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DBZ-Attack of New Buu(Accepting)


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Okay, this roleplay will be set 5 years after dragon ball z finishes(but 5 years before uub's first world tournament), and the z-fighters are all just getting used to peace, but the z fighters soon discover that before babbidi died, he used his magic to create a new buu that had power far superior than kid buu, and he implanted his memories into it, so he could take revenge on fat buu and the z-fighters. They then prepare for this war. and so the story begins...



Son Goku:Ki:Large - id319

Piccolo:Ki:Large - namelessk

Vegeta:Ki:Large - double_c4

Son Gohan:Ki:Large - Dark Lightning

Kid Trunks:Ki:Small - Available

Goten:Ki:Small - Available

Krillin:Ki:Medium - Available

Yamcha:Ki:Medium - Available

Tien:Ki:Medium - Available

Chiaotzu:Ki:Small - Available

Yajirobe:Ki:Small - Available

Android 18:Ki:Medium - Available

Fat Buu:Ki:Small - Available

Master Roshi:Ki:Small - Available

Mr. Satan:Ki:None - Available

Videl:Ki:Small - Available

Oolong:Ki:None - Available

Puar:Ki:None - Available

King Kai(Deceased):Ki:Small - Available

Bulma:Ki:None - Available


New Buu - Code~Red

Rules: 1. Don't Swear!

2. Definitely no back chatting.

3. People can only play as canons

4. You must have 3 to 4 lines per post

5. Follow advanced clause

6. You have only one chance to be good, so if you're not, you're out of the rp.

7. Each player has ki and hp, and they all start out with 1000 hp(Except for New Buu, who starts out with 50000), and varying ki.

8. This RP is based on a level system. All players start out on level 1(Except for New Buu, who starts out on level 50), with varying attack and defense, and as they defeat enemies, they gain XP(Experience points) equal to their opponent's level. You level up to level 2 once you have gained 20 XP, and then the XP needed to level up is doubled(as well as ki and hp), and so on.

9. The levels of ki are, from lowest to highest: None(Starts out with 0) Small(Starts out with 1000), Medium(Starts out with 2000), and Large(Starts out with 3000). New Buu has a unique level: Huge(Starts out with 1000000)

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Well whatever he didnt people can phrase thing the way you do without stealing from you so stop being a baby and shut up about it! because I dont want to hear it and I dont think anyone else does either!\



Also give him a chance to respond DAMNIT your such a loser if you complain like that and dont give him a chance to respond!

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