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Power Rangers: Battle Tournament!(0 Spots Left!)[Round 1 of Tournament 1 begins!]

Kōsuke Ueki

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This came to my mind just now. Since I'm a huge fan of PR, I decided to give this a shot.



1. You will be a custom-made ranger going against monsters from some of the original seasons that I choose.

2. Each round will have a special battle topic that I will randomly choose.

3. There will be many tournaments, and at the end of each one, a specific number of rangers will go against a main villain from earlier seasons that I, as usual, will choose.

4. There will be a bonus round at the end of certain rounds where you have to fight a monster with your zord(Look for Zord Entry Form).

5. Have fun!


[spoiler=Entry Form]


Ranger Name:

Ranger Color:

Appearance(Describe everything about your ranger to see if I can picture it. That includes color):

Weapon Type(Sword, staff, spear, etc.):

Weapon Name:

Weapon Appearance:

Theme Song:

[spoiler=Zord Entry Form]

Zord Name:

Zord Spirit/Animal:



Any Transformations(Optional):




[spoiler=Tournament 1(Not Started)]

[spoiler=Round 1(Not Stared)]

[spoiler=Battle Topic]

Tag Team



One randomly chosen ranger will team up with another randomly chosen ranger to go against 2 monsters from separate PR seasons.



Goldar(MMPR) and Celtrax(PRDT)



??? and ???









[spoiler=Game History]

January 11, 2010 - Game created.


January 20, 2010 - Spartan919 and usetheforcehan added.




1. Spartan919: Jason Clawborne: Red/Black Fox Ranger

2. usetheforcehan: Han: Blue-Eyes Pure-Silk White Dragon Ranger

3. *Open*

4. *Open*

5. *Spot Unavailable*

6. *Spot Unavailable*

7. *Spot Unavailable*

8. *Spot Unavailable*

9. *Spot Unavailable*

10. *Spot Unavailable*


When the next round in a tournament is prepared to start, more spots will be available(Except for a bonus round).


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Me wants in!!


Name: Jason Clawborne

Ranger Name: Red Fox Ranger

Ranger Color: Red/Black

Appearance(Describe everything about your ranger to see if I can picture it): Six feet tall, slightly muscular build, armor is a striping alternative of red/black, i.e. boots are black, right above boots are red, above that blac, etc. Helmet is red on top half, black on bottom half. Visor is a horizontal lightning bolt.

Weapon Type(Sword, staff, spear, etc.): Spear

Weapon Name: Spear of Ages

Weapon Appearance: 2 meters long, alternating red and black like ranger outfit, spear point is 6 inches long, black, and tapers to a point.

Theme Song:

The Rasmus - Guilty



Zord Name: Fox Warrior Zord

Zord Spirit/Animal: Fox

Appearance: A fox, red with black accented lines in various places.

Weapons: Sword, doubles as tail. Shield that doubles as head.

Any Transformations(Optional): Transforms into erect form, for better combat.

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Entry Form

Name: Han

Ranger Name: Blue-Eyes White Ranger

Ranger Color: Pure Silk White

Appearance: Quite Tall, Medium Build, Light Armor Pure Silk White Colored With A Deep Sea Blue Colored Single Line In Front, Helmet Like HALO With Deep Sea Blue Colored Visor Mirror. Visor Is Vertical.

Weapon Type: Gun

Weapon Name: Silk Gunner

Weapon Appearance: A Clone Trooper Blaster That Can Be Separated To Become A Dual Silk Gunner.

Theme Song: Nothing. When This Ranger Show Up, Everything Is Silence. No Sound What So Ever. It's Like The Time Itself Have Stop Moving.


Zord Entry Form

Zord Name: Blue-Eyes Silk Dragon

Zord Spirit/Animal: Dragon

Appearance: Big, All Body Is Colored White Except Wings. Have 6 Pairs Of Deep Sea Blue Colored Wings, A Single Massive Horn That Can Shoot Lazor.

Weapons: Its Horn Become A Lance Or A Sniper Rifle.

Any Transformations(Optional): Blue-Eyes Void Dragon. Become A Massive Flying Fortress That Shoot Multiple Lazor From The Sky. And Have A Time Generator That Can Stop Time For Exactly 5 Seconds. Pure White, Almost Transparent.

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Very well. If you want it you got it! Let's start with the intro of Tournament 1: Round 1...


Welcome to the Power Rangers Battle Tournament! Where special rangers go against previous villians from the original series! I am your host, Sean Kozac, also known originally as the Omega Force Orange and Emerald Panther Ranger. The first round will be a Tag Team matchup. 2 rangers against two monsters from the series.





Today's rangers are Jason Clawborne, Half-Red, Half-Black Fox Ranger, and Han, Blue Eyes White Dragon Ranger. These are some strange names.





These rangers will be going against two of the most memorable monsters of the series. Goldar, from MMPR, and Celtrax, from PR Dino Thunder.





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I use my Silk Gunner (Solo Mode) and blast-shooting Goldar. Because of blast effect, Goldar thrown away to the northern tribune. I split my Silk Gunner into 2 (Dual Mode) and start gunning Celtrax like Dante from DMC.


I speak with Fox Ranger: "Focus our attack on Celtrax. Then Goldar."

"You go ahead and tank Celtrax attack for me. I'm gonna charge my Gun to LV. 5", said me.


I'm charging my Silk Gunner. (Current LV. 1 / Required 4 Posts Left)

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