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link vs. sora

dimented dimentio

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alright dudes link goes up against the keyblade bearer sora. they get all their items and weopons and whatever. who do you think would win? and since link has his masks, sora has his drive forms. (valor,wisdom,anti,final and limit form which is in kh2 final mix lets sora use all his limits from kh1)

im siding with sora


what do y'all think?

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Link can't jump and fly around the arena with amazing agility. Second, Link can't level up. Sora can, allowing for much more strength, health, and magic.


Link's attacks are realistic, Sora's aren't, and by non-realistic, I mean unleashing 15 slashes in 5 seconds, and unleashing the powers of light.



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You're obviosly giving Sora unfair advantages.

1) Sora is immune to light' date=' so Link could hardly damage him.

2) Reflega sez hai.

3) He haz all his limit breaks. Go figure.



You're forgetting that link has Nayru's Love. So you could scratch Reflega off the list.


Hardly any of link's attacks are light based. The advantage there is also null.


Not sure how the limit breaks could be balanced out. The masks would perhaps do that.


I still think it's fairly balanced. IMO this is just a battle between power and speed.

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