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Paying 3000 points!!!


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Yeah, what the title says, really. Right, I need a real epic logo for a website I made called:

"The Last Hour Forums"



Now, I don't want it evil-like, but luike doing the things you always yearned to do in your last hour of life.

So, I will pay an outstanding 3000 POINTS to the person with the best one. I don't want it small, and it MUST be linked to the forum, by using the link I have provided.

You know what to do, and you know you want those 3000 points!

If you do much better than excpected, then I will raise it to 3800 points.


Thanks for reading,


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How exactly can you make a logo show the things you'd do an hour before you died? How can you express writing your will? Telling your family members that you always never got along with that you still love them?


I'll try my best to make it somber.

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Very good, although it doesn't seem like it has much to do with yearning, sadness, etc. The Asian characters are a bit random, too. However, I like the logo itself and it would be good in any other circumstance if I was to be concerned about it. ^.^


I also added that font to my collection :D

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