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Fire Emblem: Burning Ambition [PG-13][Accepting/Not Started]


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I finally want to pull this off. This is a RP based off of the popular Strategy RPG series Fire Emblem. This is meant to make Marsuvees Black really happy, though I've wanted to do it myself. Please follow the rules and enjoy. (Just a note, this is not related to Tellius from FE9/FE10 in any way other than the fact that I want Laguz to be an option for those who want it.)



In the land of Edafos is a paradise on Earth, a perfect balance between the natural and the mystic. Dwelling within thie utopic land, two races of humans live side by side- The Beorc, the "normal" humans, and the Laguz, men with the astounding ability to transform into animals. It is said that the Gods created two such races in the hope that each would learn from the other and build upon their kinship- No such thing happened. The two races have had countless wars, in which much blood from both warring factions was shed by needless violence.


Past the wanton violence that plauges the two races like a virus are those select few who try to befriend the other; yet hatred is the common normality and those darring to befriend the other is deemed a traitor. Even sadder are those only addressed as "The Branded", the forbidden children of a Laguz and Beorc. Hated by both races these souls are cast out of their homes and family and forces to fend for themselves.


In this land torn by endles war there is a rumored exist of two very special relics from the ancient past. These rumored objects are "The Orbs of Creation" and, which some believe, hold a fraction of the Gods' power to create. It is believed that both races have tried, and continue to try, to turn these orbs into destructive. King Althalos, ruler of the largest Beorc nation, seems hellbent on destroying the Laguz. He has claimed to of found a new means to crush all who opposed him. Always known for his pride and care of the Laguz, King Staunton openly opposed King Althalos and keeping to his word Althalos not only attacked but destroyed the nation of Staunton.


With no other opposers King Althalos prepares to wipe Edafos clean of the Laguz pests. Though destiny has allowed Staunton's three retainers and his young son Luke to escape, there is not much the young prince can do for now. Retreating to Laguz nation, Luke spent six years in exhile, training in sword and combat to recapture his homeland and overthrow Althalos.


Now can Luke and his group rally enough force to defeat a corrupted man whose greed would send the world into an endless bloodbath?



[spoiler=Application, I will give details here. Please use the app in code below to form your app.]

Name: (Not too hard.)



A.o.A/Position: (Army of Allegiance; choses are Staunton or Althalos. Then state what rank you hold. Retainers of Staunton, please place Retainer/General for this section.)

Class and Promotion Path: (A link as to what classes there are and what promotion paths there are to chose from will be provided in a later spoiler.)

Weapon and Mastery: (Weapons include Swords, Lances, Axes, Bows, and Magic. Magic is unusable by melee classes. Mastery levels from lowest to highest are: E, D, C, B, A, S, SS. Your character can only have 1 SS mastery, any secondary weapons can only go to A. For magic the mastery is the same. The types include Fire, Wind, Thunder, Dark, and Light. Again, only 1 SS and all others must be A. This will tell you what weapons your character is allowed to use. If your character is not promoted no weapon level can go past A.)

Appearance: (Pic is much preferred. However you can describe. If you describe please be very detailed. If not all details a pic match please explain what is different in detail.)

Personality: (Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me. Please be detailed.)

Bio: (A history of the character. Please tell what their beliefs and feelings are as well as how they came to join Luke's army if you're applying at the beginning of the RP. This must be very detailed. If I don't like your bio you aren't getting in.)

Affinity: (Affinities include: Heaven, Dark, Earth, Wind, Light, Fire, Lightning, Water. This tells me what supporting increases.)

Support and Level: (Don't put anything here initially. This refers to who your character shares a bond with. In this RP it will be another user. Levels go from nothing to C to B to A. After multiple members have applied you may ask one of them if they would like to support with your character. After you and another user have agreed one of you must PM that you two are supporting and I will accept it. At times in the RP you two will be allowed to have support conversations in which the two characters will talk, get to know each other, and form a bond. Characters who are supported are stronger in battle when near each other.)



[spoiler=App in Code.]

[b]Class and Promotion Path:[/b] 
[b]Weapon and Mastery:[/b] 
[b]Support and Level:[/b] 



[spoiler=Weapon info.]

[spoiler= Weapons Triangle]

Sword <- Lance <- Axe <- Sword



[spoiler= Swords]


-A heavy sword effective against armored foes.

Brave Sword

-A heavy and expensive sword that doubles the number of attacks you can make.

Iron Blade

-A powerful but heavy sword similar to a steel sword.

Iron Sword

-A basic sword that's good for leveling up sword levels, as its cheap, easy to use and accurate.

Killing Edge

-A powerful sword with very high critical rate.


-A sword that reverses the Weapon Triangle, making it effective against lances and weak against axes.


-A sword designed for use against demihumans. It does increased damage against laguz.


-A sword designed to deal increased damage against units mounted on horseback.

Light Brand

-A sword with a ranged light magic attack.

Poison Sword

-A weak sword that can poison the target.


-It is light, accurate, fairly powerful, and is effective against armored or mounted targets. Only Useable by Certain Characters, under my Discretion.


-A powerful sword that casts Nosferatu, which drains health from the target.


-A weak, light, accurate sword effective against monsters that slightly raises critical rate.


-A light sword with very high critical rate.

Silver Blade

-A sword more powerful, but less accurate and heavier than a silver sword. Silver Sword

-A powerful sword that has low uses and requires a high weapon level to use.

Slim Sword

-A basic sword that's good for leveling up sword levels, as its fairly cheap, easy to use and accurate.

Sonic Sword

-A magic blade that deals Wind Damage. Weaker than the Wind Sword.

Steel Blade

-A powerful, heavy and expensive sword.

Steel Sword

-A heavier but more powerful sword. Most sword users have low con, and are weakened by this.

Wind Sword

-A sword with a ranged anima magic attack.


-A light sword effective against wyverns.





-A lance that reverses the Weapon Triangle, making it effective against axes and weak against swords.

Brave Lance

-A heavy and expensive lance that doubles the number of attacks you can make.

Bright Lance

-A weak, light, accurate lance effective against monsters that slightly raises critical rate.


-A light lance effective against wyverns.

Flame Lance

-A magic lance. Its attacks deal magical, rather than physical, damage.

Heavy Spear

-A heavy lance effective against armored foes.


-A heavy lance effective against mounted foes.

Iron Lance

-A basic lance that's good for leveling up lance levels, as its cheap, easy to use and accurate.


-An inaccurate lance capable of making ranged attacks.

Killer Lance

-A powerful lance with very high critical rate.

Laguz Lance

-A lance designed for use against demihumans. It does increased damage against laguz.


-A Lance made to slay Armored and/or Mounted Units. Only usable by Luke.

Short Spear

-An inaccurate lance capable of making ranged attacks.

Silver Lance

-A powerful lance that has low uses and requires a high weapon level to use.

Slim Lance

-A basic lance that's good for leveling up lance levels, as its fairly cheap, easy to use and accurate.


-A powerful lance capable of making ranged attacks.

Steel Lance

-A heavier but more powerful lance. Many lance users have lower con, and are weakened by this.

Toxin Lance

-A weak lance that can poison the target.




Battle Axe

-A heavy and inaccurate but powerful axe that slightly raises critical rates.

Bolt Axe

-A magic axe. Its attacks deal magical, rather than physical, damage.

Brave Axe

-A heavy and expensive axe that doubles the number of attacks you can make.

Devil Axe

-A very heavy, inaccurate and powerful axe that may injure the wielder.

Dragon Axe

-A light axe effective against wyverns.


-A weak, light, accurate axe effective against monsters that slightly raises critical rate.


-An accurate, light, but weak axe capable of making ranged attacks.


-A heavy axe effective against mounted foes.


-A heavy axe effective against armored foes.

Hand Axe

-An inaccurate axe capable of making ranged attacks.

Iron Axe

-A basic axe that's good for leveling up axe levels, as its cheap, easy to use and fairly accurate.

Killer Axe

-A powerful axe with very high critical rate.

Laguz Axe

-An axe designed for use against demihumans. It does increased damage against laguz.

Poison Axe

-A weak axe that can poison the target.

Short Axe

-An axe of especially light construction. It can be thrown at distant enemies.

Silver Axe

-A powerful axe that has low uses and requires a high weapon level to use. Steel Axe

-A heavier but more powerful axe. Many axe users have too low skill to use this effectively.


-An axe that reverses the Weapon Triangle, making it effective against swords and weak against lances.


-An axe that reverses the Weapon Triangle, making it effective against swords and weak against lances. It is also effective against sword users.


-A powerful axe capable of making ranged attacks.





-A heavy very long-range bow, useable by only archers and snipers.

Beacon Bow

-A weak, light, accurate bow effective against monsters that slightly raises critical rate.

Brave Bow

-A heavy and expensive bow that doubles the number of attacks you can make.

Iron Ballista

-A heavy very long-range bow, useable by only archers and snipers. Has a longer range than a regular ballista.

Iron Bow

-A basic bow that's good for leveling up bow levels, as its cheap, easy to use and accurate.

Killer Ballista

-A heavy very long-range bow that improves critical rate, useable by only archers and snipers.

Killer Bow

-A powerful bow with very high critical rate.

Laguz Bow

-A bow designed for use against demihumans. It does increased damage against laguz.


-A weak, inaccurate and heavy bow with an extended attack range.

Poison Bow

-A weak bow that can poison the target.

Short Bow

-A weak but accurate and light bow that improves critical rate.

Silver Bow

-A powerful bow that has low uses and requires a high weapon level to use. Steel Bow

-A heavier but more powerful bow. Many bow users have lower con, and are weakened by this.




Iron through Silver Daggers

-Powerful hand to hand combat knives.

Iron through Silver Knives

-Weak Knives that can be thrown.


-The most powerful combat knife. Has a High Critical Ratio.

Beast Killer

- More effective on Laguz.


-A useful knife with a somewhat high Crit. Ratio.





[spoiler=Magic Triangle]

Anima <- Dark <- Light <- Anima





-A powerful long-range but inaccurate and heavy anima spell.


-A powerful and accurate but heavy anima spell.


-A powerful and accurate but heavy anima spell.


-A basic anima spell that's good for leveling up anima magic levels, as its cheap, easy to use and accurate.


-An accurate, moderatly powerful anima spell that slightly raises critical rates.





-A very powerful and accurate light spell that raises critical rates, but is very heavy.


-A moderatly powerful and accurate light spell, that raises critical rates. However, it is rather heavy.


-A basic light spell that's good for leveling up light magic levels, as its cheap, easy to use and very accurate. It also slightly raises critical rates.


-A powerful, long-range light spell that slightly raises critical rates, but is very heavy.


-A very accurate light spell that raises critical rates, but isn't very powerful





-A very inaccurate dark spell that reduces distant enemies' HP by half.


-A very heavy and powerful dark spell.


-A basic dark spell that's good for leveling up dark magic levels, as its cheap, easy to use and accurate.


-A heavy and inaccurate dark spell that ignores enemy resistance.


-A powerful dark spell that drains the enemy's HP into the caster.





-A staff that raises an adjacent ally's magical resistance for a few turns.


-A staff that drives an enemy into an uncontrollable rage, causing them to act randomly for sevral turns.


-A staff that restores 10 HP plus the wielder's magic score to all allies in the staff's range.


-A staff that restores one of an adjacent ally's weapons to perfect condition.


-A staff that restores 10 HP plus the wielder's magic score to adjacent allies.


-A staff that restores 20 HP plus the wielder's magic score to adjacent allies.


-A staff that restores 10 HP plus the wielder's magic score to adjacent or distant allies.


-A staff that fully restores an adjacent ally's HP.


-A staff that moves distant allies adjacent to the staff wielder.


-A staff that restores an adjacent ally's condition to normal. (Cures sleep, poison, etc.)


-A staff that stops an enemy magic-user from using magic.


-A staff that puts an enemy to sleep for sevral turns.


-A staff that lights up an area in fog of war maps. The region illuminated grows dimmer each turn.


-A staff that unlocks locked doors.


-A staff that moves an adjacent ally to any space within half the wielder's magic power spaces.









- Raven


- Hawk


- Dragon




-Tiger, Lion, Wolf








[spoiler=Classes and promotion paths.]

Before you apply PM what class you wish to be and I will give you details on it.




Journeyman ---> Pirate, Fighter

-Weapons: Axe

-Promotion: Auto

Pupil ---> Mage, Shaman

-Weapons: Anima

-Promotion: Auto

Recruit ---> Cavalier, Knight

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Auto



[spoiler=First Tier]

Archer ---> Sniper, Ranger

-Weapons: Bow

-Promotion: Orion's Bolt

Brigand ---> Warrior, Berserker

-Weapons: Axe

-Promotion: Hero Crest

Cavalier ---> Paladin, Great Knight

-Weapons: Sword, Lance

-Promotion: Knight Crest

Cleric ---> Bishop, Valkyrie

-Weapons: Staff

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Dancer ---> NONE

-Weapons: NONE

-Promotion: NONE

Fighter ---> Warrior, Hero

-Weapons: Axe

-Promotion: Hero Crest

Knight ---> Great Knight, General

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Knight Crest

Lord ---> Great Lord, Blade Lord, Knight Lord

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Heaven Seal. (Note, Eirika Style Lords use a Lunar Brace, and Ephraim style Lords use Solar Braces)

Mage ---> Sage, Mage Knight

-Weapons: Anima

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Mercenary --->Hero, Ranger

-Weapons: SWord

-Promotion: Hero Crest

Monk ---> Sage, Bishop

-Weapons: Light

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Myrmidon ---> Swordmaster, Assassin

-Weapons: Sword

-Promotion: Hero Crest

Necromancer ---> NONE

-Weapons: Dark, Staff

-Promotion: NONE

Pegasus Knight ---> Wyvern Knight, Falcoknight

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Elysian Whip

Pirate ---> Warrior, Berserker

-Weapons: Axe

-Promotion: Ocean Seal

Priest ---> Sage, Bishop

-Weapons: Staff

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Shaman ---> Druid, Summoner

-Weapons: Dark

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Soldier ---> Halberdier

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Knight Crest

Thief ---> Assassin, Rogue

-Weapons: Knife

-Promotion: Ocean Seal

Troubadour ---> Valkyrie, Mage Knight

-Weapons: Staff

-Promotion: Guiding Ring

Wyvern Rider ---> Wyvern Lord, Wyvern Knight

-Weapons: Lance

-Promotion: Elysian Whip



[spoiler=Second Tier]


-Weapons: Knives


-Weapons: Axe


-Weapons: Light, Staff

Blade Lord

-Weapons: Sword, Bow


-Weapons: Anima, Dark, Staff


-Weapons: Sword, Lance


-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance

Great Knight

-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance

Great Lord (Hector style)

-Similar to A General+a Berserker

-Weapons: Sword, Axe

Great Lord (Eirika style)

-Mounted Lord.

-Weapons: Sword

Great Lord (Ephraim style)

-Mounted Lord.

-Weapons: Lance


-Weapons: Lances


-Weapons: Sword, Axe

Knight Lord

-Weapons: Lance, Sword

Mage Knight

-Weapons: Anima, Staff


-Weapons: Sword, Axe, Lance


-Weapons: Sword, Bow


-Weapons: Knives


-Weapons: Anima, Light, Staff


-Weapons: Bow


-Weapons: Dark, Staff


-Weapons: Sword


-Weapons: Light, Staff


-Weapons: Axe, Bow

Wyvern Knight

-Weapons: Lance

Wyvern Lord

-Weapons: Sword, Lance












[spoiler=Winged Beasts]







White Dragon

Red Dragon

Black Dragon







Okay so this is going to be an odd RP. As much as I'd like it to play like Fire Emblem, that's going to be too hard. It will play like a war RP and I will be presenting you with enemies.


-God-Modding: It will not be tolerated. This involves controlling characters that are not yours, npc, enemies. It also involves one hit kills that I don't okay. Everyone knows what this is and when you do it, so don't. When you god-mod I will ask you to change your post and you had better do it. If you don't I'll just go with your god-mod in a way I'm sure you won't like. Continual god-modding will result in character death and expulsion from the RP.


-Posts: Posts, as per the rules, must incorporate at least 5 sentences/lines; let's go for the lines, no need for a lock. Be detailed, though not overly to a point where you aren't making sense, and respond to others well. Try not to be overactive though. I don't want people to have to read 3-5 pages to catch up every time they get on. But still remain active, I don't want it coming to a snail's pace either. It's an odd balance but we'll enjoy it better if this balance is maintained.


-Cussing: It will not be tolerated, AT ALL. Don't do it, cuss too much and you're out. Also, don't put an entire sentence in caps, it annoys me greatly. (Notice I only put this spoiler's title in all caps as I need to get people's attention with it.)


-Things you must do before you post your app: PM me what class you wish to be and I will present you with details of that class. If you choose to be a magic class I will give you a list of what weapons you can use. If you wish to be one of the 3 Retainer's you must PM that you wish to be. I will then give you a story as to how your character met the main character that you must have in your bio. Of course you have to add other details to your bio as well.


-Things you must/can do after you post your app: Talk with another user who has applied over PM about supports. When you two are decided PM about it and then edit the Support section of your app appropriately.


-Have Fun: Self-Explanatory.




[spoiler=My App.]

Name: Luke Staunton

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Class and Promotion Path: Lord (Lance) -> Great Lord

Weapon and Mastery: Steel Lance. Mastery - A.

Appearance: Luke stands at about 6 feet. He has a lean, muscular build. He has bright green eyes. His hair is a dark red and it comes to the base of his neck. His clothing generally includes dark brown pants and a white coat. His armor includes chest, leg, and arm guards. However his army is light and allows for a lot of easy movement. The armor is a mix of reds and white and bears the Staunton coat of arms on the chest.

Personality: Luke was initially an easily frightened person. He questioned why things happened and looked towards the future with little hope. Since his time in the Laguz nation he's become much more confident and driven. He's quite approachable and cares for his men. However he bears a heavy burden of what he has to accomplish, along with the ever present thought of his father. But he makes himself appear positive and hopeful or else he could never expect his men to be.

Bio: Luke was the son of King William of Staunton. He had a peaceful and enjoyable life in the kingdom. He was never really sure how he felt about becoming king one day. For whatever reason he had always been easily frightened and he was very harsh on himself. He often thought horribly of himself for his cowardice. His father and the various people he knew would always try to offer words of encouragement to him. More than anyone his father was important to him. His mother had not lived long after his birth so he hardly knew her. He had always had a great love and respect for his father. The idea of losing him never even registered in his mind.


When he was 12 Althalos' army invaded without an apparent motive. The two nations had never been on bad terms, certainly nothing justifying war. He quickly ran to his father when the Althalos forces entered the captial city. His father's words were as follow, "You must flee Luke. You must survive. You're too important to be killed here. Know that I love you, everything will be alright." Just as the invading army was approaching King Staunton ordered his 3 retainers to take Luke, who wouldn't leave on his own, and flee to the nation of the Laguz. He claimed they would be hospitable. Luke didn't want to leave his father and was worried he wouldn't ever see him again.


Upon their arrival the Laguz were at first very skeptical of the four travelers. However when news of the war reached the Laguz the king shortly allowed them sanctuary in the nation. The king held a great respect for King Staunton who was the sole Beorc king to outlaw discrimination against Laguz in his lands. In the Laguz nation Luke began to train to become stronger. He had already started to learn how to use a lance, however now he took it much more seriously. He earned the respect of several high up Laguz with his greatly increased skills. The king gave him funds to raise an army in the future. After 6 years in the Laguz nation Luke prepared to take Staunton back. With his three retainers he headed off back to Staunton to see what he could do. The king of the Laguz nation was unable to give them much military support as Althalos had finally set his sights on attacking the Laguz. Luke wants to free his nation and stop Althalos' goals. He doesn't want the Laguz, who he'd learned to care for, to be killed.

Affinity: Light

Support and Level:




Now that I look at it, the plot seems like an odd mix of Path of Radience and The Sacred Stones. Regardless, let's try to have fun with this!

A note to those who apply. I need two retainers, one of which must be female, and 2 evil generals. Let's try to have variety in classes and gender please.

EDIT: Just a little update. I've decided to make Marsuvees Black the co-owner. If he has problems with your apps you'd best be changing them if you want to participate.

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Jesse

Age: 23

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/"Angel of Death"

Class and Promotion Path: Thief => Assassin

Weapon and Mastery: Sword: C

[spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] cape_red.jpg





Personality: Secretive. Quiet, and solemn. Uncaring. Only speaks to Luke, and supports. Very Strong Morals.

Bio: A thief for hire, who was a spy for Althalos. He defected at the beggining of the war, and he has been on the run since. He is often found in some backwater place, ready to be hired for almost any job, as long as it is good for money. He has turned down jobs on basis of morals before, and, once, he even killed a man who approached him with a job. He is very loyal, even though he is in a shady profession.

Affinity: DArk

Support and Level: N/A Yet.


Name: Josh

Age: 32

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/Retainer/General

Class and Promotion Path: Druid

Weapon and Mastery: Dark: Level B, Fire: Level C, Staves: Level C

[spoiler=[b]Appearance[/b]] While he is a druid, he dresses like Edward from Radiant Dawn, but in a black trenchcoat thing. He has shaggy Dirty Blond hair, and crystal blue eyes.




Personality: Kind, helpful, and loves reading. He is the opposite of my character Black if you know him. He is also a small womanizer, but not on an offensive level. Loves Philosophy, Psychology, and History.

Bio: Josh was one of the three retainers who fled with the prince. Before fleeing, he had been the King's advisor, and philospher. While in the Laguz land, he studied and prepared, for, being a scholar, that history would repeat itself. He was the prince's history and tactics teacher, and now is setting out with him on his journey. He is also the prince's cousin, but has no chance at the throne, although he doesn't like being in power anyways. He had to keep the young prince on schedule until they fled Staunton. After fleeing, he began to study Laguz, their history, and their customs, as to teach Luke, but also found that he was actually a branded, and that was why he did not need a spirit contract tattoo.

Affinity: Wind (With my real Birth Month, though I want fire or dark. You should use this to do it. http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Affinity )

Support and Level: N/A For now.

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Name: Merin

Age: 19

Gender: Female

A.o.A/Position:Staunton / Healer

Class and Promotion Path: Cleric (into Bishop)

Weapon and Mastery: Staff : C

Appearance: [spoiler=Merin's casual appearance]http://i50.tinypic.com/15wawdy.jpg


She is about 5 and a half feet tall, not counting her hair or footgear. She is usually seen wearing a sky blue robe, and brown shoes, usually covered by the robe. The robe is the symbol of the group she was once a member of. Her casual gear is worn when she doesn't want to advertise her profession of Cleric.

Personality: Merin at first glance seems quiet and introverted. She does her job, but doesn't really socialize with others. She is intelligent, and learns things quickly, though she doesn't tolerate anything she considers idiotic or ridiculous, and tends makes these judgments on first impressions alone. To make sure she doesn't do 'foolish' things, she tends to think things through, sometimes, even when quick action is the correct choice. And if she feels like talking, one finds out that she has a comment for everything, and does give praise where it is due. This tends to happen around friends, where she is more open.

Bio: She has been a part of a wandering band of clergy for awhile now, picking up bits and pieces of knowledge in her travels, from survival tips to economy theory to tactics and strategy. Last year, she has officially been recognized by the group as a veteran cleric, and could either stay with the group or leave to work on her own. As she wasn't overly religious, she decided to leave, and work alone for awhile. She had some success helping people, healing the injured, and things like that, though she noted that the current reign of Althalos was still going strong, even though he was oppressing the Laguz. Seeing absolutely no reason that they are innately bad, she decided to try to find a way to help out anyone trying to take down that empire. Within the last month, she caught some rumors of Luke's exile, and was finally able to track him down.

Affinity: Anima (of October)

Support and Level: Null

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Name: Jason

Age: 16

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/ Enemy Intel

Class and Promotion Path: Warrior to Elementalist

Weapon and Mastery: Duel katanas/ A

Appearance: Avi

Personality: Relaxed' date=' Taking Nothing Serious Trait

[b']Bio:[/b] A great warrior on his planet. He was sent on a mission to find a lost troop of Valykrie on another planet. His ship was hit by an asteriod and sent hurdling into into Earth, just outside of Edafos. He found a small village and they took him in, nursing him until he was better. Even though they healed him almost to his full extent, he lost his memory of how to use the fire element. He left the village, thanking him and hoped that he would return later. He then found himself in the middle of a battle and a Staunton soilder grabbed him and took him inside a safe area. The soilder ran and was killed as soon as he got out. Jason swears avenge him and stays on the Staunton side until he can leave again.

Affinity: Fire

Support and Level: N/A


Exactly as Marsuvees said. Not accepted. Warrior and Elementalist are not Fire Emblem classes. And what the heck is an alien doing here? I'm sorry but Fire Emblem doesn't have aliens.

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Name: Criton

Age: 21

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Althalos/SpecOps General

Class and Promotion Path: Wyvern Rider > Wyvern Lord

Weapon and Mastery: Brave Lance - A

Appearance: Criton is 6' 6" with a very lean build. He has broad shoulders that make his lower body seem very thin when compared to his upper torso. He has dirty blonde and tangled hair that somewhat covers his eyes. His eyes are a deep blue, with slight tinges of Green on the outsides of them. His face is slanted, and comes to a dull point at his chin. He normally wears a ocean blue light plate mail armor with silver trim.

Personality: Criton despises most all living things, both Laguz and Beorc. He has been burned by the world so many times, he has sealed himself in a little unemotional shell. He judges for himself what his action will be, which is what gave him the high ranking position he holds. He takes orders as suggestions, and will choose whether or not to kill. He has been known, however, to dislike seeing others depressed, and cheering them up in one way or another.

Bio: When Criton was only a child, his father was killed by a Tiger Laguz as he was plowing the fields. The entire village was raided and many were killed. The only way Criton and his mother survived was with the arrival of Althalos' reinforcements. Seeing this man as saving his life, he pledged his allegiance to him and promised to serve him as if he was his father. However, as Criton grew up, he began to notice the King killing Laguz without caring whatsoever. Even with the hatred within Criton for the beasts, it just seemed wrong what Althalos was doing. Althalos apparently noticed this, and never sent Criton on a Laguz extermination mission, for fear of it breaking his discipline.

Affinity: Fire

Support and Level:

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Name: Jason

Age: 16

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/ Enemy Intel

Class and Promotion Path: Cavalier to Great Knight

Weapon and Mastery: Duel katanas/ A

Appearance: Avi without wings

Personality: Relaxed' date=' Taking Nothing Serious Trait

[b']Bio:[/b] A soilder recruited to fight. He has nothing specail except for his incredible stealth skill but only takes 5 people with him on his enemy breach missions. He keeps a low profile but likes attention every now and then. He likes to use explosives when on the field and goes loud when found.

Affinity: Fire

Support and Level: N/A


As Black said dual katanas aren't real weapons. Explosives don't exist. Unlike Black said, no more chances. You're not accepted and I highly doubt you ever will be.


@El Beasto: Good job. Good to have a general. Accepted. Please remember that you will not always be in the RP so please don't constantly post. I'll pm for times when you're needed. Your cooperation is appreciated.


@Fenrir: Accepted as I know the app. Post the app whenever you feel like/get to it.

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Name: Fenrir 'Vulcan'

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Class and Promotion Path: Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord (Also Wolf Laguz) (If his wyvern ever dies, he can be a Soldier -> Halberdier -> Sentinel. It's not much of a stretch. >_>)

Weapon and Mastery: Steel Lance. Level B.

Appearance: Strongly resembles a mix of Volug/Haar/Volke. And to be honest, that's his appearance in a nutshell.

Personality: Fenrir is a leader by heart. He can command troops with relative ease. You can best compare him to Haar, lazy, yet strong in his own way. In very important situations, he takes charge by himself. He doesn't believe in the power of armies, rather believing the power of individual soldiers. His treats his wyvern, Fefnar, like a companion rather then a pet. Given that, he often prefers to fight by himself. Taking help from others isn't his type of personality.

Bio: Fen was born to Wolf Laguz mother and a Raven Laguz father. His childhood was cut short due to a Beorc raiding party. He saw his father get literally ripped to shreds by powerful wind magic, and watch his home burn to a crisp. His mother was out during the time, supposedly captured. Of course, Fen was smarter than that. Instead of fighting off the Beorcs, he hid as a Beorc child. He was fully capable of it. The Beorcs took him in, and he lived the rest of his childhood secretly depressed. At the ripe age of 18, he joined the Staunt army. He continued to keep his Laguz nature a secret. After a while, he was given a Wyvern Knight status. Currently he is out on patrol with his squad.

Affinity: Anima/Earth (Same thing >_>)

Support and Level:



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Guest Tainted Black

[spoiler=Senpai's app]

Name- Setsuna Tannilúre

Age- 27

Gender- F

A.o.A/Position: Althalos and Mage Gen/Second-in-Command

Class- Sage

Mastery- Thunder- SS Fire- B Dark- B

Appearence- Long, green hair tied in a fancy ponytail. Blue eyes. A green skirt and a red tank top. Black heels. She has many earrings in both ears, and her eyes shine red when using magic.

Personality- She's normally a caring, yet stern person: However, when she uses dark magic she becomes cruel and heartless.


Setsuna was born to a modest family, who believen in hard work to succeed. Therefore, both her mother and father disdained the use of magic and forbid their daughter to ever use or learn it.

Of course, Setsuna was curious as to why she was forbidden to do something that seemed pretty harmless. "Who will ever know?" She thought to herself, each time she read a Magic book...

At 16, she began to take secret magic lessons with a shady wizard who offered his services in exchange for a small fee.

She didn't seem to have the magical talents. Sure, she had the knowledge, thanks to her early cravings and temptations, but Magic just didn't grow on her.

So the shady wizard tried a different tactic - Infusing Magic into her body, like surgery. lt was risky, painful, and dangerous, but the young girl eagerly replied,

"I'll do it!"


And so, one night, she crept from her parent's house and to where the shady wizard waited, and got on the old table as she was instructed to do.


Laid across the cold, stone table, half-naked and anxious, Setsuna was ready for the procedure to begin.

And so, it began.

The moment Magic entered her veins it rebelled. A cloud of black Magic formed over her body and the wizard was propelled against the stone wall, and fearing his life, he ran. Setsuna thought she would die that night...


She woke up in her bed, drenched in cold sweat. lt was a dream... or so she thought. lt resided in her, both Anima and Black Magic. She felt it. She wasn't innocent...


Soon after, she joined the military and exceled at everything, but she knew it was the Magic helping her. She fell into a well of depression. Now she worked her way up in ranks, and serves by Althalos.

Affinity- Heaven




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Name: Jack Sisco

Age: 36

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Neutral - N/A

Class and Promotion Path: Mercenary --->Hero, Ranger

Weapon and Mastery: Killing Edge, B



Personality: Jack Sisco is an unbelievably happy person. In battle he encourages his own side as well as his own enemy! None have seen him angry or sad, even when his side has to flee or is defeated he leaves with a hardy and friendly: "Thanks fer the game, seeya next time!" Jack is defiantly the guy you'd want on your side to lighten the mood a bit.

Bio: Jack Sisco was born in a small village to poor parents that didn't care much for him. At the age of eight he started doing odd jobs around his village to support his family, gaining money and the respect and love of his parents which he often desired. When Jack was ten his father decided it was time to teach him how to defend himself with a blade. Jack and his father spent years developing his sword technique, and being poor at the time they couldn't afford much more then a few iron swords but it was all worth it for some quality bonding time. Jack was thirteen when his father died, Jack's mother was crushed and he was sad and angry about it and took all his anger and sadness into his work. He started doing jobs with more speed and determination than any other could care to see in a boy of his age.


Jack's mother died seven years later when Jack had just turned twenty. Jack decided it was time, time for a new outlook on life, time to rid this world of the evils that it had created itself. He started taking all the bounty jobs he could; any here say of a new robbery, any wanted poster, any job that required him to kill another human being, as long as they we're evilly aligned he didn't care. Jack eventually did this so much that he drove all his anger, all his sadness, and all his pan. The only thing left was to be happy and enjoy life. Today, Jack Sisco runs a small group of bounty hunters that want the same thing he wants, at least he THINKS that's what they want...

Affinity: Fire

Support and Level:

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Name: Zac

Age: 14

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/ "Steal-and-Kill"

Class and Promotion Path: Thief ---> Assassin

Weapon and Mastery: Knife: B


Personality: Quiet. Doesn't speak much except for the occasional "Yes, my lord" or "I shall take care of it immediately." Calm at all times, gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

Bio: Rarely ever seen jobless and alone because he is hired a lot, he despises war. However if the payment is high enough, he can be easily persuaded into going to war. When he is not working, he is often seen at arenas gambling his life in order to recieve as much money as possible.

Affinity: Anima

Support and Level: N/A for now.

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Name: Zac

Age: 14

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton/ "Steal-and-Kill"

Class and Promotion Path: Thief ---> Assassin

Weapon and Mastery: Knife: B


Personality: Quiet. Doesn't speak much except for the occasional "Yes' date=' my lord" or "I shall take care of it immediately." Calm at all times, gets the job done quickly and efficiently.

Bio: Rarely ever seen jobless and alone because he is hired a lot, he despises war. However if the payment is high enough, he can be easily persuaded into going to war. When he is not working, he is often seen at arenas gambling his life in order to recieve as much money as possible.

Affinity: Anima

Support and Level: N/A for now.



Too young, I already have a thief and would like a bit more variety, change the position as "Steal-and-Kill" is not what i meant, I meant a military position. The personality bores me greatly, I can't see how you could enjoy playing such a dull personality, and your bio bores me even more than the personality. To sum it up: Try again.


what do you think about having someone else who is already a member fill the slot? If we take to long our members may loose interest in what your selling. Just my opinion


I see what you mean. Do I spy a volunteer to make a second character?

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Name: Baleaze Goleman

Age: 26

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton, Retainer of Staunton

Class and Promotion Path: Myrmidon > Swordmaster

Weapon and Mastery: Longsword, A. Lancereaver, B.



Personality: Dark, Sinful, and Unremorseful. His voice sounds evil and misguided at best and his intentions are unknown to the rest of his side. It's hard to believe that he could possible be someone of good alliance.

Bio: Baleaze Goleman has been in Staunton since he was a child. Baleaze was raised there and has lived there all his life. At the age of sixteen his mother died from an unexpected disease, Baleaze was angry and started doing things he wouldn't normally do. Baleaze's father decided a good outlet for his anger would be swordsmanship, so his father decided to teach him everything he knew. One day during training Baleaze told his father that when he turned the age of eighteen he was going to join the army of Staunton and become a retainer. The day came for Baleaze to leave and his father was proud of his son. Baleaze joined the army and started climbing up the ranks to make it to his dream position.


Four years later, at the age of twenty two, Baleaze reached his dream and went to go tell his father about all that happed after not being in contact with him for four years. It turned out that Baleaze's father died months after he left, his trainer had not told him because he wanted him to focus. Baleaze killed his main trainer and anyone else who knew and did not tell him in the facility. Instead of being disgusted and ashamed of him, they we're impressed at Baleazes new raw skill and power. Baleaze changed his wardrobe dramatically, into what you see now, and lives out his days as a Retainer of Staunton.

Affinity: Dark

Support and Level:


It is done!

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I'd like to join


Name: Alexial Aponi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

A.o.A/Position: Staunton, Recriut

Class and Promotion Path: Recruit ---> Knight ---> Great Knight

Weapon and Mastery: Iron Lance and Short Spear Mastery D



Personality: Alexial is very shy at first and hard to warm up to people, but views her friends as incredibly valuable. A cowards by nature Alexial tries her hardest to be brave and become stronger.

Bio: Alexial was born into a lower class family and, thus, was unable to become a recruit in the army. Stowing away into a camp she suprised everyone with her actions and was made a recruit until she either was premoted or left on her own. After training hard she finally was accepted and allowed to stay, until Staunton was overthrown and the empire began to crumble. Having no reason to stay Alexial wandered around until one day . . . she was rescued by Prince Staunton himself.

Affinity: Earth

Support and Level:

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Name: Baleaze Goleman

Age: 26

Gender: Male

A.o.A/Position: Staunton' date=' Retainer of Staunton

[b']Class and Promotion Path:[/b] Myrmidon > Swordmaster

Weapon and Mastery: Longsword, A. Lancereaver, B.



Personality: Dark, Sinful, and Unremorseful. His voice sounds evil and misguided at best and his intentions are unknown to the rest of his side. It's hard to believe that he could possible be someone of good alliance.

Bio: Baleaze Goleman has been in Staunton since he was a child. Baleaze was raised there and has lived there all his life. At the age of sixteen his mother died from an unexpected disease, Baleaze was angry and started doing things he wouldn't normally do. Baleaze's father decided a good outlet for his anger would be swordsmanship, so his father decided to teach him everything he knew. One day during training Baleaze told his father that when he turned the age of eighteen he was going to join the army of Staunton and become a retainer. The day came for Baleaze to leave and his father was proud of his son. Baleaze joined the army and started climbing up the ranks to make it to his dream position.


Four years later, at the age of twenty two, Baleaze reached his dream and went to go tell his father about all that happed after not being in contact with him for four years. It turned out that Baleaze's father died months after he left, his trainer had not told him because he wanted him to focus. Baleaze killed his main trainer and anyone else who knew and did not tell him in the facility. Instead of being disgusted and ashamed of him, they we're impressed at Baleazes new raw skill and power. Baleaze changed his wardrobe dramatically, into what you see now, and lives out his days as a Retainer of Staunton.

Affinity: Dark

Support and Level:


It is done!


Accepted. No treasonous acts unless I say so though, lol.


I'd like to join


Name: Alexial Aponi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

A.o.A/Position: Staunton' date=' Recriut

[b']Class and Promotion Path:[/b] Recruit ---> Knight ---> Great Knight

Weapon and Mastery: Iron Lance and Short Spear Mastery D



Personality: Alexial is very shy at first and hard to warm up to people, but views her friends as incredibly valuable. A cowards by nature Alexial tries her hardest to be brave and become stronger.

Bio: Alexial was born into a lower class family and, thus, was unable to become a recruit in the army. Stowing away into a camp she suprised everyone with her actions and was made a recruit until she either was premoted or left on her own. After training hard she finally was accepted and allowed to stay, until Staunton was overthrown and the empire began to crumble. Having no reason to stay Alexial wandered around until one day . . . she was rescued by Prince Staunton himself.

Affinity: Earth

Support and Level:


I need more on the bio. You have something that could be a really good back-story if it was only expanded a bit. Other than that not much wrong.


And I'll post the last Retainer that I made, though now it won't be a swordmaster. Whatever.

[spoiler=Last Retainer, also my second character.]

Name: Nadine Staunton

Age: 24

Gender: Female

A.o.A/Position: Staunton, Retainer.

Class and Promotion Path: Soldier -> Halberdier

Weapon and Mastery: Silver Lance, Mastery - A




Ignore the sword, she uses a lance.



Personality: You very prevalently see the traits of an older sister in Nadine. She's funny when she feels like it, she's angry at times, other times she's deep in thought. She's protective and loyal by nature, these traits were only enhanced by her becoming a Retainer. She messes around with Luke often just to get reactions but cares deeply for him and her other friends.


Despite the name Nadine is in no way related to Luke or King Staunton. Her father was a close friend of the King and Queen. She was born six years before Luke. Upon her birth her mother died, a fate that the Queen would meet six years later after giving birth to Luke. Her father had been away helping to put down a rebellious group that intended to begin a war. He was injured on the battlefield and his last wish was for the King and Queen to raise his daughter. He asked them to give Nadine their surname. He wanted her to know about her parents but also wanted her to have a loving family. He shortly died after returning home.


The King and Queen, while mourning the loss of their friend, took Nadine in and raised her as their own daughter. The King and Queen were sure to tell her of her parents and she was happy. When she turned six the Queen became pregnant with Luke. Upon his birth the Queen died and Nadine hardly knew what to make of it. The woman who had raised her was no longer there. The King was greatly grieved over the loss of his wife. Nadine took to making friends with Luke early on. The two developed a sort of brother-sister relationship though they shared no blood. She was able to tell Luke of his mother and look after him. The King made sure the grief he felt wouldn't impede his ability to raise the two children.


When she turned 14 the King told her in detail about her parents and their deaths. This account awakened a resolve to carry on the honor of her father and protect the country. She learned from then on the arts of a Halberdier and excelled at it. At age 20, she took her father's long vacant space as a retainer of Staunton. She swore to protect the people, her friend Luke, and her father's honor. She was revered by the people of Staunton. She served as inspiration to the girls and boys alike.


Then, shortly after turning 24, Althalos began to invade Staunton. She desired strongly to meet his generals on the battlefield. Though before Staunton knew what was happening, Althalos' forces were already marching on the captial city. The King gathered her, the other two retainers, and Luke into his chamber. His only command was for the three to take Luke and escape. Nadine meant to protest, but the King's tone indicated that he wasn't to be argued with. She reluctantly retreated with Luke and the other two retainers. She felt a great sense of shame. She felt her father would have stood with the king and died before abandoning him. She felt she had cast shame and disgrace on his name. This tortures her but also drives her more to see that Staunton is restored, and Althalos killed.



Affinity: Thunder

Support and Level: N/A



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ooc: Time to begin! And yes, kindly go back and delete pointless posts. Oh, just a note. When I say "all of his most important members" it means your characters that are initially with the Staunton army. If you have a character that will be joining later, please refrain from posting.



"So you're sure you can do it?"

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I won't fail you. I'll get the job done."

"Be careful. Come back in one piece Nadine."

"Worried? How cute. You know I will Luke. I can't let myself fail Staunton."

It was late at night. Luke had called Nadine in for an important talk. It ended with Nadine's departure. Her absence would be noticed but Luke couldn't reveal the nature of her mission before it was finished. He could only hope that in the coming fights, sending her off wouldn't be a critical mistake.


The next morning the group headed out early. They had entered one of the smaller Beorc nations that closely neighbored the Laguz nation. This nation had had friendly ties with Staunton in the past however they had not opposed Althalos. Luke's bet was that in this nation, and other former allies, he would find the military strength needed to claim his country again.


The group came to settle in an old castle on a hill on the outskirts of a nearby town. It was about an hour past noon. Luke was worried that the town's people might see them and report them but he had to get established in the castle. Althalos had wasted no time in ensuring the nations would remain loyal. He had his army stationed in every town. The soldiers handled any disturbances and put down any potential rebellions. If the wrong person in town saw them, they would have to deal with the local portion of Althalos's army.


Luke stepped into the main room where he'd gathered all of the most important members of the army. They were the strongest and included his now two retainers.

"So, let's have a report. How is everything progressing with getting set up here?" Luke said. Whenever he asked for something like this it usually meant that he wanted Josh's opinion on things. Josh was smart and the closest thing Luke had to a tactician.

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