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1- First of all, i like to say this is just a repost, from a topic made by me one or two years ago


2- i like to ask for some help to create images for my cards, because my grafics skills are lame, and i will not find the images i want on the net


3- Sorry for my bad english :P, if anyone want to help me out fixing some typos, i would apreciate.


4- here are the cards, enjoy ^^




Kuriboh lv 3


Star Lvl 3


ATK-500 DEF-500


This card cannot be normal summoned, This card can only special summoned by tributing a kuriboh in your side of field, this card is not destroied as a result of battle, this card cannot be targeted by any spell or trap card (including equips cards), this monster cannot be offered as a tribute, exept for the effect of kuriboh lv 5, this card is destroied at 3° turn that was special summoned


Kuriboh lv 5


Star Lvl 5


ATK-1000 DEF-1200


This card cannot be normal summoned, This card can only special summoned by tributing a kuriboh lv 3 on your side of field, this monster cannot be offered as a tribute, exept for the effect of kuriboh lv 7, while this card is on the field the opponet cant declare a atack, if this card is destroied and sent to the graveyard, you cant lose life points due a oponent atack/effect (you still lose life points for yours cards) for 2 of yours stanby- phases


Kuriboh lv 7


Star Lvl 7




This card cannot be normal summoned, This card can only special summoned by tributing a kuriboh lv 5 on your side of field or using his effect, this monster cannot be offered as a tribute, while this monster is face-up atack position on field, incress the atack of this monster by 1500, each of your stanby phases, if this monster is destroied and sent to the graveyard while is in attack position, you can special summon this monster face-up attack position on your side of field (his attack become 0 again)


some spell cards


Kuriboh Evolution

normal spell card


you can bring a Kuriboh that has lv on his name from your deck to your hand



Kuriboh DNA

normal spell card


you can turn the name of one your monster to kuriboh on the turn this card is used



Kuribo army

normal spell card



you can only active this card when there is no card on your side of field, drop all your hand card to cemitery, and pull the same number of card with kuriboh on his name from your deck to your hand, the deck is then suflled


some trap cards



Kuriboh defense

normal Trap card


you can only active this card when your oponent declare a atack, take a monster with kuriboh on his name from you graveyard and use it as a bloker to the atack of the oponent monster, the card is then send back to the graveyard, you need have a empyt slot on the field, and the card must be used in atack position, and his effect is not apply



Kuriboh Shield

Normal trap Card



Negate a atack that designe a monster that has kuriboh on his name



Kuriboh Recycle

Normal trap card



Take all monster that has kuriboh on his name from your graveyard, and add on your deck, the deck is then suffled



a fusion


Ultimate Kuriboh


Kuriboh lv 3 + Kuriboh lv 5 + Kuriboh lv 7

Star Lvl 9


ATK-2000 DEF-2000



this card cannot use substitutes, this monster cannot atack on the same turn that was summoned, when this monster atacks a oponent monster add 2000 on his atack, when atacked by a oponent monster add 2000 on his def, you can change the battle position of this monster once per turn.

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