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Gladiator's Advertising Buisness-3 Advertisements So Far! Look Here Members!


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[align=center]I decided to make a thread where I can advertise anything for members, like a fan-fic, shops, or card sets. (just some examples). All you have to do is post here, and give me a link to the Thread, and an "Icon" to use as representation for your advertisement. God Kaze did give me permisson to do this, and I am not charging anything for it either. The intention of this is to give peoples threads more attention, and prevent some from leaving because of no comments. *cough* Anchor Remix *cough*. Here is a list of everything I will advertise. Please include an Icon (no more than 100 X 75 for size), resize on Photobucket or Imageshack if you need to.




-Realistic Card(s)

-Pop Culture Card(s)

-Completed Card Sets

-Card Contests

-Clubs & Organizations


-Showcase Images (Wolf's Gallery, etc.)










Name: Levia Dragon Cards

Forum: Custom Cards

Sub-Forum: Realistic Cards

Creator: YankeeFan07

Added: 12-15-2007




Name: Naruto: Gaiden Season 1

Forum: Yu-Gi-Oh!

Sub-Forum: Fan-Fic

Creator: StevenBray

Added: 12-15-2007




Name: Mages AND Dragons Land

Forum: General

Sub-Forum: Clubs and Organizations

Creator: Da-Clown-of-Hell

Added: 12-15-2007





Good Luck![/align]

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