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I Wuv Jars That Spit Out Dice

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Barrel Behind the Door is fun with this.


Rulings wrote:


Barrel Behind the Door: You cannot activate "Barrel Behind the Door" against effects if you don't know for certain that they will inflict damage when the effect is activated. So you cannot activate it against "Dice Jar"...


Same thing also applies to Spell of Pain. So no reversal shenanigans.

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Activate only when an effect is activated that would inflict effect damage to you. Switch the effect damage to your opponent's Life Points' date=' instead.




Barrel Behind the Door: You cannot activate "Barrel Behind the Door" against effects if you don't know for certain that they will inflict damage when the effect is activated. So you cannot activate it against "Dice Jar"...



SoP and BBtD both got raped..


Lemmie fix this a little then...


So much fun with Prime Material Dragon...XD

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Now, Let's see the side effects of this powerful card.

If your opponent die a 4, You will Receive ****


IT'S 1337 //Atleast in my country!

Excuse me, but anyway if your opponent die 4 or more, it is a good chance of losing duel, if you play the card in the middle of a duel, Your probably both below 3000-2000 life points.


The card does not give directly any bonuses which make it useless, Even if you use a "Gambler deck" you will just end up facking with this card unless you have a fake dice.

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Yeah but none will notice if you have skillz


For cards that require a coin toss or dice roll, both players must use the same die or coin. Meaning you will both constantly be getting 6s. And since you provided the die, which they will quickly find out is loaded because of this, you will be disqualified and banned from the tournament.

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