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Dragon Age: Origins

Father Wolf

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Haven't seen a thread about this in the first 3 pages, which kinda disappoints me from how good of a game it is. I got it Xmas day and havent put it down since, in fact i got CoD modern Warfare 2 also and i only played it 4 times, because i've been to busy with Dragon Age.


Yes, to some this game will come off boring as balls, because of the fact its a story game with choices like most RPGs now a days and it plays like a MMO (or whatever Real time RPGs are called). The story line is massive, with 6 different beginnings and 6 different endings with at least 50+ hours of game play. Thankfully the choices you make effect the world around you greatly (minus the core storyline) and there not just Good or Evil choices. So all i have to say is its all around RPG goodness.


Anyways discuss if ya'll care too.

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I got it. I think it's a great game.

I'm only on my first playthrough so far, as an Elf Mage.

It's a pretty cool game, though I can't imagine how to play as a close-range fighter, whenever I take control of one of them in my party, they always get creamed...except for Shale.

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I got it. I think it's a great game.

I'm only on my first playthrough so far' date=' as an Elf Mage.

It's a pretty cool game, though I can't imagine how to play as a close-range fighter, whenever I take control of one of them in my party, they always get creamed...except for Shale.



I went through game 1, as a Human Warrior using two-handers, becoming a Berserker, Champion. I had no trouble going though on normal with a close range character maybe u havent built them right, or not used to using a close range character.


Right now im on game 2 going through it as a Elf Mage, its kinda boring not being up in the opponents face.

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