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Archsage Cards


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Hello members!


Keep in mind this is my first post in the forms.


Recently, I've been creating a small set of cards that I've doubed the "Archsage Cards", a set of cards built to work arround high level spellcasters, often using spell counters or requiring high level sorcers to be on the field to even activate them.


Additonally, many of these cards are referances to spells in other mediums, like DND. For this reason, many of the images (since I can't draw worth anything) can be found from the DND source material.


here is my first one:


Magical Transiguration




another one:


Turtle Dove




When used together, these cards are a powerful combo.


feedback, please, I would like to know what you think.

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for future referance, could you please tell me what you are not happy about with my cards in addition to saying they are not great? I mean, I know they aren't the most powerful, but they can be useful if used correctly.


Speaking of whitch, here's another one you may find intersting.



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The equipped card does not gain attack or defence points. The idea is using it with "prevent rat" or "beserk gorilla" to be able to decide the stats of a monster that you are using. Additionally, you could use it with "wild natur's release" and not lose a monster.


Additonally, for the second set of cards, using them with "card distruction" would allow you to place a rather lot of damage on your monsters rather quickly.


Thank you for your feedback!

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Thanks for the feedback, but I as I am presently certainly aware, my grammer stinks. I was more intersted in what you thought of the actual cards. Thanks for the feedback.


anyway, may as well post another one while i'm at it. (i fixed more of the grammer in this one.)



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Thanks for the feedback' date=' but I as I am presently certainly aware, my grammer stinks. I was more intersted in what you thought of the actual cards. Thanks for the feedback.


anyway, may as well post another one while i'm at it. (i fixed more of the grammer in this one.)




I like it =) your doing good! 8)

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a few more to add, for anyone who is still intersted. These two have a bit of context to them.


The first one was initially used as a way to make it slightly easier to summon my "Dark lord Archsage" when I was forcing you to have all cards on the field at the same time, however it has power in and of it's own as well. The second was to help summon the good counterpart of this card, which I never managed to finalize. anyway, here they are.






this third one is actually useful to any deck, and is more of a support card that I added. Mainly, I did so to make my life easier, and to stop a problem I kept having at being unable to activate effects at an opportune moment.


and yes, I know the artwork is not great on this last one.



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