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Tournament for the GODS(Started)


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Blazing_Hiiro's tournament for the Gods

Blazing_Hiiro's tournament for the Gods


This contest is based around the Greek Gods.


There are only 12 spaces for this contest


After round 1 4 people will be eliminated and so forth until the third round.



1st Round - Make an equip Spell Card based on your God

2nd Round - Make a tuner and a Support card(ex. from tcg: speed warrior, quillbolt hedgehog)

3rd Round - Make a Synchro monster for your god.



10 points and 1 rep to each who make it to the final round.

30 points to 1st place and 3 reps


Entrants(merely state what god you want. No 2 people can have the same god):

Zeus - Benjo 8

Poseidon - Master Tortoise

Hades - Kenta the Forbidden One

Hestia - Open

Hera - Code~Red

Ares - Cornholio

Athena - KWLegend

Aphrodite - Blue Ninja

Hermes - Flare Fighter

Artemis - Pegasasu

Hephaestus - underneaththean


End Date: January 30th(subject to change)

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[spoiler=Lost Trident of Poseidon]


This card can only be equiped to a WATER monster. If the equiped monster destroys an opponent's monster as a result of battle, you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower WATER monster from your hand. It cannot attack this turn, and is returned to the owner's hand during the End Phase.



Unlike Benjo8, I followed round 1's requirements - make an equip spell card.

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[spoiler=Lost Trident of Poseidon]


This card can only be equiped to a WATER monster. If the equiped monster destroys an opponent's monster as a result of battle' date=' you can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower WATERR monster from your hand. It cannot attack this turn, and is returned to the owner's hand duriithe End Phase.



Unlike Benjo8, I followed round [b']1's[/b] requirements - make an equip spell card.


Oop's I'll fix it.:D

I deleted my other post here is my card273684.jpg

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