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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rise of the Ancient Lords [Advanced/PG-16/Sarted/Not Accepting]


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"Leo that duelist seems to be strong.... Do you think he may stand a chance against Ousera??" Akyio said referring to Hogosha...... "Maybe.... Let's go..." then he went outside the Duel Arena to see Ousera slaves all the sides around it......

"I think it would be better for us to go back in....... Damn right..." then Leo entered the Duel Arena closing the gate behind him......

Leave the side of evil..... Look for Aneus and help him..... a voice echoed in Leo's head.....

"Errrrr, can't she find a better time?? I don't think so..... Listen let's just set.... If the guys out there enters we'll just-- You don't..... Shut up..... Let's just wait here......" then Leo sat again.....

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"Oh, man!" Shobu whined as he watched his grandfather's signature card be destroyed. "That sucks."

'Quiet, Shobu,' Yubel silenced him. 'Remember your face-down and your hand, you can still win!

'Yubel's right, the game's not over until the last card is played!' "All right, you're good, but I don't plan on losing just yet! Your move!"

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"Now that your Elemental Hero Neos is destroyed, you have no monsters left on the field. Now, I attack directly with Emissary of Light Zero and Sky Master Falzar." Emissary of Light Zero disappears in a flash of light and immediately appears behind Shobu with his blade drawn as Sky Master Falzar moves with such speed that he seems to suddenly appear in front of Shobu in an instant. "I should mention that thanks to the effect Sky Master Falzar, all monsters I control gain 400 ATK and DEF power for each Reploid Type monster on the field, and I count 3. IT'S OVER!!!" Striking as one, Emissary of Light Zero Slashes upwards at angle as Sky Master Falzar slashes downwards at an angle, dealing a critical amount of damage to Shobu.


Sage of the Skies ATK 2800 + 1200

Emissary of Light Zero ATK 2700 + 1200

Sky Master Falzar ATK 3800 + 1200


Your Life Points: 0


[spoiler=the cards used. read them]




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"Nope! Sorry, but I activate the trap card Waboku, so all battle damage is negated." A barrier appeared around Shobu, and Emissary of light Zero and Sky Master Falzar's attacks bounced off harmlessly. He sighed in relief, thank God he'd decided to be cautious and played that card, otherwise that would have been it for him. 'Maybe Jaden's lessons are finally starting to take effect' Yubel teased, smirking slightly. "Shut up..." he teased back.

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Character's name: Ryoushi Amimoto

Character's age: 16

Character's appearance:



Deck's name:Army of the Depths

Signature Card/Duel Spirit:



Lore: 1 Fish-type Tuner + 1 or more Fish-type non-tuners.

When this card is special summoned, destroy all monsters on your side of the field except Fish-type monsters. Once per turn, you can return 1 fish-type monster from your graveyard to your deck to special summon 1 fish-type monster from your hand. Other fish-type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects controlled by your opponent.


Personalty/Bio: Ryoushi was literally born on the seas. His parents were a pair of anglers. His father handled the catching of the fish while his mother sold what the family didn't use at market. It was a really happy family. The parents were even accomplished double duelists, always doing well at major tournaments they entered whenever the fish weren't biting. One day, Ryoushi's parents decided to get Ryoushi into dueling and they sent him to Duel Academy. During his first year, he was quick to make friends with both his peers and the cafeteria staff due to his skill in both dueling and fishing. As he's starting his second year at Duel Academy, he's revved up and ready to prove himself!


Ryoushi is a relatively upbeat, outspoken kind of guy. He enjoys the seas about as much as he enjoys a good duel. He's quite friendly with most anyone, but even then, it's always certain, oddly specific kinds of people that just tend to rub him the wrong way. Regardless, he enjoys his time at Duel Academy and tries his best to fit in as well as possible.

Student or Teacher? Student

What dorm? Obelisk Blue

What year? 2nd

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Hogosha had known that there was something that would cause the duel to last at least one more turn, but it didn't matter to him. Either way, he was confident that he would win this duel. "Very well then, I place one card face down and end my turn." Hogosha puts one card face down in the Spell and Trap Zone and assumes a somewhat thoughtful expression as Emissary if Light Zero and Sky Master Falzar assume their previous positions on his side of the field. "However, you have still taken damage due to the destruction of you E-Hero Neos. And a word to the wise...next time activate Waboku before your monster gets destroyed, it gives you a better chance at turning the duel around."


Your Life Points: 6400

My Life Points: 8000


hand: 3

s/t: 2

S.M. Falzar 3800 + 1200

E.o.l. Zero 2700 + 1200

S.o.t. Skies 2800 + 1200


ooc: tsunami wannabe! we got a tsunami wannabe here! lol jk

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Character's name: Ryoushi Amimoto

Character's age: 16

Character's appearance:



Deck's name:Army of the Depths

Signature Card/Duel Spirit:



Lore: 1 Fish-type Tuner + 1 or more Fish-type non-tuners.

When this card is special summoned' date=' destroy all monsters on your side of the field except Fish-type monsters. Once per turn, you can return 1 fish-type monster from your graveyard to your deck to special summon 1 fish-type monster from your hand. Other fish-type monsters you control cannot be destroyed by card effects controlled by your opponent.


[b']Personalty/Bio:[/b] Ryoushi was literally born on the seas. His parents were a pair of anglers. His father handled the catching of the fish while his mother sold what the family didn't use at market. It was a really happy family. The parents were even accomplished double duelists, always doing well at major tournaments they entered whenever the fish weren't biting. One day, Ryoushi's parents decided to get Ryoushi into dueling and they sent him to Duel Academy. During his first year, he was quick to make friends with both his peers and the cafeteria staff due to his skill in both dueling and fishing. As he's starting his second year at Duel Academy, he's revved up and ready to prove himself!


Ryoushi is a relatively upbeat, outspoken kind of guy. He enjoys the seas about as much as he enjoys a good duel. He's quite friendly with most anyone, but even then, it's always certain, oddly specific kinds of people that just tend to rub him the wrong way. Regardless, he enjoys his time at Duel Academy and tries his best to fit in as well as possible.

Student or Teacher? Student

What dorm? Obelisk Blue

What year? 2nd

OOC: Accepted....

IC: "Leo how do we suppose to leave this area.... I hate to say this, but the guys out there are much stronger than us.... We're only 2.... But we are smarter.... And more then 2...... If I'm correct all duel spirits owners may fight Ousera slaves if they enter..... What if you're wrong???"

Then Leo looked in the arena looking for Aneus..... But he didn't knew that he was the boy he dueled in the Darkness Hall....

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Ryoushi stretched as he got up from his bed. He walked out onto the deck of a small fishing boat he had managed to get his hands on. Despite being an Obelisk Blue, he didn't care much for sleeping on land. He preferred that the sea be the one to lull him to sleep. Regardless, he made his way back to shore and, after securely fastening the ship to the docks, dropping and locking the anchor in place, and getting ready, he hopped onto the pier and walked towards Duel Academy. As he did, he could see the various students heading towards the academy. Apparently, there was some sort of assembly taking place.


As he walked into the auditorium, he saw a rather intense duel going on. He thought he'd take a closer look, so he walked up until he was only a fair distance away, almost completely disregarding the fact that he should have probably been seated. In any case, he watched the duel progress. It was between a user of Elemental Heroes and a completely new decktype he had personally never seen before. He made his way right next to the dueling platform for a closer look. Naturally, he just had to say something to Hogosha, "Whoo, those are some cool cards! I ain't never seen THOSE around before! Ooh, can I play the winner of this duel? Please?" He had his hand raised as he said that last part, clearly excited. Anyone could tell he was an Obelisk Blue from the color of his uniform, but his persona was like that of a first year Slifer who hadn't started dueling until recently, even his disregard of policy seemed equally reminiscent.

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Jaden went back and saw thw duel was still on. he wanted to see the rest so he was looking for a place to sit. Then he saw that strange guy again. He feel he was concerned about something so he sat next to him and whisperd"tell me what's goign on, which of the dragons is coming"he then turned his head and star watching the duel again.

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"How do you know about the dragons??? Do you know any Aneus??" Leo asked Jaden......

Akyio noticed the new guy entering the Duel Arena "How on the earth did he enter here??" whispered in Leo's ear.......

Leo toke a look to see him...... (How did he enter here?!?!?!?!) Leo thought....

"Follow me....." Leo said to Jaden...... Then he went out to see that the slaves of Ousera were gone..... Then he toke him to Darkness Forest.......

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"I remeber this forest here lots of people were dueling here,What is all this for Leo and who is that Aneous zou said about before, because the onlz thing i know is for that dragons ang their but mz friend dragons don't stand a chance thanks to a weapon i have got.Me and my spirit would make them pay"said Jaden while he was puling a card out of his deck and throw it to Leo"Look he said that card is my evolution card every spirit has 1 unique my father had told me that when a duelist is one with his spirit then this card is created.You are the first to know what i posses"he then and then clped and the card returned to his deck.

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As Xander finally reached the dorm, he was thinking to himself....asking if, in any way, these newer, more powerful cards would help him in any way. Well, he entered his own room, locking it and closing the windows and blinds. He kept the lights off and opened a small drawer he placed under his bed. They looked a bit like Yugi's old treasure box. The one that held the Millenium Puzzle. Anyways, he slowly opened it, as if there was some kind of trap. In the box, there was a package of about 20 something cards. On the top, there were three cards called Creation Theory - Ziz of the Sky, Behemoth of the Earth, and Leviathan of the Sea. A small grin came upon him, as he dusted the cards amd picked them up, beginning to fix his deck around.

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"Aww, shut up!" Shobu replied indignantly, frowning at Hogosha. "I know what I'm doing! Anyway, I draw and play Covert Contact, so I'll place one Neo-Spacian from my hand and my deck to the graveyard and draw two cards. Then I'll play my second O - Oversoul to bring Neos back to the field. Next, I'll play the Spell Card Wrath of Neos, so I put him back into my deck and destroy all cards on the field, so say goodbye to your monsters!" Neos took a horse stance with his hands by his sides, as if he was powering up. He then threw his head back in a silent scream as a shockwave emitted from his body, destroying everything on the field. "Your move."




Field: Nothing


OOC: Ugh! I wanted to use Mirror Force so badly!

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Hogosha frowned as all of the cards on the field were destroyed. He was disappointed that he had not had a chance to end the duel before that happened, but it was all right. He could still do something to end the duel within the next few turns. "Not bad. You would have done better to use Waboku before Neos was destroyed the first time, then you would have been able to attack as well. I draw." Leo looked at the card he drew and the rest of his hand and frowned. Looks like I'll have to go on the offensive this time. "I Summon Zero Kid in attack mode! Now, Zero Kid, attack Shobu directly!" Zero Kid appears on the field, standing upright with as the light surrounding him separates and disappears. Leaping from his spot, Zero Kid dashes over the Shobu and stops in front of him, glaring up at him from about waist height, almost as if to say 'don't you dare look down on me!' and swings his saber in an upward slash as it turns red, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. "By the way, Zero Kid increases the ATK and DEF power of all Reploid Type monsters on my side of the field by 300. Now i place 2 cards face-down on the field and end my turn."


fd s/t: 2

mz: Zero Kid ATK 1400 + 300

hand: 1

my LP 8000


your LP: 4700


[spoiler=cards used. read em.]




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Character's name: Neo Kaier

Character's age:18

Character's appearance: 0godofice.jpg

Deck's name:Dark Immoral

Signature Card/Duel Spirit: Unknown

Personalty/Bio: Will revived in the story

Student or Teacher? Student

What dorm?Obelisk Blue

What year?4th

OOC: Accepted......

PS: You have no duel spirit unknown what does this mean??

OOC: I've accepted Ayasato-chan she PM'd me her APP........

OOC: PS: I wont accept anymore in the RP..... 20 is enough don't you think....

"I remeber this forest here lots of people were dueling here' date='What is all this for Leo and who is that Aneous zou said about before, because the onlz thing i know is for that dragons ang their but mz friend dragons don't stand a chance thanks to a weapon i have got.Me and my spirit would make them pay"said Jaden while he was puling a card out of his deck and throw it to Leo"Look he said that card is my evolution card every spirit has 1 unique my father had told me that when a duelist is one with his spirit then this card is created.You are the first to know what i posses"he then and then clped and the card returned to his deck.


"So that's your duel spirit....." Leo said when he saw Jaden's duels spirit......

"How scary....." Akyio said....... When they reached the center of the forest Leo summon his spirit.......

"Some help now..." Leo said to his spirit while he charged a huge jolt of energy to open a gate.....

"Follow me....." Leo said to Jaden......

Then Leo saw Aneus there...... "Will, any luck...." he said to him......

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As he walked into the auditorium' date=' he saw a rather intense duel going on. He thought he'd take a closer look, so he walked up until he was only a fair distance away, almost completely disregarding the fact that he should have probably been seated. In any case, he watched the duel progress. It was between a user of Elemental Heroes and a completely new decktype he had personally never seen before. He made his way right next to the dueling platform for a closer look. Naturally, he just had to say something to Hogosha, "Whoo, those are some cool cards! I ain't never seen THOSE around before! Ooh, can I play the winner of this duel? Please?" He had his hand raised as he said that last part, clearly excited. Anyone could tell he was an Obelisk Blue from the color of his uniform, but his persona was like that of a first year Slifer who hadn't started dueling until recently, even his disregard of policy seemed equally reminiscent.



A few seats back from the dealing arena was the figure of Midori. She was wearing the typical Ra Yellow uniform for girls, but she still made some "improvements" to it... like dying it black. She had this weird inkling to dye most of her clothes red or black. Regardless, she overheard the rambling excitement from her classmate from the Obelisk Blue dorm, Ryoushi Amimoto. They never conversed, but she was curious about his overt excitement when it came to dueling. To her, dueling was more of a chore than anything else.


Taking the initiative, she got up from her seat and tapped him on the shoulder. She asked a simple question,


"What is it about dueling that gives such a drive? It's only a game afterall."

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A few seats back from the dealing arena was the figure of Midori. She was wearing the typical Ra Yellow uniform for girls' date=' but she still made some "improvements" to it... like dying it black. She had this weird inkling to dye most of her clothes red or black. Regardless, she overheard the rambling excitement from her classmate from the Obelisk Blue dorm, Ryoushi Amimoto. They never conversed, but she was curious about his overt excitement when it came to dueling. To her, dueling was more of a chore than anything else.


Taking the initiative, she got up from her seat and tapped him on the shoulder. She asked a simple question,


"What is it about dueling that gives such a drive? It's only a game afterall."



As Ryoushi was so absorbed in the current duel, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Confused, he turned around. Before him was a young lady in an odd-looking black uniform. He listened to what she had to say. Dueling just a game? Why should that be an excuse not to be excited. It's like how sports fans get so hyped up for their games or how a political party's supporters get revved up during a campaign. He honestly had to wonder why this girl, whoever she was, seemed to be so annoyed with him.


Regardless, Ryoushi merely smiled like he did and responded in a manner only people with his mentality could respond, "Sure, it's just a game, but it's a really good game! Don'cha think?" Though the game looked really fun, he couldn't help but ask, "Why do you ask why I get revved up anyway? Aren't you?" Then, as if he had had an ADD attack, he suddenly decided to ask, "Hey, how about we have a duel outside the arena? I've been itching for one for a while and it'd be pretty fun!"

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"Only a game...?" Shobu whispered in disbelief, his eyes wide; somehow, he'd overheard a snippet of what Midori had said( Dueling... only a game), and was outraged. "ONLY A GAME?! How dare you say that about dueling! Dueling is more than that, it's a sport and a way of life!" He yelled passionately, pointing at the girl with the black jacket, who he identified as Midori... something. Wasn't really great with names. "Besides, it even beats baseball in terms of greatest past time ever." he added, smirking before turning back to his opponent. "Anyway, ignoring the disbeliever, I draw and play Swords of Revealing Light, so you can't attack me for 3 turns. End turn."


Hand: 0


Field: Swords of Revealing Light

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"Reckless. Do you really think that will hold? In my hand I already hold the cards for your defeat. You should have at least set a monster before ending, Key-holders Descendant. As for you Midori, you should not speak so lightly of something which so many people hold dear. Are you not yourself a duelist?" Hogosha addressed Midori with a raised voice so that he could be sure that she would here him. He had not been bluffing either. He had Sages Cyclone in his hand once again, a stroke of good fortune that he appreciated since he rarely ever got the exact same cards twice in a row. He drew a card from his deck and looked at it, seeing that it was the very same monster that had been brought out at the start of the duel by Ventus Airus. how fitting, he thought, that the very card which was one of the ones he had started with, would help to end this duel here and now. "First I Summon Desert Warrior Zero, then I activate my face-down trap card, Dark Rebirth. At the cost of 1000 of my Life Points, I can bring back one monster from my Graveyard. In addition to this, a monster brought back by this cards effect has its ATK power increased by half its DEF power when it attacks. Now, I choose, the card that had been sent to the Graveyard by the effect of my previous Spell card, A Fallen Comrade, Zero Kid." As Hogosha says this, he inputs the mentioned card into his duel disk and the second Zero Kid appears a on the other side of Desert Warrior Zero who had previously appeared in a swirling cyclone of sand. "Now I activate the Spell Card Sages Cyclone and Destroy your swords of Revealing Light. Finally, I attack with all 3 of my monsters to end this duel." At his words, the Spell card is inserted into his Duel Disk and a column shaped Cyclone that appears around the previously mentioned Spell card and expands to envelope the entire field, causing the Swords of Revealing Light surrounding his monsters to crack and then shatter. Each of his monsters activates a Z-Saber and charges in. First the Left Zero Kid slashing at Shobus left as it dashes past, with the Zero kid on the right mirroring the first Zero Kids movements. Finally, Desert warrior dashes in and appears in front of Shobu, then jumps into the and hovers just a little above ground, his Z-Saber growing to 3 times its size and surrounded by a blue flame-like aura. Using the small jets concealed in his boots. Desert Warrior Zero first brings his Z-Saber back, then forward again in a jabbing motion as he flies through the air and comes to a stop a few feet behind Shobu, the entire dueling arena going blank as the holograms fade away with the last of Shobus Life Points.


[spoiler=these cards end the duel. feel free to read them.]





Final Results.

Zero Kid: ATK 1400 + 600

Zero Kid: ATK 1400 + 600 + 300

Desert Warrior Zero: ATK 1800 + 600


your Life Points: 0 - 2000

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As Ryoushi was so absorbed in the current duel' date=' he felt a tap on his shoulder. Confused, he turned around. Before him was a young lady in an odd-looking black uniform. He listened to what she had to say. Dueling just a game? Why should that be an excuse not to be excited. It's like how sports fans get so hyped up for their games or how a political party's supporters get revved up during a campaign. He honestly had to wonder why this girl, whoever she was, seemed to be so annoyed with him.


Regardless, Ryoushi merely smiled like he did and responded in a manner only people with his mentality could respond, "Sure, it's just a game, but it's a really good game! Don'cha think?" Though the game looked really fun, he couldn't help but ask, "Why do you ask why I get revved up anyway? Aren't you?" Then, as if he had had an ADD attack, he suddenly decided to ask, "Hey, how about we have a duel outside the arena? I've been itching for one for a while and it'd be pretty fun!"



"A... duel?" She thought for a moment. She then overheard the outburst from one of the other duelists, Shobu was his name she remembered. She smiled at him and then said to Hakuro, in a soft voice,


"Alright... but I suggest you don't get... "revved up" just yet. Your in for a world of hurt."


She motioned towards the door, slowly exiting the building. At her side a spiritual entity arose, a mechanical being that was blue and silver. It had the body of a female persuasion. She whispered,


"Midori... your going to duel... that's a bit rare for you to be interested in one duelist... this young man must be quite the fighter..." Midori smiled at her floating friend.


"Well... we'll see."

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"A... duel?" She thought for a moment. She then overheard the outburst from one of the other duelists' date=' Shobu was his name she remembered. She smiled at him and then said to Hakuro, in a soft voice,


"Alright... but I suggest you don't get... "revved up" just yet. Your in for a world of hurt."


She motioned towards the door, slowly exiting the building. At her side a spiritual entity arose, a mechanical being that was blue and silver. It had the body of a female persuasion. She whispered,


"Midori... your going to duel... that's a bit rare for you to be interested in one duelist... this young man must be quite the fighter..." Midori smiled at her floating friend.


"Well... we'll see."



Ryoushi followed Midori out of the building and readied his Duel Disk opposite her. As the duel disk activated, a gigantic shadow surrounded the entire Duel Academy and even a lot of the surrounding area. It was because, way above the island, a gigantic fish-like being made up entirely of water just seemed to float there. This was Ryoushi's duel spirit, Poseidon. Grinning, he drew his hand of five, "I do enjoy a good duel. Hope you like it as much as I do! Hope you don't mind if I start things off, draw!" as he drew his sixth card.


He smirked, "Conditions met, but it'd be cruel to end the game so soon. I'll activate the continuous spell card Water Hazard! This allows me to special summon a Water monster from my hand if I don't have any in play." As he played this, a hologram of the sea appeared waist high along the field with various shadows being seen swimming through it.


He then took a card from his hand and played it in the monster card zone, "With the stage set, I'll special summon Oyster meister in attack mode!" One of the shadows from the water emerges with a splash. An amphibious looking creature that had on what appeared to be armor created out of clam shells started started tossing a single mollusk in his right hand up and down, tauntingly. But Ryoushi wasn't finished setting up. He needed more preparations.


"Next up, I normal summon the Abyssal Kingshark in attack mode!" With that, a shark that appeared to be wearing spiky skeletal armor emerged. The glowing light on its forehead seemed to be emitting a bright yellow light. Ryoushi decided that this was enough for now. He was curious about what this uninterested duelist had up her sleeve, "I'll then set a card face-down and end my turn."


LP: 8000

Hand: 2

Deck: 34


[Oyster Meister][Abyssal Kingshark][Empty][Empty][Empty]

[Water Hazard][Face-Down][Empty][Empty][Empty]


Graveyard: 0

RFG: 0

Extra Deck: 15


OOC: Cards used for this turn:





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"A sea duelist? How charmng." Midori had acitvated her duel disk and drew her cards. Seeing her hand, she duly noted the cards. She smiled alittle.


"So then... you're curious aren't you? About the cards I use?" She picked the first card in her hand and placed it own the field, saying,


"I'll activate the Spell Card, 'Soul Absorption'. Now, when a monster is removed from play, I gain 500 Life Points... like now." She picked another card from her hand and played it. This time, a mecha appeared, it was completely bronze, kinda bulky yet swift, and had an air of lifelessness to it.


"I Special Summon 'Deathbound Striker' by removing 1 Machine-Type monster in my hand from play... and then I'll activate a field card."


Once she said that, the sky darkened as the sun was blocked out. Tall, mostly ruined buildings towered over them, creating a very bleak atmosphere.


"You know... once humans are gone... earth will still remain. That is why machines are the ultimate life. Which is the reason that this city is appropriately named, 'Armageddon - City of Death'."


Once the city finished, she pointed to Ryoushi and grinned.


"By the way... my monster can attack all of your monsters when Special Summoned by his own effect... so, I attack 'Oyester Meister' and 'Abyssal Kingshark'."




LP: 8500

Hand: 2

Deck: 47


[Deathbound Striker][Empty][Empty][Empty][Empty]

[soul Absorption][Armageddon - City of Death][Empty][Empty][Empty]


Graveyard: 0

RFG: 1

Extra Deck: 6


[spoiler=Cards Used]



Increase the ATK and DEF of each face-up "Deathbound" monster by 300 for each Machine-Type monster removed from play. When your opponent declares an attack on a face-up "Deathbound" monster, you can pay 500 Life Points to negate the attack. If this card would be destroyed by an opponent's card effect, you can remove 1 Machine-Type monster in your hand from play to negate the effect.




This card can be Special Summoned by removing 1 Machine-Type monster in your hand from play. If this card is Special Summoned by this effect, this card gains the following effect: This card can attack each face-up monster on your opponent's field. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. During your Standby Phase, if this card exists in the Removed from Play Zone, decrease the ATK of each face-up monster on your opponent's field by 200 for each Machine-Type monster removed from play.







This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Summoned, you can add 1 "Deathbound" Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. During your Standby Phase, if this card exists in the Removed from Play Zone, you can send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard to skip your opponent's next Draw Phase.


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Ryoushi frowned. He was... disappointed with the theme of the deck that his opponent was using. Death and Destruction? Mechanical Armageddon? How depressing! Not at all cool, "Geez, quite the morbid one, aren't you?" He then saw the mechanized monster attack. He quickly spoke, "Not so fast, young lady! I have a trap! Fish Depth Charge! By tributing Oyster Meister, I can destroy any 1 card on the field. I choose your Deathbound Striker! Next, I draw 1 card."


As he said this, Oyster Meister flung himself at the enemy and promptly exploded. All that remained was but a single oyster where Oyster Meister had been standing, "Because Oyster Meister was sent to the grave other than by battle, I get an Oyster Token in defense mode!" The oyster opened up slightly, it was dark with a pair of white gleaming eyes appearing from inside the shell.


[spoiler=Cards Used]400px-FishDepthChargeTDGS-EN-C-1E.jpg


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