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New shiz....


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It seems you know the basics. Kinda.


All that I can see is that you need to fill up that negative space.


You'll get there.


Thnx. =]


A lot of emoty-ness and too bright' date=' imo.


Darken the first one and it'll look better. ;)



Yeah, i agree, ill try to post a darker version later.

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Lighting on the 2nd is off. Pretty much it...


Oh and I didn't really like the Text much on the 2nd one.




wot iz da name of da freakinz text on da first tag?! Da ying to no!

Birth of A Hero. And Thnx.


All you need to do is work on your lighting and you'll get there ;)


Thnx, that seems to be my biggest problem.

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