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Animating Skill


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Well ive shown off my card makign skill, my writing skill but I want to show you guys my animating skills now. I use a program called Pivot to make these and I hope you like them im in the top 100 people who use the program in the entire would so I guess im fairly good. Enjoy



5-One of my Best

1-One of my Worst




Cause it's a Pink World: 4.5 (I really like this one)




Boomeh? (Nothing Much) 3 (Credz to Sd101)




.:Saline and Battlestix Soccer Collab:. 4 (only cause of lenght)




Get Toonz (A work in progress):




Oranges?: 4




The Wall: 4



5up4 K1ck: 5




U phail: 3





New Blood Splat: 4




Lanky 4: 4.5




Lanky 3: 3.5




Lanky 2: 3




Lanky 1: 3



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are you in highschool yet? I was sure you are.. Look for a Communications And Technology class or somthing like it. Tons of schools offer you scholarships and give you info on it. And EA came to our school to look at our work.

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I suck at school its a godo thing im creative and athletic haha anyway. Good start in only 15 and in the 10th grade but my school has taken care ofmore of the like Post secondary stuff for me so im really lucky.

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i think totalobelisk says something nice no matter what.


Animating is a lot harder than you think, something that's only a few seconds long that I'm making has over 200 frames, and I have to make each one individually and make sure they're movement is smooth. It's not as easy as sticking 10 or 15 pictures together and expecting them to move.

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yeah i agree with tkill. these arent very good. it would take me like 5 or 10 min to make all of those.


Do it then have you ever used the program?


And a second on pivot is 6 frames so 60 frames just for 10 seconds and please if your gonna act real good at it prove it to us. And don't try to post someone elses work because I guaranty if its any good I can identify who's it is.

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But pivot requires no skill, its one of the easiest programs ever. Flash, thats a hard program that requires skill. That's what people use. People who call themselves pro animators.


I've been meaning to get flash, I've had my fair share with art and animation programs

Gimp, Ps, and Pivot

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Depends who made it for me about 3 minutes. For somone who is new mayeb 10 to 15.


and dude seriously your like 6 or somthing all you do is talk prove it. Honestly your a bigger loser than YM

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