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Help me make a card!

duel tester

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im making a contest

who ever gives the best effect for this card gets 1 Rep and 30 points.

the contests ends at the end of the month.


heres the card





heres the rules


1.The card must target zombies.


2.The card must affect zombies on both your side of the field and the oponents side of the field and/or Graveyard.



3.OCG Must be correct!



4.NO fake types.


5.Other than that have fun!!!!!

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This first card is a loose interpretation of what you showed (not a Trap, not continuous, not the same title, and only involving Zombie-Type monsters instead of “targeting” them). I like it more.


Zombie Genocide or Clash of Zombies or Clash of the Zombies (take your pick)

Spell Card (Normal)

Card Lore: This card cannot be activated unless all monsters on the field are Zombie-Type. Destroy all monsters on the field and send them to the Graveyard. Then, both players select and Special Summon 1 Zombie-Type monster with the highest ATK from their Graveyard, and both players lose Life Points equal to half of the combined ATK of the Special Summoned monsters.



This next card follows all your set guidelines, but I like it less.


Clash of the Zombies

Trap Card (Continuous)

Card Lore: During each of your Standby Phases, destroy 1 Zombie-Type monster on the field. When a Zombie-Type monster is Summoned, the player that Summoned the monster can flip a coin. If heads, double the ATK and DEF of the Summoned monster. If tails, return the monster to its owner’s hand.


enjoy! :mrgreen:

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Clash of the Zombies - Elemental Version


During each of your Standby Phases, if there is 1 or more Zombie-Type monster on both fields, roll a six-sided die.

If 1, you can destroy 1 DARK monster on your field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to 100 times the destroyed monster's Level.

If 2, you can remove 1 LIGHT monster on your field from the game and you gain Life Points equal to 100 times the removed monster's Level.

If 3, you can discard 1 FIRE monster and destroy 1 monster on your opponent's field with ATK equal or lower than the discarded monster's ATK.

If 4, you can return 1 WATER monster on either field to its owner's hand and the returned monster's owner can draw 1 card.

If 5, you can double ATK or DEF of 1 WIND monster on your field until your next End Phase.

If 6, you can Special Summon 1 EARTH monster from your hand with Level equal or lower than the total of Levels of all Zombie-Type monsters on your field.

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Clash of the Zombies

Continous Trap Card


Pay 1000 Life Points to activate this card. While this card is face-up on your side of the field, monsters in both player Graveyards and Field are treated as Zombie-Type monsters. Once per turn, each player select 1 Zombie-Type monster from their respective Graveyard and Special Summon it to their respective side of the field. Also, each player must select 1 Zombie-Type monster that controls. The selected monsters must declare an attack on each other.

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Here I go

Clash of the Zombies Lore:

Pay 500 Life Points to activate this card. All monsters on the field (even your opponent's) are treated as Zombie-Type Monsters. Every time on of your face-up Zombie-Type Monster chooses a Zombie-Type Monster as an attack target it gains 100 ATK for every Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard and on the your side of the field.


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Effect: During your Standby Phase, if a player controls less monster than his/her opponent, he/she can Special Summon Zombie-Type monsters from his/her Graveyard until both players control the same number of monsters. During each player's Battle Phase, all Zombie-Type monsters on the field must battle and each Zombie-Type monster on the field cannot be selected as an attack target twice. If there is a non Zombie-Type monster on the field, this card effect is negated.

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This card cannot be activated unless all Monsters on the field are Zombie-Type. Remove from play all Zombie-Type Monster in both players' fields and graveyard. Then Special Summon to your side of the field the Zombie-Type Monster with the largest ATK removed from play by this card's effect.


By the way, having to be Continuous is...bad. This one is normal.


How bout this?


P.S. I don't mean offence at all, but I believe that both players' zombies is pretty hard to do in real life. How bout just your side?

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Here goes:

"As long as this card remains face up on the field,if you control at least one zombie-type monster,and your opponent has at least one zombie-type monster in their graveyard,during your opponents battle phase,you can select one zombie-type monster in your opponent's graveyard,and special summon it to your opponents side of the field. Then,select one zombie-type monster you control,and conduct battle between the two monsters."

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Its almost the end of the month,

and there are so many good ideas to chose from....




I'm not entering but just to ask Tedomime whered you get da flick on your sig.


well i agree hes got a good sig.

and so do all of the other contestents....


but please just make a card

i dont want this contest locked....

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