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The Multiverse Anime-Tion club (YCM crashed, and onemanga is losing its manga. crud)

Shadow Zero

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Well, if it's under 0 degrees outside, and you leave the window open, that will go inside, and freeze anything freezable by below 0 temperatures.


INCLUDING puke >>;;


Well, if it's under 0 degrees outside, and you leave the window open, that will go inside, and freeze anything freezable by below 0 temperatures.


INCLUDING puke >>;;

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Cause he knew no one would belive him otherwise? xD



BTW, he was so awesome, when the 6th graders (we were 7th) were being loud in the hallways, he'd take his meterstick, go out into the hallway, and yell "Hey, 6th graders! SHUT UP!" and beat the meterstick on the wall.


One day it came back broken...... O>o

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DL i believe you were sleaping in Phisics class.


When 2 temperatures combine they do not emidietly go to one of the sides.Meaning even if it was 0 outside that temperature would become around 10 inside.Even if it SOMEHOW got below 0 not all materials freeze at the conditions of water.Oxygen freezes around -80.So he was either staying at Alaska with a window open or he's faking it.

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