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100 I Mushu (One-Hundred Eye Dragon)

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The most nerfed card ever? Possibly.




But seriously' date=' think about how much we would be complaining if it had its anime effect.



I love all the decks we have in the deck forum from when that was his effect, very creative stuff. But, with that effect he would be worse than CED.


Well, you could make him indestrucable, so yeah. Lulz, copy DAD, blow up field, activate plague wolf, double his attack to 6000 attack for mega beats. I don't think you could do 2 plague wolfs for over 9000 damage xD

But he can copy venominaga. So yeah, banhammer.

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Its a PoC in synchro form that auto has 3000ATK. id use it in Perfect Necrofear' date=' Dark world, Infernities, and a few other fiend based decks


The most nerfed card ever? Possibly.


Winged Dragon of Ra is the most nerfed card ever.


Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca says hi.

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Cyber: Godly in Traditional. Painful Choice and game over.


The best part about this card is that you can simply main it in a deck that does not have a single Machine, just for the sake of Dark Hole-ing the field and then Tributing it in the same turn.


1000 eyes dragon: Simply great.

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Cyber: Godly in Traditional. Painful Choice and game over.


The best part about this card is that you can simply main it in a deck that does not have a single Machine' date=' just for the sake of Dark Hole-ing the field and then Tributing it in the same turn.



Wrong topic, bro

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100 Eyes Morshu? lolwut?


On-Topic: Aside from them nerfing this' date=' why didnt they make it like the Tagforce 4 version?



The tagforce 4 version is worse than this.


Aside from it bieng limited to Infernitys only, how so?


Ok, say these guys have the same summoning conditions.


I can remove PoC with this guys effect and activate anything, this guy can pull off Plague Wolfs effect to become a 6k beater. It can become Sorc, gale, It's pretty good.

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100 Eyes Morshu? lolwut?


On-Topic: Aside from them nerfing this' date=' why didnt they make it like the Tagforce 4 version?



The tagforce 4 version is worse than this.


Aside from it bieng limited to Infernitys only, how so?


Ok, say these guys have the same summoning conditions.


I can remove PoC with this guys effect and activate anything, this guy can pull off Plague Wolfs effect to become a 6k beater. It can become Sorc, gale, It's pretty good.


Summoning conditions would be un-important in this.


But now that you mention it, this bieng a 6k beatstick would be pretty lulzy.

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100 Eyes Morshu? lolwut?


On-Topic: Aside from them nerfing this' date=' why didnt they make it like the Tagforce 4 version?



The tagforce 4 version is worse than this.


Aside from it bieng limited to Infernitys only, how so?


Ok, say these guys have the same summoning conditions.


I can remove PoC with this guys effect and activate anything, this guy can pull off Plague Wolfs effect to become a 6k beater. It can become Sorc, gale, It's pretty good.


Summoning conditions would be un-important in this.


But now that you mention it, this bieng a 6k beatstick would be pretty lulzy.

Nightmare Horse turns it into a direct attacker. Spirit Reaper makes him rape my opponents hand. Shall I go on Arm?


trust me, I've done alot of testing with this card. I own 3 OCG versions too ;P

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Cyber: Godly in Traditional. Painful Choice and game over.


The best part about this card is that you can simply main it in a deck that does not have a single Machine' date=' just for the sake of Dark Hole-ing the field and then Tributing it in the same turn.



Wrong topic, bro


I am sorry, but I actually commented on both.

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Cyber: Godly in Traditional. Painful Choice and game over.


The best part about this card is that you can simply main it in a deck that does not have a single Machine' date=' just for the sake of Dark Hole-ing the field and then Tributing it in the same turn.



Wrong topic, bro


I am sorry, but I actually commented on both.


The topic is about One Hundred Eyes Dragon.

Cyber Eltanian =/= One-Hundred Eyes Dragon

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Its a PoC in synchro form that auto has 3000ATK. id use it in Perfect Necrofear' date=' Dark world, Infernities, and a few other fiend based decks


The most nerfed card ever? Possibly.


Winged Dragon of Ra is the most nerfed card ever.


Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca says hi.


Didn't Wiraqocha's actual effect get revealed before his anime one?


Anyway, this thing is narsty. If it had its anime effect, it would be broken. Like this, it just does damage.


SS CyDra

E-Teleport for Krebons

TS Caius




Infernity Gun

Destroyer + Beetle


Or any number of other combos.

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100 Eyes Morshu? lolwut?


On-Topic: Aside from them nerfing this' date=' why didnt they make it like the Tagforce 4 version?



The tagforce 4 version is worse than this.


I don't know about you but for me, in Tag Force 4, I use One-Hundred Eye Dragon is for its effect that states "When this card is destroyed, search your deck for 1 card and add it to your hand."


The easiest way to do that is to use the trap card "Cursed Prison". Cursed Prison's effect is to "Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck in Defense Position. It cannot change its position and its effect is negated. If this card is removed from the field, destroy the selected monster, if the selected monster is destroy, destroy this card."


Good thing about this and One-Hundred Eye Dragon is is that its effect activates in the Graveyard and is not negated by Cursed Prison at that point, which allows you a free search of your deck for any card you want. It also provides a 2500 Def wall as well in other times of need, or in my Stardust Assault deck, good for summoning Stardust Dragon to get the Assault Mode out.


How useful this combination is for you in Tag Force 4 i guess would depend on the deck, but for one trap card to give you a wall and a potential "search your deck for 1 card" can be powerful.

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Cursed Bound Prison hasn't been made into a real card and OHED real effect states it only tutors 1 Earthbound Immortal from your Deck. Curse Bound Prison should never ever be made into a real card as they would make Assault Mode monsters far too easy to summon.

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