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Blackwing Treasure

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Konami will probarly make rulings for this thing so you can't activate it if you already Special Summoned this turn, which would be a wise choice TBH.


Also, Rest of the Effect unconfirmed?


Please Konami, don't make it more weaker. It's nerfed enough already.


EDIT: Also, I doubt it that the player's will actually use this as long Allure and Black Whirlwind still exist.

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i find it funny that people dont realise how powerful this thing is still atm. bw only need mass special summoning when their going for game, most of the time you will find your self searching kalut. also when would you want to play more than 1 of these per turn, unless your going for game, i mean why would you ditch a kalut, gale for this. most of the time i would ditch sirico or vayu. the only annoying part about the no special summon bit is that u cant go treasure, blizard, whirlwind, bora, then synchro into that new icebounty synchro (pure advantage)

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You could activate in MP2 provided you still met the conditions of the card.


The rest of the effect is still unconfirmed so I'm thinking there must be 1 more effect that makes this card worth using otherwise this is a terrible version of Allure of Darkness.

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Since when did Nerf guns become so vicious. I remember back in the day they were crummy pump action guns. Now we get a freaking chain gun shooting volleys of nerf darts.


Anyways, I'm not going to say this card is completely nerfed until I see what the 2nd half of the effect is. There better be a good secondary effect to compensate for the other limitations this card has otherwise no run is running this.

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