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NBA CLUB:Who do you wanna be?


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As the title states we will mostly talk about basketball and NBA.If anyone is a big fan of basketball,like me,and you know the basics and some players you may join.You can tell me if you want to be caled by your player or username.

[spoiler=How To Join]Username:

What player you want to be:

Why do you want to join:


[spoiler=Players]Kobe Bryant:pokemanlover

Michael Jordan:double_c4

Paul Pierce:spongebob

Dwayne Wade:King Matrix


[spoiler=Captains]Kobe Bryant


I didnt fell like making any banners.sorry.


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howbout this topic:

i read the how to slam issue(the 1 with dwight on it) and read slamadamonth. that dissapointed me. i think the slamadamonth shouldve been paul pierce on chris bosh. that 1 was amazing. knee in the guts. in mid-air. chris got smacked down wen he was goin' up. in mid-air. wat do u think? and i dont say this for every paul pierce dunk i swear

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