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Ex Deo


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Ex Deo IS Kataklysm master.=D


Anyway they caught my attention a while ago because they're the FIRST FREAKING Metal band to use Roma elements in their songs. Granted it exists as a theme but nothing based on it. And I study ancient history so I'm a huge sucker for things like that.=)


Tbh I like the result, some songs really have the great atmosphere.=D I wouldn't say they're AWESOME (Kataklysm turned horrible during the last years anyway) but it's kinda refreshing. I really don't like how it gets a bit repetitive at some parts and focusses too much on OMGwar and epic :/, I wished it had more other historical elements. But I'll probably keep track on the project.=D

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Yeah, I found that out. Thus, the edit. ;D


I <3 ancient history. That and religion are the 2 things I'm most interested in, next to music. =3


Yeah. I noticed that with some of their other songs. A little repetitive, kinda like Winds of Plague. It's good music, just repetitive.

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