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Fallen Gems ☼ Started. Not Accepting.

Skippy Canoe

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Buneary was not sure why they were yelling, and could speak little. She just wanted to get Magmar's attention because the arguing disturbed her. When he asked her what she wanted, she made a cute face and curled around his leg. From there, she watched Flygon fly away. She then heard rumbling from the forest. It shook the canopy, it made branches fall. Buneary held on to Magmar's ankle.


Out from the forest came a furious Victreebel, followed by a roguish-looking Nidoqueen. They both stomped towards the food storage area.

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Flygon heard the rumbling and screams of the 2 hostile pokemon and turned back. He was disobeying orders again but this was his chance to get a better relationshittack with Magmar. Shouting his usual battle cry "Kayoooo!" he made the first attack by shooting a dragonbreath at Victreebell.

Ooc: Can i be leader of an devision?

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"Buneary!" Magmar screamed as he picked her up and set her on his shoulder. He wanted her to grab onto him again so she wouldn't fall, but he was unsure if she would.


"GET OUT!" Magmar screamed aloud at the two intruders.


He held his arm out, in hopes he had mastered the new move Gardevoir attempted to teach him, Psychic. The basket's were moved away from the Pokemon by him. Then, he attempted to throw the Pokemon aside, which did work a bit. It knocked them both over and shook the ground a bit.


No. No. No. No. No. No. No one else is to lead, me and Skippy talked it over. No one else is to lead, ever.

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After seeing the newborn hatch, Kabutops' spirits were sky high. But then the rogues burst through the underbrush. He quickly followed up Magmar's attack with an ice beam straight at the Victreebel. It struck, stunning the Pokemon momentarily and freezing part of its side.


God, can't they let us in peace for 5 FREAKIN MINUTES?!?!? he thought.

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Victreebel was out for the moment so Flygon swooped in and used Slash on Nidoqueen. I was one of the dumbest things he did in his life. The Nidoqueen easly hit him with her own Slash, sending him flying to the direction of Buneary's basket. Luckily, he missed it by 2 feet. There was a huge gash in his side from which blood was pouring out. He knew he could do no more and silently waited for death...

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"Division A!" Magmar yelled, "Tend to Flygon and take Buneary!"


Magmar looked to Buneary quickly, "They have to hold you while I handle this, for your own safety."


He then shot out another stream of flames, followed by a Psychic which melded them into a ring surrounding the two rogues. The flames licked the air as if they were a stream of gas.


"Surrender, rogues!" He demanded, "Or Division B will have to handle this!"

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Buneary tried holding on to Magmar when someone grabbed her. She instinctively bit who's hand it was that grabbed her, for they grabbed her from behind. Tears came from her face, even if it wasn't that big of a deal to anyone else. She watched Nidoqueen and Victreebel fighting with her tribe, wondering who to be afraid of, who to be mad at, and who to cheer on. The world, especially this world, was very new to her still.

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Magmar continued to shoot flames at the threat. He could see fear in their eyes, fear that they wouldn't survive. Magmar was a strong believer that all Pokemon are the same. That they should all help one another. No one else seemed to agree.


These Pokemon seemed like they were just trying to survive. They had no food, and they would die otherwise. Would anyone forgive him if he tryed? It's not worth it, Magmar would have to continue the attack.


"Division B, get em'!" He commanded.

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"Don't worry Plusle," He said, "she's with another Division B member."


Magmar was now the leader, and he had to be able to handle this. He was hoping everyone else was attacking two, but he didn't notice due to his constant attacks.


He held his arm out, extended completely. His hand glowed purple, bright purple. The rogues also glowed purple. Magmar extended them into the air, hoping people would take that as a sign to attack. The new move Gardevoir taught him, Psychic, really worked.

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Plusle sent a spark shuddering through the rogues, doing a little bit of damage but not much.

"Best i can do for now. The supplies are guarded carefully. Next orders? Or should we just wait?" she asked.

She looked back at the supplies. "Want an oran berry?" she noticed that Magmar was a little bit nervous. "Or maybe a spare ether to restore your moves?"

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Flygon was close to dieing now. Everyone was more worried about Buneary then him. Buneary was wisked away to a safe place while he was laying here, alone. Blood was still trickling out of his wounds. "I would like to be a Lucario in my next life..." He said to the goddess Cresselia. He was aware of the battle around himself and that they were wining. But that wasn't important...

Ooc: i really need someone to save me or i will die...

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Plusle gazed out into the battlefield and saw the twitching form of flygon.

"FLYGON!" she screamed. She had always admired his prestige in battle. She rushed over to him and heaved him heavily on one shoulder and laid him on the stretcher, puffing. She carried the stretcher on her shoulder back to the cave they hid the supplies and guarded them in.

"division A! Get to work!" she screamed as they rushed over Flygon with healing supplies.

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Jeez... Just make a Division A member come and save you.


Magmar was too busy to care about anything around him right now. He through the Pokemon he had suspended midair into the brush and ran to Plusle. Magmar scooped up the young Buneary. He knew Plusle wouldn't like the scratching.


"Are you okay?" He asked Buneary softly.

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Buneary squealed when she was grabbed. She thought it was that other Divison B member grabbing her from behind again. Then, she saw Magmar and snuggled close to him. She was barely even aware of the battle that was going on. She was also unaware that Magmar was needed, and her only parents were gone besides him. Then, when Plusle took her, she was fine, even though she couldn't grab her tail.

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Plusle gently smiled at the little thing and then set her down in a comfy leafy seat that she had specially erected for buneary so she wouldn't be clawing at her tail all the time. She turned to the now bandaged up Flygon and smiled grimly. "We'll see if he holds up. Give him a pecha berry just in case." she directed a chansey.

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Magmar was bothered by Plusle taking Buneary, but he had to deal with it. The battle was important now.


"LEAVE!" Magmar shouted, as he used Psychic.


He lifted the creatures from the ground. They were struggling to break free, but there was no escape. Magmar moved his arm to the left, tossing the two rogues deep into the forest. This took a lot of Magmar's strength considering he had just learned the move.


"Grea... Gre... Great job everyon-" Magmar stuttered before falling to the ground. He simply needed rest, he would be fine.

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Plusle smiled to herself. She knew that Magmar was overly tired out so she brought him and Buneary to the same leafy bed-mat and set them both down so that they could snuggle together. How cute.

She gently prised Magmar's mouth open and fed him a calcium and an ether. That would keep him. She also fed him a sitrus berry for strength.

She sat back and sighed. Now she would wait for them to wake up and give her her next orders.

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Magmar slowly opened his eyes to see that Buneary was curled up next to him. She seemed to be sleeping, so he didn't want to bother her. Plusle was next to him, and he knew it. Plusle would have had to be the one to take care of him. Magmar rolled his head over to look at Plusle.


"I see you moved us to a bed, and I assume you fed me some sort of vitamins." Magmar said, tasting the bitter pills.


"Thanks," He said quietly, "Could you please get me and Buneary some water. I'm sure when she awakes she will be thristy."

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