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My Cards! updating all the time!


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uhm how are they overpowered and not all of them have bad grammar... & 1 double post wow big deal twat


try 3............ some opinions on y they r overpowered:

Nakros: stronger than any 1 tribute monster in the game

Love effect: how is negate all opponents attacks not overpowered?


as for the grammar...get a real card and u will see just how wrong the grammar is..even the ritual monster is done wrong

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i have real cards if u havent looked at my deck yet and plus there supposed to be custom cards so u can make cards which would be nice.


and plus nakros isnt much stronger than 80n26iw.jpg


i know there is little grammer mistakes but not every card is perfect and its my own tribute card etc so technically the grammer is perfect newb

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HAHAHA...newb=new guy=U...first learn how insult people


and the Chthonian emperor dragon is a horrible example...u should use frostosaurus cause it has 2600


and its pretty much impossible to get the grammar wrong on a normal monster..i was talking about the spells and effect monsters


come on stop this argument u know im gonna win

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oh u think so highly of urself dont u ... and lemme geuss if ur gonna get a car in the future or if u own one now i bet its gonna be a bmw and if u dont know what i mean then u cant be that smart can u cause everyones heard of the phrase. oh and ill say it agen (MY CARDS = no grammar mistakes cause i int copied none i made them myself) xD

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oh u think so highly of urself dont u ... and lemme geuss if ur gonna get a car in the future or if u own one now i bet its gonna be a bmw and if u dont know what i mean then u cant be that smart can u cause everyones heard of the phrase. oh and ill say it agen (MY CARDS = no grammar mistakes cause i int copied none i made them myself) xD


actually my first car will probably be some 0 year old sheet...and after that i have no idea..


and even though u made the cards u have to follow the yugioh grammar cause what u r making is a yugioh card...is that really so hard to understand??

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