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Hello everyone, and welcome to the DARK Card Contest.



1. No flaming (well yea duh)

2. No spamming (well yea duh)

3. No inappropriate images (gore, sexual stuff. Including me, some people on here are immature.)


4. The max. of contestants is 12 (changed )people. Even if the number is less or exact, I will start the contest on January 19th. (My birthday)

5. I will need a judge to check carefully on the contestants' cards. This judge must be someone who knows real OCG andis pretty good at children's card games.

6. There will be only one round.




[spoiler=Card You make]

The card you make must be:

A DARK Attribute Realistic Card Monster with an effect revolving around DARK Monsters, sorta like the Dark Counterparts. Only this doesn't have to be counterparts.

and NOT

Vanilla (Vanilla=Normal Monsters)

A Joke Card




[spoiler=Way of Rating Cards]

The top 3 contestants will be chosen by the number of points I and the judge give to that person.

The max. points given from each creator/judge are:



(Places I/judge check)

1. Over/underpoweredness (20)

2. Usefulness in real-life (15)

3. Originality (15)


(Places I/judge check)

1. Less/overused (15)

2. Overall Coolness (15)


(Places I/judge check)

1. Coolness (10)

2. Originality (5)

3. Over/underused words included (5)

OCG (Minus)

(Places I/judge check)

1. Each OCG error will cost 2 points.



And the contestants will be rated by a 0~200 Point score, with a MAX of 100 from each Contest Creator or Judge. (through I doubt if someone goes less then 20.)

However, if anyone's card is against rules, or the creater has broken any rules, that card will be granted with no Points, however good it may be.




1st-3 reps or 50 points (choose)

2nd-2 reps or 30 points (choose)

3rd-1 rep or 10 points (choose)


Also, the judge will be given 1 rep.




[spoiler=Contestants and Judges]



1. ComingSoonNOT123

2. The Monarch King

3. ZhaneX

4. spacerpg

5. Dark Lightning

6. Sweet Lightning

7. Benjo 8

8. Max Darkness

9. Frex

10. Raptorslayer

11. Leturn Master

12. nairb27







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Here's my card:

[spoiler=Eris]217544s.jpg[spoiler=Card Lore]While you have at least 5 DARK monsters in your Graveyard, you can remove 2 of them from play to Special Summon this card from your Hand or Graveyard.

While this card is on the field, all non-DARK monsters your opponent controls lose 500 ATK. If this card was Special Summoned by it's own effect, it gains the following effect:

-Each time a DARK monster is Summoned, inflict 400 damage to your opponent.



I made it sorta with the idea of a DARK Athena in mind. I love Greek Mythology.

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[spoiler=Necro Dozer (Dark Counterpart to "Doom Dozer")]


Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 "Doom Dozer" while having exactly 3 DARK monsters in your Graveyard. This card is also treated as a Zombie-Type monster while face-up on the field. This card cannot attack your opponents Life Points directly. This card gains 100 ATK for each DARK monster in your Graveyard. During your Battle Phase, if your opponent controls a monster after this card's first attack, this card can attack once again. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent, send 1 card from the top of your opponent's Deck to the Graveyard. If it was a DARK Monster Card, Special Summon that card to your opponent's field in face-up Attack Position. When this card is removed from the field, discard 5 cards from the top of your Deck. Inflict 700 damage to yourself for every Monster Card discarded by this effect.



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I'll enter.


[spoiler=Bedeviled Shakoki]



Effect: 1 DARK Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card is also treated as a Fiend-Type monster while face-up on the field. You take no Battle Damage from battles involving this card. If this card destroys a non-DARK monster by battle, you can remove from play 1 Spell or Trap Card in your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Deck or Graveyard whose Level is equal to or lower than the destroyed monster's.


FYI, a 'Shakoki' is the type of doll this monster resembles.



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My Card.







Lore:This card is treated as a Beast Warrior when on the field.When this card attacks a defense position monster inflict the difference to your opponents life points.Once per turn during your Standby Phase discard your whole hand to inflict damage equal to the number of cards x500.If this card is destroyed in a way other than battle Special Summon it in Face-up defense position during your end phase.

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First of all, the 22ND, not 22th... secondly, I'm totally in. Here's my original Dark counterpart of "Buster Blader" (who sucks... this guy makes things better):


Shade Blader


[spoiler=""Shade Blader" Card Lore]This card's name is treated as "Buster Blader". You can discard 1 card from your hand to select 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard and treat it as a DARK monster until the end of the Duel. This card gains 500 ATK for each DARK monster on your opponent's side of the field or in their Graveyard.




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My card ; untitled1.jpg


card lore ;

This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by sending 2 DARK monsters on your side of the field to the Graveyard. When this card attacks a monster add a DARK monster from your Deck to your hand. When this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon 1 of the cards used as a tribute to Normal Summon this card.


picture : The Tutelary


looks blured in card but is amazing normally ; /

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