darker blue on top, and black on bottom, away from the lightsource. and the Pidgey Feet don't suit it, as it seems it would be more suited to webbed feet.

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Thanks metal i really dont think im good with shading so that really helps out alot

edit i need some help with the look for the lengendarys so if you want to help just drop me a pm but the general idea forthe two main legendarys are the "gods" of pokemon and nature( pokemon meaning animals and nature meaning trees and other plants)

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Sorry guys, but nothing here is anything I recognize off hand. Can't say I trust the guy myself either. I looked at a few of my regular places and a few other places, nothing I can find. Of course the internet is large and wide. I would suggest to you vengeful lemonS if you want the heat off for a while and get perhaps some rebuilt trust, prove your skill. Perhaps go download the trail version of Hypercam, and record yourself creating a sprite. Once we see you actually create stuff of this level, then there might be more trust your way. Of course some of us won't ever trust you, as we are more bitter towards thieves, but it will convince some. Now onto the actual C+C.


Willoeat's zigzag looks quite odd. I would recommend removing the very bright gray colors. Just turning it black gives it a better look. Not sure what you were even really going for there either with the bright gray spots, highlights like them aren't even present in Kekleon. The right hand looks flat compared to the more round hand on the left. Try rounding and smoothing out the end on the right side. The foot on the right also seems to have an old Kekleon color.


Dodrop's beak looks mispositioned, but then again it looks like that on almost all of them. The black border around the top feathers should be changed up. Stick out too much, and should just have the dark blues.


Dofross's dot pattern doesn't curve enough. Raise the dots on the far right and far left. Creates a better look of it being round. In concept, Dofross doesn't really so the appearance of a final evolution starter. Generally the final form is something very impressive, looks powerful, and typically large. Yours looks perhaps like a second evolution Pokemon though, lacks, and the scrawny bird look doesn't looks kind of ugly to be the final stage of a starter.


Salscreen looks too much like Charmander, almost really a poison typed Charmander. The belly is oddly indented, and the feat weirdly aligned. So in general some shaping issues. I also don't like how the poison cloud on the back looks. If it's suppose to be like Charmander's flame, it doesn't quite appear to be.

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