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Imma firing my.....arrows? (Junk Archer) (PUT THE NAME IN THE ****ING TITLE, PEOPLE!)

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I expected:



Junk Archer is pretty lulzy.

Seeing as how it can remove annoying monsters for a turn.


Misleading Titles FTW.




But yeh, he's a nice little beatstick.


But thing is, he's Level 7, Junk Synchron is gonna have a little more of a harder time now..

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I find junk archer to be a great card, it removes a monster, and can still attack, and if it survives to the end of he turn, it gives the monster back.


it's kind of like taking a hostage, so that when it attacks is doesn't get blown up.


unless of course the other player doesn't mind that the monster I targeted stays RFP.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

You guys really want to try my patience, don't you? Why can't you just put the damn card name in the title of your topic, and not make me do it for you?

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Chaos Sorcerer > This


It's still useful' date=' and looks pretty cool. Quickdraw makes it pretty easy to summon, I guess.


Also, I was expecting Shooting Star Bow. :D


Hell no at the bolded. Chaos Sorc. can't attack, guess what? This can! If you can constantly return those monsters back to the Graveyard then they can't be played again. Besides with Chaos Sorc. you can just use Imperial Iron Wall to stop the monsters from being removed from play. Still you get a beatstick (:

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