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D - Destiny Hero Summoning [Trap]


This card can only be activated if the controller of this card has no monster card on the field. Special Summon a monster with "Destiny Hero" in it's name from your Graveyard to your field in DEF position.


R - Revealing Hand [Trap]


Your opponent must show their hand to the controller of this card. Your opponent gains 400 LifePoints for every Spell card they have in their hand and they take 800 damage for every Trap card they have in their hand.


A - Attacking Position [Quick Play Spell Card]


When activated, switch 1 of your opponents monster to ATK position.


W - Wastefulness [spell]


Send the top 5 cards from your Deck to destroy 1 monster with 2500 ATK or less on you opponents side of the field.


Last resort card Only


DRAW [Continuous spell]


Remove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "D - Destiny Hero Summoning", "R - Revealing Hand", "A - Attacking Position" and "W - Wastefulness". Both players can't win the duel. When the controller of this card's lifepoints is below 1000, both players lifepoints become 0 and the game is ended in a draw.

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[Continuous spell]


Remove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "D - Destiny Hero Summoning"' date=' "R - Revealing Hand", "A - Attacking Position" and "W - Wastefulness". Both players can't win the duel. When the controller of this card's life points is below 1000, both players life points become 0 and the game is end in a draw.



Those 4 cards are nowhere. I can MST this thing and you're screwed. I'm sorry, bad plan. 6/10.

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[Continuous spell]


Remove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "D - Destiny Hero Summoning"' date=' "R - Revealing Hand", "A - Attacking Position" and "W - Wastefulness". Both players can't win the duel. When the controller of this card's life points is below 1000, both players life points become 0 and the game is end in a draw.



Those 4 cards are nowhere. I can MST this thing and you're screwed. I'm sorry, bad plan. 6/10.


yeah u can but mst is locckdown to 1 card n the deck so you would have to use it wisely or wait till this card is activated

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[Continuous spell]


Remove from play these cards in your Graveyard to activate this card: "D - Destiny Hero Summoning"' date=' "R - Revealing Hand", "A - Attacking Position" and "W - Wastefulness". Both players can't win the duel. When the controller of this card's life points is below 1000, both players life points become 0 and the game is end in a draw.



Those 4 cards are nowhere. I can MST this thing and you're screwed. I'm sorry, bad plan. 6/10.


yeah u can but mst is locckdown to 1 card n the deck so you would have to use it wisely or wait till this card is activated


DT, JD, DAD, etc. I stand by my point.

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