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Lock please. Club being remade.


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Can I join?


How long have you been playing the Pokemon TCG?


About 4 years


What is your favorite card?


Empoleon DP


Pokemon you want to be in the club:




An example Deck, in Spoiler;Advanced and may only include cards from the DP and Platinum series.


[spoiler=my deck]


This deck has won against a few in tournaments. It's a Swampert mill deck


The point of this deck is to get out Swampert as fast as possible and use Hammer Arm to continuously discard the top of the opponent's deck until they have no cards left.


4 Swampert (DP:GE)

4 Marshtomp (DP:GE)

4 Mudkip (DP:GE)

14 Water Energies

5 Grass Energies

5 Fighting Energies

1 Roseanne's Research

2 Energy Search

4 Potion

1 Energy Switch

3 Lucian's Assignment

4 Weedle (DP:GE)

3 Delibird (DP:GE)

4 Pokeball

4 Dusk Ball



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1 Torkoal (Platinum)

14 Fire Energies

10 Grass Energies

4 Energy Search

4 Energy Switch

4 Lucian's Assignment

2 Roseanne's Research

2 Ninetales (Platinum

4 Vulpix (Platinum)

2 Leafeon (P:RR)

4 Eevee (P:RR)

1 Charizard (SF Exclusive)

2 Charmeleon (SF Exclusive)

4 Charmander (DP:SW)




In case you wondering how I got the exclusives, it cost me an arm and a leg.

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1 Torkoal (Platinum)

14 Fire Energies

10 Grass Energies

4 Energy Search

4 Energy Switch

4 Lucian's Assignment

2 Roseanne's Research

2 Ninetales (Platinum

4 Vulpix (Platinum)

2 Leafeon (P:RR)

4 Eevee (P:RR)

1 Charizard (SF Exclusive)

2 Charmeleon (SF Exclusive)

4 Charmander (DP:SW)




In case you wondering how I got the exclusives' date=' it cost me an arm and a leg.



In both decks you are running waaaaaay too many energies, most decks don't need to go over 15. Then, there is the problem of your evolution lines, 4-2-4 is how it should usually be for stage 2 pokemon because of Rare Candy. Then, there is the problem of you not running staples like Rare Candy (Stage 2 decks), Bebe's Search, Roseanne's Research, Claydol, Uxie, and Luxury Ball. Not to mention the fact that most of your pokemon don't really work together at all. Your decks are running very outclassed cards like Potion, Energy Switch, and Energy Gain, just to name a few.

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How did I miss this topic?


[spoiler=What I currently run]


Psychic Pokemon - 9


[Rocket]Dark Kadabra

[Promo 021]Jirachi

[KidsWB Promo]Mewtwo

[^Alternet-art verson^]Mewtwo

[Fossil]Slowpoke x2

[Fossil]Slowbro x2


Fire Pokemon - 6

[base Set]Charmander

[base Set]Charmeleon

[base Set]Growlithe x2

[Fossil]Magmar x2


Colorless Pokemon - 4




[base Set]Porygon


Trainer - 16

[base Set]Bill x3

[base Set]Defender x2

[base Set]Energy Retrieval

[Fossil]Energy Search x2

[Gym Heros]Erika

[base Set]Item Finder



[base Set]Pokemon Trader

[base Set]Professor Oak x3


Energy - 25

Fire x10

Psychic x15


Its horribly out-dated, but I dont really care.

Seeing as how 99% of my cards are from Base-Set to around the end of Fossil, with a randomly handfull of mis-match cards.


I keep saying that I want to get copies of Stormfront Drifblim to replace the Slowpoke, Slowbro, Abra, and Kadabra, since Stormfront Drifblim can recycle cards like Bill and what-not.

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You need to follow the rules if you want to be in the club...


This club is dedicated to making all members into more competent players

It only took 3 seconds to read that' date=' to learn that the club is for more competetive decks?


Wow, Im [i']THAT[/i] lazy? Lawl


Anyway... I should really get more into playing with the whole competetive format.

But my cards are horribly outdated >___>



Next time I go over to my cardshop, Ill see if they have any of the latest cards.

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Im no longer a pro at bieng a TCG-Noob(Thanks sbdnate)


[spoiler=My [i]new[/i] current deck:]

Stormfront Bagon x3

Stormfront Shellgon x3

Arceus Salamence x3

Arceus Salamence Level X x1

Great Encounters Baltoy x2

Great Encounters Claydol x2

Unown G x1

Arceus Spiritomb x3

Legends Awakened Uxie

Legends Awakened Azelf


Mysterious Treasures Bebe's Search x4

Secret Wonders Roseanne's Research x4

Luxury Ball x1

Broken time Space x2

Warp Point x2

Premier Ball x2

Night Maintenance x3

Super Scoop-Up x4

Rare Candy x4


5 Fire Energy

5 Water Water Energy

4 Double Colorless Energy


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How long have you been playing the Pokemon TCG? 1 day

What is your favorite card?I dont know

Pokemon you want to be in the club:Arceus


I am going to remake this club' date=' you can be a member there.


Same with you, Arm.



I was actually about to post saying to go ahead and remake this.


You and your psychic ninja abilities.

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also, (dang, bye bye empoleons for those charizards)


[spoiler=my new deck]




15 Fire Energy


4 Torkoal (Platinum)

4 Ninetales (Platinum)

4 Vulpix (Platinum)

4 Charizard (SF Exclusive)

2 Charmeleon (SF Exclusive)

4 Charmander (SF Exclusive)

4 Entei (Promo Set)


4 Roseanne's Research

4 Cynthia's Feelings

4 Rare Candy

4 Lucian's Assignment

2 Super Potion



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