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Yu-Gi-Oh! World Turbo Dueling Championship! [Advanced] [Just Started]

Kyosuke Kiryu

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Hello, and welcome to my RP.



Here at the new and improved Duel Academy it searches through out the whole world to find the best duelists. Turbo Duelists.


These duelists, are the elite. They will be participating in the World Turbo Dueling Championship. However, before the tournament gets underway, a group of believed to be, harmless bandits attacked the duelists and citizens of Neo Domino City, pitching the entire city to the darkness.


However, a group of rebels stood up the bandits. Lead by their leader *insert name here* they will fight against the bandits. In order to stop a prophecy that predicted the end of dueling, and the universe itself.




[spoiler=The Rebels]

The rebels are the duelists fighting against the bandits, with only their decks, duel runners and hope. The control the North of the city. These are believed to be the next age of signers, there marks will emerge when they first face a bandit..




[spoiler= The Bandits]

The bandits are the evil behind the story, took control of the city and nearly wiped out the population, they are more commonly known as the Dark Signers, and will seek to do anything to destroy the universe.




[spoiler=Signer App.]



Signer Mark:


Signer Dragon:


Opening Post:




[spoiler=Dark Signer app.]



Dark Mark:


Dark Synchro (Earthbound Immortal comes with Dark Mark):

Bio (Must include death):

Opening Post:




[spoiler=My app.]

Name: Kyosuke Fujiwara

Age: 18

Dark Mark: Giant

Decktype: Darksworn

Dark Synchro: One-Hundred Eye Dragon

Bio: Kyosuke Fujiwara was born to a dead mother and father, he resided in the old momentum where he continually absorbed the Dark Energy which finally possesed him to destroy himself, he now lives as a Dark Spirit with jet black skin and blood red eyes with a black torn robe with blue tints.

Opening Post: N/A





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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Saul

Age: 25

Signer Mark: Head

Decktype: Crystal Beasts, or HEro's

Signer Dragon: Stardust

Bio: A man from Colorado, Saul is the adopted brother of Black. He grew up after Black, then John, saved him while he was a poor Orphan. They were 10 at the time. John's parents adopted him, and the two grew uyp as the best of friends and brothers. When he turned 18 he went off to study medicine, and he began to grow more and more hope for humanity, and his ability to help them. He got into a fight with John before he ran off, and hasn't seen him since. Not too long after that, his mark appeared. He realized his purpose, and now wishes to lead the Signers. Somehow he knows what it will come to for him. He is quiet, and aloof, not wishing to talk to others. He acts like a rogue, although he is very loyal.

Appearance: He wears a red jacket all the time, and assorted T-shirts. Jeans as well. HE has blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Opening Post:

Saul sat on his duel runner, looking at the setting sun. He thought as he stared into it. He brushed a blonde lock out of his face, and put his helmet on. He had to get to the tourney arena to sign up before time ran out. He thought, then added,


Name: Marsuvees Black

Age: Undead 25

Dark Mark: Condor

Decktype: SKY FIRE, or Clear

Dark Synchro: Dark Flat Top

Bio: Saul's best friend from childhood. He was born John Atticus, and he stayed that way most of his life. Then, when he was about 19, and in psychology courses, he began to fall into darkness. He lost hope in humanity, and he began to long for the power of darkness. At first, he learned that his "brother" was actually one of the Signers, as all sins pointed to it. This caused his jealousy to swell. After his fight with Saul, he learned of someone who supposedly embodied darkness, and challenged him to a duel. This was Kyosuke. Black purposely lost, and became Marsuvees Black. He is ready for havoc.

Appearance: Black Trenchcoat, and the regular black eyes. But, his irises are blue, rather than yellow. His only fully human trait left. He wears black slacks, and shirt. Black coots too. Refuses to wear a cloak. Medium-length black hair, and a wide Brimmed-Black hat.

Opening Post:

Black stared at the sun setting, before averting his gaze and entering an abandoned building. "I hate sunlight..." He mumbled as he entered. He was told to come here by his boss. He had already entered the tournament, so no need to worry about late registration. "Boss." He bit out. "You here?"

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Name: Saul

Age: 25

Signer Mark: Head

Decktype: Crystal Beasts' date=' or HEro's

Signer Dragon: Stardust

Bio: A man from Colorado, Saul is the adopted brother of Black. He grew up after Black, then John, saved him while he was a poor Orphan. They were 10 at the time. John's parents adopted him, and the two grew uyp as the best of friends and brothers. When he turned 18 he went off to study medicine, and he began to grow more and more hope for humanity, and his ability to help them. He got into a fight with John before he ran off, and hasn't seen him since. Not too long after that, his mark appeared. He realized his purpose, and now wishes to lead the Signers. Somehow he knows what it will come to for him. He is quiet, and aloof, not wishing to talk to others. He acts like a rogue, although he is very loyal.

Appearance: He wears a red jacket all the time, and assorted T-shirts. Jeans as well. HE has blonde hair, and blue eyes.

Opening Post:

Saul sat on his duel runner, looking at the setting sun. He thought as he stared into it. He brushed a blonde lock out of his face, and put his helmet on. He had to get to the tourney arena to sign up before time ran out. He thought, then added,


Name: Marsuvees Black

Age: Undead 25

Dark Mark: Condor

Decktype: SKY FIRE, or Clear

Dark Synchro: Dark Flat Top

Bio: Saul's best friend from childhood. He was born John Atticus, and he stayed that way most of his life. Then, when he was about 19, and in psychology courses, he began to fall into darkness. He lost hope in humanity, and he began to long for the power of darkness. At first, he learned that his "brother" was actually one of the Signers, as all sins pointed to it. This caused his jealousy to swell. After his fight with Saul, he learned of someone who supposedly embodied darkness, and challenged him to a duel. This was Kyosuke. Black purposely lost, and became Marsuvees Black. He is ready for havoc.

Appearance: Black Trenchcoat, and the regular black eyes. But, his irises are blue, rather than yellow. His only fully human trait left. He wears black slacks, and shirt. Black coots too. Refuses to wear a cloak. Medium-length black hair, and a wide Brimmed-Black hat.

Opening Post:

Black stared at the sun setting, before averting his gaze and entering an abandoned building. "I hate sunlight..." He mumbled as he entered. He was told to come here by his boss. He had already entered the tournament, so no need to worry about late registration. "[i']Boss.[/i]" He bit out. "You here?"



Both accepted :]

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I wuv u Qal'at 4 making n arr-pee


Name: Valian Greysan

Age: 27 (he is alive for about a couple hours of the day)

Dark Mark: Spider

Decktype: End Deck (CC allowed rite?)

Dark Synchro (Earthbound Immortal comes with Dark Mark): End, Lord of Chaos (CC)

Bio (Must include death): Valian is a suspected murderer, which is true he has murdered many people (but 4Kids changed it to "soul stealing") in a group of duelists called the Death Squad (but 4Kids changed it to the "Soul Snatchers") taht eventually disbanded because most of the members were captured, and the leader was sentenced to death (4Kids didn't elaborate). He eventually stumbled along the Dark Signers, Valian initially refused because of how close it was to him escaping the last time, but the Dark Signers managed to brainwash him into his old murdering (soul snatching because of damn 4Kids) self. Valian now has no memory about anything else and cntinues to duel to murder (soul snatch) for the Dark Signers who he believes are the Death Squad (Soul Snatchers because of 4Kids).

Opening Post:

[spoiler=Opening Post]

Valian stood there, torn cloaks and coats blew in the wind, he only cared about murdering other duelists, when they could not defeat him. He then crouched down for some reason. "What is this?" Valian asked himself then pushed himself back up, continuing to stand there, the wind had stopped his cloaks and coats returned to normal position. Valian just looked at the setting sun, his face hidden in a black bandanna and black sunglasses hid his eyes. So much filth, such little time. Valian thought eyeing the sun.


Oh and by the way which one do you want 4Kids or Original? Want moar I have moar.

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Name: Tanaka, Heero


Age: 15


Signer Mark: Wing


Decktype: Dragon


Signer Dragon: Tempest Dragon [Custom Card]


Bio: A dueling prodigy, Heero Tanaka loves dueling. He has an excuse up his sleeve to duel anyone for any reason. Heero also loves making friends, and will stand up for them, no matter what. He's a bit headstrong, and reckless, but he knows that and doesn't really care. He is also looking for his best friend, Dante...and...Heero has a secret...one that no one knows about...


Opening Post:

"Some has to do something about these bandits..." Heero said.

"Yeah, but what're you going to do? They're too dangerous 'ya know..." his friend responded.

"I know, I know...but...wait! That's it! We'll challenge them all and beat them!" Heero exclaimed.

"Wha-?! Oh no. No way man. Count me out of this. Uh-uh. No way."

~20 seconds later~

"How did I get into this...?" Dante asked.

"You agreed...sort of." Heero answered. "Well...lets see...where to begin..."

No answer.

"Dante...?" Heero asked.

Dante was no where to be found...

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Ok. So i'll just make the Signer.

Name: Kahiro Temson

Age: 18

Signer mark: Claw

Decktype: Assault Mode Activate

Signer dragon: Ancient Fairy Dragon

Bio (ugh): Kahiro was born to a dragon, which also raised him. When he was 11 he found about Yu-Gi-Oh, and he started to get some cards and dueling ppls. He was still living with the dragon. Once, he found a blank card in his deck, while he was editing it. He asked the dragon (in some dragon language in which he talked too) if it knows something about the card. The dragon just turned away and said: ''Oh my dear kid. It would be lovely if i could explain it, but....'', the next second the dragon disappeared and the blank card became a syncho monster: Infernity Doom Dragon. Now he is 18 and he knows 'bout the bandits very well. He also has a plan.....


Opening post: Nah. N/A

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Ok. So i'll just make the Signer.

Name: Kahiro Temson

Age: 18

Signer mark: Shoulder

Decktype: Assault Mode Activate

Signer dragon: Infernity Doom Dragon

Bio (ugh): Kahiro was born to a dragon' date=' which also raised him. When he was 11 he found about Yu-Gi-Oh, and he started to get some cards and dueling ppls. He was still living with the dragon. Once, he found a blank card in his deck, while he was editing it. He asked the dragon (in some dragon language in which he talked too) if it knows something about the card. The dragon just turned away and said: ''Oh my dear kid. It would be lovely if i could explain it, but....'', the next second the dragon disappeared and the blank card became a syncho monster: Infernity Doom Dragon. Now he is 18 and he knows 'bout the bandits very well. He also has a plan.....


Opening post: Nah. N/A



Sorry, Infernity Doom Dragon isn't a signer dragon, sorry to be picky. But you're gonna have to make it an already real one, or a custom one ^^

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Name: Kyle Vorger

Age: 23

Dark Mark: Hummingbird

Decktype: Token Monsters

Dark Synchro (Earthbound Immortal comes with Dark Mark): Frozen Fitzgerald

Bio (Must include death): Kyle was an everyday college student who used dueling as a hobby to relieve stress after periods of studying. One night, when he was walking home, he was ambushed by a mugger hiding in an alley. He challenged the mugger to a duel, who responded by fatally shooting him and stealing all his valuables as he lay dying, including his cards and textbooks. Kyle awoke as a Dark Signer, his once optimistic outlook of the world tarnished by the incident of his death.


Opening Post: Kyle gazed solemnly at the sky, the night breeze blowing his shoulder-length hair across his face. With a dismissive flick of his hand, he brushed the hair out of his eyes. The city below his resting spot was lovely at twilight, so many lights shining from the windows of buildings, one by one disappearing at various times as he watched. People were turning in for the night and some...some were hunting prey, attacking those who made the error of walking home alone from the library. People like that made him sick.

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Name: Kyle Vorger

Age: 23

Dark Mark: Hummingbird

Decktype: Token Monsters

Dark Synchro (Earthbound Immortal comes with Dark Mark): Frozen Fitzgerald

Bio (Must include death): Kyle was an everyday college student who used dueling as a hobby to relieve stress after periods of studying. One night' date=' when he was walking home, he was ambushed by a mugger hiding in an alley. He challenged the mugger to a duel, who responded by fatally shooting him and stealing all his valuables as he lay dying, including his cards and textbooks. Kyle awoke as a Dark Signer, his once optimistic outlook of the world tarnished by the incident of his death.


Opening Post: Kyle gazed solemnly at the sky, the night breeze blowing his shoulder-length hair across his face. With a dismissive flick of his hand, he brushed the hair out of his eyes. The city below his resting spot was lovely at twilight, so many lights shining from the windows of buildings, one by one disappearing at various times as he watched. People were turning in for the night and some...some were hunting prey, attacking those who made the error of walking home alone from the library. People like that made him sick.




Just need domi to change his app.

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Name: Cyrus Newford

Age: 26

Signer Mark: Tail

Decktype: We're playing by Cyrus' Rules now! (Trials, made-up)

Signer Dragon: Executioner Dragon [Custom]

Bio: Cyrus was a very skilled boy and he was a professional at dueling. He is also a psychic duelist, who once killed an opponent in a duel and was suspended from ever dueling again. This was when he got his hands on a very powerfull monster named Executioner Dragon. He is, however, now an outlaw who duels those unfortunate enough to stand in his path. He understanding in the rebels, and has joined them for now, even though this talk about "hope" and "freedom" is something he does not quiete understand.

Opening Post:


Cyrus was looking through his deck untill he found his ace, Executioner Dragon. He smiled as he looked at it, even though he had not had a chance to use it since he got it, he knew that it would come in handy in the upcomming championship.

He thought back on how he got it...


A year earlier.

"This man will be executed, we can't have these psychic duelists running around killing people." A security officer said, looking at the man in front of him.

"That jabroni deserved to die..." The man was looking at the ground. "She was about to win!" As he uttered the words a smile spread on his face. His hands was tied together so that he wouldn't try to escape.

"So by your philosophy you deserved to die each time you won a duel?" The officer said and had a puzzled look on his face.

The man, who was Cyrus, looked up.

"That's not the same, we're playing by my rules now, and by my rules I'm the good guy here. The good guys always wins." The smile was gone, he now had an emotionless look on his face.

"Are you telling me that girl was a bad guy?" The officer was very confused at this moment.

"Yes, by my rules." Cyrus still had an emotionless look.

"Gah, spare me your mad nonsense. Bring in the executioner!" The officer turned around and walked out of the room. Talking about the room, it was an empty room except for the chair that Cyrus was sitting on and the door. There was also a window, with a couple of officers looking at him. Cyrus looked back at them and his emotionless look turned into a mad smile.

"Do you need an executioner to kill me!? What kind of worthless people aren't you guys?" He then started laughing. The door opened again and a man with long, black hair walked inside. He had a duel disk on his arm and was holding a card.

"We decided that we would kill you by your own kind... This is Grey, another psychic duelist." One of the officers said. "And he is going to kill you with the card Executioner Dragon!" Grey took the card and placed it in one of the monster card zones as a big, black armored dragon appeared. It had four wings that looked pretty much like razor blades. On it also had four legs with just one claw on each, balancing on the tip of the claws. It had two arms with more razor-sharp claws, and it's head sported multiple metallic horns aswell as glowing, green eyes. On it's tail was a gigantic scythe.

"I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, and you can't stop me!" Cyrus was still smiling, but he was now looking at the dragon. He then somehow ripped the ties that bound his hands.

"Grey! Kill him!" The officer yelled, but the dragon didn't move. "What's happening?"

Cyrus was holding his hand up, and he was holding a card, Brain Control...


Back to present time.

"Good times..." Cyrus smiled at the thought. "Those stupid guys got what they deserved!"


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Name: Cyrus Newford

Age: 26

Signer Mark: Tail

Decktype: We're playing by Cyrus' Rules now! (Trials' date=' made-up)

Signer Dragon: Guillotine Dragon [Custom']

Bio: Cyrus was a very skilled boy and he was a professional at dueling. He is also a psychic duelist, who once killed an opponent in a duel and was suspended from ever dueling again. This was when he got his hands on a very powerfull monster named Blackout Dragon. He is, however, now an outlaw who duels those unfortunate enough to stand in his path. He understanding in the rebels, and has joined them for now, even though this talk about "hope" and "freedom" is something he does not quiete understand.

Opening Post:


Cyrus was looking through his deck untill he found his ace, Guillotine Dragon. He smiled as he looked at it, even though he had not had a chance to use it since he got it, he knew that it would come in handy in the upcomming championship.

He thought back on how he got it...


A year earlier.

"This man will be executed, we can't have these psychic duelists running around killing people." A security officer said, looking at the man in front of him.

"That b**** deserved to die..." The man was looking at the ground. "She was about to win!" As he uttered the words a smile spread on his face. His hands was tied together so that he wouldn't try to escape.

"So by your philosophy you deserved to die each time you won a duel?" The officer said and had a puzzled look on his face.

The man, who was Cyrus, looked up.

"That's not the same, we're playing by my rules now, and by my rules I'm the good guy here. The good guys always wins." The smile was gone, he now had an emotionless look on his face.

"Are you telling me that girl was a bad guy?" The officer was very confused at this moment.

"Yes, by my rules." Cyrus still had an emotionless look.

"Gah, spare me your mad nonsense. Bring in the executioneer!" The officer turned around and walked out of the room. Talking about the room, it was an empty room except for the chair that Cyrus was sitting on and the door. There was also a window, with a couple of officers looking at him. Cyrus looked back at them and his emotionless look turned into a mad smile.

"Do you need an executioneer to kill me!? What kind of worthless people aren't you guys?" He then started laughing. The door opened again and a man with long, black hair walked inside. He had a duel disk on his arm and was holding a card.

"We decided that we would kill you by your own kind... This is Grey, another psychic duelist." One of the officers said. "And he is going to kill you with the card Guillotine Dragon!" Grey took the card and placed it in one of the monster card zones as a big, black armored dragon appeared. It had four big wings, and on each hand it had two big, razorsharp, black claws. On each side of it's mouth was two other big, black razor blade that could shop a head of pretty much anything.

"I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, and you can't stop me!" Cyrus was still smiling, but he was now looking at the dragon. He then somehow ripped the ties that bound his hands.

"Grey! Kill him!" The officer yelled, but the dragon didn't move. "What's happening?"

Cyrus was holding his hand up, and he was holding a card, Brain Control...


Back to present time.

"Good times..." Cyrus smiled at the thought. "Those stupid guys got what they deserved!"



Accepted buddy ;D


I guess we can start now :D




MC: Alright duelists! ARE. YOU. READY?! We're about to kick off the World Turbo Dueling Championship! Get your runners ready! 'Cuz we're in for a wild ride!


The entry area was fillied with eager turbo duelists who couldn't wait for the chance to have a shot at being the best turbo duelist in the world.


But, deep underground a group of individuals were preparing a longly unanticipated return.


Fujiwara: Hmph, they will all fall victims to the darkness! Gentlemen.


He stood up from a long table, surrounded by the other Dark Signers.


Fujiwara: It's time. Time for end. The end of dueling! Haahahaaha!

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Name: Cyrus Newford

Age: 26

Signer Mark: Tail

Decktype: We're playing by Cyrus' Rules now! (Trials' date=' made-up)

Signer Dragon: Guillotine Dragon [Custom']

Bio: Cyrus was a very skilled boy and he was a professional at dueling. He is also a psychic duelist, who once killed an opponent in a duel and was suspended from ever dueling again. This was when he got his hands on a very powerfull monster named Blackout Dragon. He is, however, now an outlaw who duels those unfortunate enough to stand in his path. He understanding in the rebels, and has joined them for now, even though this talk about "hope" and "freedom" is something he does not quiete understand.

Opening Post:


Cyrus was looking through his deck untill he found his ace, Guillotine Dragon. He smiled as he looked at it, even though he had not had a chance to use it since he got it, he knew that it would come in handy in the upcomming championship.

He thought back on how he got it...


A year earlier.

"This man will be executed, we can't have these psychic duelists running around killing people." A security officer said, looking at the man in front of him.

"That b**** deserved to die..." The man was looking at the ground. "She was about to win!" As he uttered the words a smile spread on his face. His hands was tied together so that he wouldn't try to escape.

"So by your philosophy you deserved to die each time you won a duel?" The officer said and had a puzzled look on his face.

The man, who was Cyrus, looked up.

"That's not the same, we're playing by my rules now, and by my rules I'm the good guy here. The good guys always wins." The smile was gone, he now had an emotionless look on his face.

"Are you telling me that girl was a bad guy?" The officer was very confused at this moment.

"Yes, by my rules." Cyrus still had an emotionless look.

"Gah, spare me your mad nonsense. Bring in the executioneer!" The officer turned around and walked out of the room. Talking about the room, it was an empty room except for the chair that Cyrus was sitting on and the door. There was also a window, with a couple of officers looking at him. Cyrus looked back at them and his emotionless look turned into a mad smile.

"Do you need an executioneer to kill me!? What kind of worthless people aren't you guys?" He then started laughing. The door opened again and a man with long, black hair walked inside. He had a duel disk on his arm and was holding a card.

"We decided that we would kill you by your own kind... This is Grey, another psychic duelist." One of the officers said. "And he is going to kill you with the card Guillotine Dragon!" Grey took the card and placed it in one of the monster card zones as a big, black armored dragon appeared. It had four big wings, and on each hand it had two big, razorsharp, black claws. On each side of it's mouth was two other big, black razor blade that could shop a head of pretty much anything.

"I'm gonna wake up tomorrow, and you can't stop me!" Cyrus was still smiling, but he was now looking at the dragon. He then somehow ripped the ties that bound his hands.

"Grey! Kill him!" The officer yelled, but the dragon didn't move. "What's happening?"

Cyrus was holding his hand up, and he was holding a card, Brain Control...


Back to present time.

"Good times..." Cyrus smiled at the thought. "Those stupid guys got what they deserved!"



Accepted buddy ;D


I guess we can start now :D




MC: Alright duelists! ARE. YOU. READY?! We're about to kick off the World Turbo Dueling Championship! Get your runners ready! 'Cuz we're in for a wild ride!


The entry area was fillied with eager turbo duelists who couldn't wait for the chance to have a shot at being the best turbo duelist in the world.


But, deep underground a group of individuals were preparing a longly unanticipated return.


Fujiwara: Hmph, they will all fall victims to the darkness! Gentlemen.


He stood up from a long table, surrounded by the other Dark Signers.


Fujiwara: It's time. Time for end. The end of dueling! Haahahaaha!

Ummm Qal'at this may be news to you but ummm that is script format which is sort of umm you know against the ummmm rules it was just well taken down you just have to write it sort of like a book sort of. Like dis "And here we go blahblahblahblahblah" the MC boomed.

IC: Valian got up to see his Duel Runner it was a sleek black and glimmered in the light. "Hmph this is all just a Turbo Duel seems easy enough." Valian said jumping onto his Duel Runner. He gripped a handlebar and began to move forward on the Duel Runner slowly. As a jolt inside him happened he stopped his Duel Runner and jumped out. "Ugh what was that." Valian said shaking his head. "It must be nothing." He then jumped back onto his Duel Runner and continued to normal pace.

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OoC: Thanks for acceptance. FYI, I changed the name and looks of my Signer Dragon. Also, my character uses a deck built around multiple Continuous Spell Cards, so is it okay if he uses a card like this:

[spoiler=Trial of Momentum]

Field Spell Card

This card can only be activated during a Turbo Duel. When activated, place this card on top of the active "Speed World" Field Spell Card. (You take no damage from the "Speed World" when this card is activated. Also, the "Speed World" card's effect is still active) When a "Trial" Continuous Spell Card is activated, you take no damage from the effect of the "Speed World" card.



IC: Cyrus was now driving through the city on his D-Wheel with his black coat and azure hair flapping in the wind. He was on his way towards the Kaiba Dome, where someone wanted to see him.

Who the hell was that guy on the phone who told me to go here? Heh, whoever he is, he'll be gone sooner or later!

Cyrus smiled, looked like this man was about to be his first victim in a long time.

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Name: Redagius "Red Streak" Gurgsen

Age: 24

Signer Mark: Left Claw

Decktype: Watapon(Will link upon request)/Ryoma-ru (Link to the thread is in mah sig.)

[spoiler=Signer Dragon]

Celestial Song Dragon




This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK. This card cannot be targeted by card effects. Once per turn, if a monster that shares an Attribute with this card would be destroyed, it is not destroyed and this card gains 1000 ATK. You can decrease this card's ATK by 1000 to negate an opponent's attack.



Bio: Red Streak Gurgsen was quite possibly one of the most effective Security managers in Neo Domino's history. His likeable manner and analytical mind won his troops' respect. But the crime lords of Neo Domino didn't like that. Just before the outset of the "bandit" attack, "Red Streak" was deposed from power in a silent coup. He managed to escape with little but his life, a deck (his true one remains in Security's lockup), and a D-Wheel from a Security officer who was sympathetic to his plight. Since then, he's been raising hell all over Neo Domino, starting riots that the Dark Signers have had to expend numerous resources to contain. Some have mentioned a red mark appearing on his arm during such riots, but none have confirmed it, and he hasn't seen anything of the sort...

Opening Post:

Redagius hated living this life. He had tasted authority, and he wanted more. They said he was doing a damn good job of it, and the next thing he knew his "subordinates" were carrying him down to a dingy cell with a bag over his head. He was lucky to escape with his life, let alone make it to this safehouse. He knew from the ebb and flow of the criminal world that this place would be empty. These bandits did a damn good job of getting the town on their side. But that was to be expected of the Dark Signers. They even pretended like Redagius was dead, and a criminal, to eliminate any hope of getting help in the city. For now, "Red Streak" Gurgsen needed a plan...

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Name: Redagius "Red Streak" Gurgsen

Age: 24

Signer Mark: Wings

Decktype: Watapon(Will link upon request)/Ryoma-ru (Link to the thread is in mah sig.)

[spoiler=Signer Dragon]

Celestial Song Dragon




This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK. This card cannot be targeted by card effects. Once per turn' date=' if a monster that shares an Attribute with this card would be destroyed, it is not destroyed and this card gains 1000 ATK. You can decrease this card's ATK by 1000 to negate an opponent's attack.



Bio: Red Streak Gurgsen was quite possibly one of the most effective Security managers in Neo Domino's history. His likeable manner and analytical mind won his troops' respect. But the crime lords of Neo Domino didn't like that. Just before the outset of the "bandit" attack, "Red Streak" was deposed from power in a silent coup. He managed to escape with little but his life, a deck (his true one remains in Security's lockup), and a D-Wheel from a Security officer who was sympathetic to his plight. Since then, he's been raising hell all over Neo Domino, starting riots that the Dark Signers have had to expend numerous resources to contain. Some have mentioned a red mark appearing on his arm during such riots, but none have confirmed it, and he hasn't seen anything of the sort...

Opening Post:

Redagius hated living this life. He had tasted authority, and he wanted more. They said he was doing a damn good job of it, and the next thing he knew his "subordinates" were carrying him down to a dingy cell with a bag over his head. He was lucky to escape with his life, let alone make it to this safehouse. He knew from the ebb and flow of the criminal world that this place would be empty. These bandits did a damn good job of getting the town on their side. But that was to be expected of the Dark Signers. They even pretended like Redagius was dead, and a criminal, to eliminate any hope of getting help in the city. For now, "Red Streak" Gurgsen needed a plan...







Kyosuke Fujiwara stepped onto the streets of Domino City, his cloak tails swiftly moving in the wind behind him.


"Hmph, I must check out this tournemant that the city has thrown together."


An evil grin appeared across his face, he pulled out his deck from a sleeve on his waist.


"Soon, we shall wreck havoc all over the world. The end of dueling is near..."

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OOC: As it turns out, Destined for Darkness also has the wings, so I'll switch to the left claw in my app.


IC: Redagius couldn't believe what he was seeing. A massive black fog had covered the entire city. The people were moving around as if they saw nothing before them. Red had always trusted his senses, but this threw his eyes into question. He moved as inconspicuously on his D-Wheel as it allowed him to, making his way to an abandoned property he knew about.

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Guest Tainted Black

Black sauntered around the city. He thought.


Saul just rode around on His Duel Runner. The city looked so bleak. He thought as he saw the people in a daze.

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