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Bleach - Fear in Truth [PG16]{Started, Still Accepting; Almas Sesgadas Update First Page} New rule read it and follow it


Which Title Do You Think This Rp Should Be Named?  

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  1. 1. Which Title Do You Think This Rp Should Be Named?

    • Bleach - Rise of The Underworld
    • Bleach - Rein of The Almas Sesgadas
    • Bleach - Combined Forces
    • Bleach - Underworld Assault
    • Bleach - The Fear in Truth

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Raizen was walking, even though it was quite well hidden, he was tense. After just coming out from the Captains meeting, he knew he couldn't do much but to think about it for a while. Raizen's steps where heavier than usual, and even his calm facial expression had gone away. It was a bit uneasy to try to push the thought away.

"What a strange predicament..." he muttered to himself. Raizen's head was spinning with questions; he was dying to ask Hayate about all this, but he knew very well that it would not be very respectful to do so. As he walked down the path, he took notice of Dino and Danni. As he approached them, he tried to make himself seem more comfortable with the situation, and tried to forget about it at the moment, though he knew that news like that wouldn't stay at the back of his mind for long. Raizen then looked up at Dino and Danni

"Hello" he said, with a sort of fake smile.

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Ganz felt the owner of the reiatsu grow closer, but he chose to wait to see what would happen before he acknowledged it. He looked up once he heard a voice, deciding now to answer the person who had appeared in front of him. "Hello." he said, an emotionless expression on his face as he stared at Zambola who was now in front of him. "Who wants to know?" he asked slowly, his voice a monotone. He then looked up at the sky before looking back to Zambola. "Yes, I am." he said, deciding to just tell him rather than hide it. He kept his hands in his pockets as he stood there, watching this new arrancar that had just appeared in front of him. "So, for what reason have you come to visit me, Zambola Granz?" Ganz asked.

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Ryuunosuke had known pretty well from the start that Hayate would simply flash step off without a moment's warning. It was fine as Ryuunosuke wasn't exactly lacking in that department. Within seconds of Hayate's disappearance Ryuunosuke also flash stepped off. Hayate had gone in an eastward direction, Ryuunosuke was decently certain of where he was headed.


"So, what will this Urahara have to say? And come to think of it, how is this guy still alive? Most from his time are long since gone." Ryuunosuke thought as he continued on his way. Before even a full minute Ryuunosuke noticed Hayate had stopped and so it seemed that was where they would be meeting. Ryuunosuke stopped and appeared right behind Hayate. It seemed only a few seconds after him. Ryuunosuke looked around and couldn't see anyone anywhere.

"So where is he?" he asked.

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"Just comin' around to visit a fellow Espada!" smirked Zambola, as he let his Zanpakutõ rest on his shoulders again. "Now, I may be the 7th Espada only, but don't take me for granted. I am quite powerful still, so I don't wanna hear some bullcrap about our numbers making us weaker or stronger." he sat down on a rock then, glancing up at Ganz. "By the way... seen by brothers or anything? Their names are Szayel and Yylfordt."

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Alamos and his Vice-Captain, Cecsly, were walking to the meeting site in the calmest of matters. Well, Alamos was calm, as far as his Vice-Captain...not so much. "A-Are you sure that he really wants captains AND Vice-Captains to come with him?" Alamos was in front of Cecsly so when he stopped she stopped inches behind him. Alamos swiftly and without warning kicked Cecsly square in the chest she flew almost all the way that they had walked. This was in plain view of the captains and was surprising for a few reasons; she was a woman and he a man, they were on the same side, and this was the first display of Alamos' strength they had ever seen. "Fool, don't beg to come with me and then get scared when we're about to leave. Now hurry up and let's go..." Alamos said coldly. Cecsly had nothing to say, she picked her self up, dusted down her clothing and then followed her captain to the meeting spot...

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Hayate turned to see Ryu land directly behind him and then ask a question, "I don't know." Hayate walked over to the portal where Kisuke Urahara had left a note.


- Captain Commander everything is ready the Portal should be open for ten minutes. I have an emergency meeting with Central 46 so I leave everything in your hands.

Good Luck

Kisuke Urahara -


"Well I guess this will answer our questions Ryu," Hayate said as he handed the paper to Ryu. "Once your finished reading it please hurry and summon all the Captains here at once, we don't have time to waste." Hayate turned looking at the portal inspecting it to make sure everything was on track and nothing had been tampered with.

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"Certainly didn't give us much time to go about this." Ryuunosuke said, a little annoyed upon reading the note. Though as time was limited Ryuunosuke prepared another Hell Butterfly with the following message: "Attention Captains and Vice-Captains. I know the requested meeting time has not yet come but Urahara hasn't given us very long to get into the portal. Report to the following location immediately." At the end of the message he left a part that would place the image of the meeting place in the captain or vice-captain's mind. With that he sent the message off to its various recipients.


"The captains should be here before much longer. So everything about the portal look okay? Wasn't Urahara's brightest idea to leave it by itself." Ryuunosuke said. Hayate was overlooking the portal with great detail. If something was wrong with it, Hayate would notice.

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Hayate had carefully fully inspected the portal, walking back to the front where Ryu had just got finished sending out the information and summons to the other Captains and Lieutenants. "Good we don't have any time to waste," Hayate said as he pulled his Zanpaktou from it's sheath. "Every thing seems to be fine Ryu and if my observations are correct..." Hayate raised his Zanpaktou above his head preparing for a strike.


Hayate shunpo'd toward the portal as he swung his sword down in a striking motion from his right shoulder to left hip. As the blade connected with an unseen force a few inches from the portal Hayate sheathed his sword and turned facing Ryu, "As I suspected Kisuke isn't as dumb as he looks. He placed a protective Kido around the Portal to protect it from anybody other then the Gotei 13 to enter."


Hayate then stepped a few feet back from the portal, "Ryu step aside I will take down the Kido, Hayate chanted an unfamiliar incantation then as he pushed his hands forward a spark of bright green light shot from his hands nullifying the Kido barrier. "Their now you and I Ryu will guard the Portal until the other Captains have arrived." Hayate sat about a foot in front of the portals entrance awaiting the arrival of the Gotei 13 members who would be participating in the mission.

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Alamos and Cecsly were the first to arrive at the site, since they were almost there anyway. Alamos walked up silently but Cecsly was enthusiastic and just had to greet and talk to everyone who was already there. "Hello, Captain Commander! Hello, Vice Captain Commander! How are you to today? All set for this mission? I know I am!" Cecsly asked with Alamos saying nothing and just watching his own Vice Captain act unruly and out of line...

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Danni sighed when Raizen greeted her. He pulled her attention from her chocolate bar and faced him.

"Hello, Raizen," she yawned. "If you want to fake a smile, work the falseness from it," she added, not too harsely.

"Captain Osia, Hello," Dino said politely. He sighed internally at Danni's bluntness but decided not to comment. He was about to continue the conversation when his book gave him a mental tug to get his attention. He pulled from the harness and tured to the notification page. Danni peered around his shoulder as he read the report his spy bug assigned to Ryu since the meeting ended gave.


"So, the gate's ready and waiting," Danni said before Dino announced the news. "Guess we better get going." She nodded at Raizen and shunpoped to the gate, Dino following a but behind.

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"I would never say such a thing." Ganz said with a smirk on his face at Zambola's words. He then looked up at the sky once more, staring at the sun. "Sorry. I never knew either of them. I only heard of how they died." Ganz said. He then looked back at Zambola, trying to form an expression of caring on his face. The expression quickly faded, and his face returned to its emotionless state. "I am sorry for your loss I guess." Ganz said. He then stared at Zambola, watching him. He wondered what he was really doing in front of him. No one had ever come to visit him since he had become an Espada.

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The wind of the area surrounding the portal seemed like just a whisper in the hears of the people who are there. Just like the wind Ayumi appeared seamlessly behind Hayate un-eager to go on this mission as it went against her personally beliefs. "Captain Commander, what is with this short notice?" Ayumi said under the hint of her breath and she walked forward a bit closer to the portal. She wonders if all the men are really necessary to send.

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Raizen let the fake smile attempt go, he then went back to a confused and puzzled face. He nodded slowly as Dino and Danni took off. He then continued walking along the wooden walk way. Raizen let out a small, faint, and drawn out sigh. His steps were still heavy and his mind was still a bit clouded. He wondered about the meeting, and whether they had thought it out enough...Raizen yawned a bit and tried again to forget about the nagging thought. He figured that he had no choice but to follow orders any way, so why question it?

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Hayate watched as the Captains and their Lieutenants showed up one by one, Ayumi was one of the last to show up. Hayate finally arose from his seat standing a few feet beside Ryu, "Thank you all for showing up, I'm aware of your personal feelings and I understand what you must think about this mission but it must be done."


Hayate turned toward the portal as he slowly walked toward it, "Ready yourselves and prepare for anything. I cannot tell you the outcome but I can assure you that this will not be an easy task." Hayate charged into the portal with a Shunpo followed by his Lieutenant and the other members of the Gotei.

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Alamos and Cecsly entered the portal almost directly after Hayate and Ryuunosuke did. They were now with them, crossing through the vortex that the portal had made to the other area. Alamos looked over at Hayate but said nothing at first, he cave a subtle cough and then started to speak. "Hayate, what do you know about this Urahara, does he have your trust..." Alamos said in an unemotional tone.

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"Well time to go, and where the hell is my Lieutenant? If he isn't here in time I will just leave without him." Ayumi said in a sadistic manner and focused her attention to the portal. The portal just seemed like another unless thing she had no care for. She walked closer to the portal with little patience for her subordinate.


To her tardiness is something you cannot have it just means laziness or inability to get the job done. So just forgot about him and walked into the portal as it slowly engulfed Ayumi and her body. Once in she felt sorta weird like it has been awhile since she done something like this.


Once into the portal a bright like appeared and suddenly she appeared with the other captains in some type of dark place. She turned her attention Alamos when he mentioned Urahara, "I was also wondering about this Urahara, all I know about him is that he was exiled from Soul Society and was stripped of his captains rank."

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Shikazu saw Hayate fly into the portal followed by other captains, He walked slowly toward the portal. He took a firm grip on his zanpakutou and jumped into the black mass, As he entered the portal he was spinned a lap of gravity which reacted to his poor shunpo. He quickly gained a foothold, and ran after the other captains.

His head was full of thoughts, about his captain and the Hueco Mundo but he decided to not put pressure on Hayate and drop it in the current situation.

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"Pff! Nonsense! They did not die." Zambola said back at Granz, now sitting down on a rock. "They're too tough to die, and I know it from own experience. They beat me several times in sparring matches we had for fun. I guess they're really the only family I have, eh?" he stood up then, holding his Zanpakutõ over his shoulders. "Well, if that was all, I think I'll be off... unless you need a fellow Espada's company?"

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"If you say so." Ganz said with a shrug of his shoulders. He then looked up at the sky once more when he heard Zambola say that he was about to leave. "Hmm...I guess you can stay since I was bored anyway. I was looking for someone to practice new strategies on." Ganz said as he looked at Zambola once more. "What do you say? Would you like to spar?" Ganz asked him, his face as emotionless as ever. "Oh, and would you like to be white or black?" he asked, presuming that Zambola would accept his challenge.

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"Chess?" Zambola asked with a chuckle. "Dude, I am not the kind who plays children games like chess. If you and I are to spar, then it will be in Melee combat. Blade to blade." he raised his Zanpakutõ - Brazo de la Espada - and held it towards Ganz, the six blades being razor-sharp and stained with blood. "So I ask you... do YOU accept MY challenge?"

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Ryuunosuke emerged from the dark pathway, so generously provided to them by Urahara, behind Hayate but before the other captains. It seemed they had truly reached Hueco Mundo. Nothing but silver sands and dead trees could be seen for miles in any direction one cared to look. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Off in the distance was the large castle of Los Noches; the dwelling place of the Espada. It had once been the place Aizen had gone to in Hueco Mundo long ago. Ryuunosuke doubted it even remotely matched the descriptions of it left by the shinigami of the past. The new primera espada would no doubt have rearranged things to his liking.

"We've made it Hayate. So now, how do we go about this without causing an all-out war?" Ryuunosuke asked. Getting to Hueco Mundo was only half of the work, the easy half. Negotiating with the Espada would be far more difficult. And though Ryuunosuke was warry of fighting he was by no means unwilling. If the Espada forced a battle then he would comply.

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Guest Tainted Black

Johnis had had a good harvest in the end. He'd found a human or two with good enough spiritual pressure. Granted, not near a Captain's strength, but they were... satisfactory. He looked back at the city as he opened up the Garganta. As he looked one thought crossed his mind. With one last look, he stepped into the portal and headed back to Hueco Mundo. When he landed, per se, in front of Los Noches, he headed for his throne, with a feeling that something was off.

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As the Gotei 13 landed on the grounds of Huceo Mundo he awaited the rest making sure everyone got through. "Alamos and Ayumi, everything regarding Urahara is mostly classified but I can tell you that he is working for Central 46 on classified matters." Hayate turned to Ryu after speaking with the two Captains.


As he looked out on Huceo Mundo's barren wasteland he said, "Ryu their really isn't a set way to do this. My opinion is we head as fast as we can to Los Noches and if we should meet anyone we take them down as fast and quietly as possible. As for if we should meet with a Espada let me deal with them and see where we can get." Hayate shifted his Zanpaktou on his hip as he stared at Los Noches.


"I think we should split into two teams, Ryu you take Squads 3,5,6,7,13 and head forward I'll Take the rest of the squads and bring up the rear. If we should encounter anyone take them out quickly unless it is an Espada or the King himself shows up." Hayate took a step back allowing Ryu to take the frontal position and lead the Gotei to Los Noches.

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Guest Tainted Black

As Johnis was walking back, he saw Ganz and Zambola about to spar. "You two!" He called. "Ganz, Zambola! Come here!". He waited for them to arrive. "Have you noticed anything odd?" He asked the two Arrancar. "Dispatch some lower Hollow or Espada to go search Hueco Mundo, alright?" He grinned. Then, he simply walked off. He knew somethin' was wrong but he could NOT place it. Hopefully the dispatches would find nothing at all.

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Ryuunosuke stepped up to the front of the group. Hayate had just assigned five squads to him. It was a sign of great trust, and Ryuunosuke was not about to let that trust be misplaced.

"Alright, you heard the captain-commander. Squads three, five, six, seven, and thirteen are to accompany me. We'll be spear-heading the efforts to enter Los Noches. Take as few risks as possible; taking risks here leads to death all too often. Kill all opponents before they can sound an alarm. However, do not attack the Espada. You must of course defend yourself but we'll need all of them alive. If we encounter one either avoid confrontation or wait for Captain-Command Hayate to arrive. And that's quite enough from me, you all know this. Let's move out!" he said to the captains and vice-captains that would be accompanying him.

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