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My Omega Dragon Cards - v.2 Contest Entrys ^_^

Junk Raver

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Srry i copied although i did post before you.10/10 Beutifel and Fantastic


I dont mind that you used it ^_^ hehe, just some ppl can go all eugh and say, eugh you copied someones picture, and i would hate for ppl to think i was stealing good pictures lol


You didnt actually, i posted these in a contest thread over a day ago ^_^

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oh fudge, i forgot to include the background, theres loads of information that ties in with the meaning behind this card which gives you the answers to your questions...


and yes it will start off with 800, which as you will shortly see, is perfect ^_^ hehe...



Now to start with you must know, that this card was intended for the OMEGA DRAGON contest, where you had to make an Omega dragon card, so, i decided to tie in factual knowledge with its creation...



Ideas behind my Omega Dragon Card...


1. Omega (the last letter of the Greek alphabet) is often used to denote the last, the end, or the ultimate. Hense also why the Set thingy is called 'END'. Also hense why his effect is to destroy everything, including himself ^_^ he is the END...


2. Omega, In the Greek numeric system, has a value of 800, hence why i used 800 to represent its ATK and its effect life point cost, also i gave it 8 level stars as 8 and 800 have 8 in common.


3. Seeing as its the 'End' i decided to give it the Dark attribute, As End can be tied in with death, thus destruction.


4. Chaos Emp dragon is an Envoy of the end so i thought it best to try and incorparate its effect into my Omega dragon, so yes they do have similar effects.



And well thats why my card is my card ^_^

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