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SKE Luster Dragon#2

MFC Kiryu

PSV Jinzo

SDK Blue-Eyes White Dragon

SYE Dark Blade

DCR Des Feral Imp

MRD Blackland Fire Dragon

MFC Pitch-Dark Dragon

SDY Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1

SDJ Magician of Faith

SDK Koumori Dragon

SDP Mask of Darkness

LOD Twin-Headed Behemoth

LOD The Dragon Dwelling in the Cave

LOD Gray Wing

LOD Cave Dragon

SKE Paladin of White Dragon

MRD Heavy Storm

SDP Graceful Charity

SKE White Dragon Ritual

LON United We Stand

MFC Combination Attack

SDY Monster Reborn

LOD Stamping Destruction

SDP Rush Recklessly

SDY Change of Heart

SDJ Shield & Sword

LOB Mountain

SKE Tribute to the Doomed

SYE Axe of Dispair

LOD Bottomless Trap Hole

PGD Pharoh's Treasure

SYE Disappear

SDK Trap Hole

LOD Dragon's Rage

SDP Enchanted Javelin

PGD D. Tribe

SDP Magic Jammer

SDP Seven Tools of the Bandit

SYE Waboku


thats so far but i only been collecting for 3 weeks :)

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