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Bleach - Fear in Truth [PG16]{Started, Still Accepting; Almas Sesgadas Update First Page} New rule read it and follow it


Which Title Do You Think This Rp Should Be Named?  

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  1. 1. Which Title Do You Think This Rp Should Be Named?

    • Bleach - Rise of The Underworld
    • Bleach - Rein of The Almas Sesgadas
    • Bleach - Combined Forces
    • Bleach - Underworld Assault
    • Bleach - The Fear in Truth

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Ayumi looked around the blackened world seems empty to her just like the name Huenco Mundo intends. She walked a bit to examine her surrounding before she noticed something she was about to step on. She looked down and saw some type of small hollow something she hasn't seen before. She knelled down on her left knee to take a closer look at it.


"Strange even hollows this size live here, I wonder why they don't appear any bigger then the ones I saw at Soul Society?" She just moved her only good arm closer to the the small, reptile like hollow before it made some type of hissing sound.


She got back up respecting the small animals wishes to be left alone and return her attentions to the mission on hand. "Well besides the small distractions, before we do anything I think you should fill us in. I don't think we would just walk blindly into just anything." She sounded with discontent and with what little faith she had for the Captain Commander.

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"I wasn't talking about playing chess." Ganz said, his face still keeping it's serious expression. He didn't like it when people dissed his fighting style. "I'll excuse your little comment." Ganz said as he closed his eyes. He then opened them, a slight smirk forming on his face as he stared at Zambola. His smirk faded when he heard the voice of the Primera Espada. "We will fight later then I guess." Ganz mumbled as he sonidoed off to find some hollow's and fulfill the Primera Espada's request. He moved with quick speed until he reached a group of 6 adjuchas class menos. "Hey. Stop loitering around. The Primera Espada wants you all to check around Hueco Mundo." Ganz called out to them. "We don't have to listen to you." an adjuchas class menos with a skull mask and green lizard like body said as he stepped forward. "Would you like to die?" Ganz said as he let his reiatsu burst from his body a little, just enough to scare them. "N-N-No sir. W-W-We will do it right away." the adjuchas class menos said as he and his group sonidoed off to check around Hueco Mundo. Ganz's reiatsu slipped back into his body and returned to being compressed so that he was not tracked. He began walking off, looking for more hollow.

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Alamos nodded his had and Cecsly was ecstatic when they we're able to work with someone so high up in the ranks. "OOOOOOOOOOOOO, we get to work with Ryuunosuke!? How very exciting this mission should be!" Cecsly said as she shook Ryuunosuke's hand over and over again, Alamos looked away from Cecsly and how she kept disappointing him like that. "Let's just get a move on..." Alamos finally said to Cecsly and Ryuunosuke.

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Hayate glared at Ayumi, "What more do you really need to know. I do not have all the answers, all I know is we will soon be attacked my a mysterious creature from the Underworld and our only chance for survival is if we can team with the Hollows." Hayate turned around and without hesitation followed after Ryu and his team. Ahead Ryu led the a Team toward the front lines of Los Noches as Hayate and the rest brought up the rear.


Nearly two minutes into their journey closer to Los Noches an uncountable number of hollows nearly 400 yards around the two groups appeared swarming the fields look for anything suspicious. Hayate shouted up ahead, "Ryu be on the look out we could be spotted any minute." Turning back Hayate looked at Ayumi, "Everyone be on the alert where all ready surrounded where about to be discovered."

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Ayumi just looked at Hayate with cold eyes like there is something wrong. She knows that they have the element of surprise, but she had a feeling that is would be used to run instead staying to fight. The hollows all around them are just regular, weak hollows who can't fight even if they combined they cannot defeat all the captains that came.


She used her only hand and took it closer to the golden cross on her chest, a red aura around her started to build up just enough so she can release her sword, but not enough for them to locate then. "Are we going to finish them or not? Hayate answer me now!" Extremely angered she cannot hold off anymore.

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Hayate was becoming impatient with Captain Auyumi, "Hold your tongue girl." Hayate faught of a few hollows that appeared in front of him. Hayate looked forward watching Ryu and his team fight off a few, "Ryu forget the weaker ones and continue forward we'll easily out run them." Hayate led his team forward taking out the stronger hollows as they passed by. "Don't stop and fight unless you have to the easier and faster we can get to Los Noches the better."


Hayate followed Ryu's team allowing them to continue in the assault to Los Noches. They where nearly in range of the castle like building that sat almost in the middle of Huceo Mundo, "Don't hold back we have to get in at all costs." He said now taking the lead position from Ryu and combining the two teams back into one.

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Ryuunosuke had felt a similar urge to attack the hollow. But that would give them away and place them in an extremely dangerous situation. This had to be handled precisely. If they didn't meet the Espada exactly how Hayate wanted them to it would result in an all out war.

"Let's continue!" he called out to the squads under him. He sped along the path to Los Noches. The hollow were everywhere but hardly seemed to take notice of them; most likely due to how well the group was suppressing their spirit pressure.


As they continued Hayate took the lead position. The teams were back together, not that they had ever really separated. They were quite close to the castle. "Just a bit further. We're almost there. Now for an opening to the castle." he thought. He began to scan the outer walls as he ran. He needed to find a very good entry point. Los Noches looked quite a bit different than the records made it out to be. At this point his thoughts of the walls were consuming his mind's activity. If a hollow struck he might hardly notice it until it was right up in his face.

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Alamos wasn't really concerned about the hollow that seemed to be coming up from the sands of Hueco Mundo and were watching them from a far. Alamos' Vice-Captain, however, was terrified of the hollows that were watching them proceed to the castle. Cecsly would never show her fear but all around could defiantly feel that she was scared. "Cecsly, calm yourself." Alamos commanded of her and then proceeded with the rest of the group.

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Name: Neo

Appearance: Swordsman.jpg

Personality: Quiet

History: Unknown


Powers & Abilities

Swordsmanship: Neo skill with his sword is impressive and dangerous.

Flash Step: He use flash step alot. Even though he really fast he don't like to use his real speed

Spiritual Pressure: Neo Spiritual Pressure is Dangerous and Monstrous. His Spiritual Pressure is not like other Captains its to dangerous. Even when he holding back his Spiritual Pressure is crazy.

Strength: He is strong, and powerful

Endurance: His Stamina is above average and extraordinary, He can go into a fight for hours

Durability: his ability to take a hit is amazing. He is like a stone wall.

Kido: He dont use Kido

Hand to Hand: He really dont do hand to hand but he is a great fighter



Name: Jukio


Release Phrase: the power of heaven and hell raise Jukio

Shikai power:unknown

Bankai Name:Siele Jukio

Bankai special power:unknown

Bankai transformation description: unknown


Hollow Powers

Mask Description:look like Ichgo mask but with the teeth sharper

Mask Time limit 5 minutes while in Bankai, 10 minutes in Shakai & 15 minutes with our Zanpakutō in their sealed forms.

What does your mask increase: physical strength, power, and speed

Proficiency with Cero:Advanced


Shinigami Stats


Offense: 100

Defense: 80




Physical Stamina:80

Total Stat Points:440

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Danni took the oppertunity to carefully examine the forms of the hollows that watched them. The illusionary monsters she created with her zanpakuto were more effective it they were based off the real things, after all, hollows took forms that naturally scare people. He rietsu seeped out abit as she considered the horros she could created with new designs.

"Hey, Captain," Dino warned quietly, "your reitsu is leaking. Save it for a battle." Danni grudgingly complied.

"Dino," She whispered back to him, "do me a favor and record the appearances of all the hollows we see."

He nodded and stripped one of the pages he took out of his book beforehand. The strips folded into small cylinders and hovered at the edge of the group. The material would be undetectable and aside from recording the images, they could double as an early warning system.

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Ganz was seen to be walking back to his chambers when a medium-sized hollow with a bear like mask appeared in front of him. Ganz stopped and looked at the hollow, tilting his head to the side as if to ask why he was standing in his way. "Tercera Espada, some of the hollow have come upon a large group. I ran away quickly to come and tell you once I saw them. They look to be shinigami." the hollow said. Ganz's expression remained emotionless even at the word "shinigami". "What are they doing here in Hueco Mundo?" Ganz asked himself. "Well than, I am sure that the Primera Espada will want me to welcome our guests. Lead the way." Ganz said. "They are this way sir." the hollow said and quickly dashed off. Ganz walked after the hollow, not intending to run to follow him. His legs then began to disappear,along with his waist and then his chest, and finally his head disappeared. "I wonder what they're doing here?" Ganz's voice echoed in the breeze.

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