Ririkun Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Well here's what my look on things are... EDIT: Added Dark Armed Dragon to the list and took out Burial, it can stay at 3 since most people wouldn't run 2 anyway. Unlimited Bestiari but limited Gyzarus in exchange. If you dont like the list, don't flame and just talk about it and discuss -.-Feel free to make your own list, since a lot of you already have. MY PERSONAL LIMITED/BAN LIST: Semi-Limit Honest - Put's less scare in Lightsworn, and it can also be splashable in other Light Decks. It won't hurt them too much, but It will help to make Lightsworn more balanced perhaps. UNLIMIT Bestiari - Whatever, GB's really need the boost if they want to stand a chance against today's Meta, and this might be it. LIMIT Gyzarus - Lol, however, in exchange for bestiari, no more of their favorite card.Hah, GB's can add Icarus Attack to their deck though since bestiari is unlimited, which can sub gyzarus nicely. LIMIT Brionac, Dragon of Ice Barrier - This card can pull lots of OTKS, and it's easy to bring out as well. Theres not many ways to counter his effect if you didn't bottomless it right on the spot or oppress it. BAN Dark Armed Dragon - Very easy to bring out with burial, pulls of OTK, really hurts your opponent if they can't get rid of it, just like JD does, except this is in almost every DARK deck. If JD goes down to limited, this might as well go down with it. UNLIMIT Transmigration Prophecy - I don't really understand why this is limited. Not manypeople play it and it's effect isn't that good. It helps a few decks out, and those decks may need the small boost. Tell me what you guys think and add more cards you can think of that should be changed in the next ban-list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JG. Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Brionac is already limited, idiot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 He isn't.But the changes are still horrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 We already know Brain Control will probably end up banned if the Pegasus League List is hinting at anything.Other than that, JD will hopefully move to limited, I'd like to see what happens if MoF is moved to 1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ririkun Posted January 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 maybe, though i think the honest, bestiari and brionac are reasonable.and if jd was limited, then lightsworn will become very bad, it loses its main card. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Limited =/= banned.It makes one of the strongest Decks in the game still a force to be reckoned with, that can still pull him from the Graveyard with Beckoning/Reincarnation and they'll still dump him easily. It just reduces the amount of topdecking lucksacking that reverses all skill by drawing him after you've messed up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ririkun Posted January 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Limited =/= banned.It makes one of the strongest Decks in the game still a force to be reckoned with' date=' that can still pull him from the Graveyard with Beckoning/Reincarnation and they'll still dump him easily. It just reduces the amount of topdecking lucksacking that reverses all skill by drawing him after you've messed up.[/quote'] True to some extent, but you have to admit, lightsworn loses much of its ferocity if JD's are back to 1. It's like Chaos sorceror going back to 1. If it gets removed once by a d.d. crow, kycoo, banisher, or d-fissure then lightsworn is pretty much finished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Celest is a boss monster most archtypes would kill to have. LS can actually play strong without JD at all. He just pushes them from an amazing Deck to top-tier. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 LS without JD will still be dominating Regs. I can also see some SJC tops, but not as much as now. And I want 3x Cyber Dragon ;(After banning the Chimeratechs of course. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ririkun Posted January 10, 2010 Author Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Celest is a boss monster most archtypes would kill to have. LS can actually play strong without JD at all. He just pushes them from an amazing Deck to top-tier. Celesta is a really good card, but the deck would still be in tier 2 or 3 if it wasn't for the Judgment Dragon since then they would mill for no reason unless it was a Hybrid like Zombie Sworn or Twilight. But if they have 1, then i guess it'll still be in the top tier range, just seems a lot worse. Lol, cyber dragons would be way too broken. Lot of people will start running at least 2...and they're as strong as Wulf, and it's Light. -,- 2 would be reasonable if konami were to do something with it though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Welche Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 IMHO we should ban all arch-types and all attack blocking S/T. Then the game would become a sh*t hole of people using a beatstick as a star card to their deck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fraz Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Hardly anything needs changed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ P O L A R I S ~ Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Celest is a boss monster most archtypes would kill to have. LS can actually play strong without JD at all. He just pushes them from an amazing Deck to top-tier. Celesta is a really good card' date=' but the deck would still be in tier 2 or 3 if it wasn't for the Judgment Dragon since then they would mill for no reason unless it was a Hybrid like Zombie Sworn or Twilight. But if they have 1, then i guess it'll still be in the top tier range, just seems a lot worse. Lol, cyber dragons would be way too broken. Lot of people will start running at least 2...and they're as strong as Wulf, and it's Light. -,- 2 would be reasonable if konami were to do something with it though.[/quote'] So your goal is to just go around killing Decks you find "annoying" as opposed to shaping a skill format? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flexh Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Nothing much needs changing from the last ban list it is pretty much perfect Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Nu-13 Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 ban Overload Fusionunlimit Future Fusion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 unlimit Future Fusion Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megasonicfan Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 i have to admit, Judgment Dragon does need to be at least limited. Blackwings are also a problem, specifically Armor Master. Right now, the meta game consists of maybe 2 kinds of decks: Lightsworns and Blackwings. Maybe Koa'ki Meiru due to their anti-meta like effects. Something is wrong when all the decks winning a tournament are basically boiled down to 2 archetypes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 i have to admit' date=' Judgment Dragon does need to be at least limited. Blackwings are also a problem, specifically Armor Master. Right now, the meta game consists of maybe 2 kinds of decks: Lightsworns and Blackwings. Maybe Koa'ki Meiru due to their anti-meta like effects. Something is wrong when all the decks winning a tournament are basically boiled down to 2 archetypes.[/quote'] Zombies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BlackwingsKoa'ki Meiru is one of he worst archetypes.lolbanningarmormaster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Cards I'd like to see banned on the next ban list. Black Whirlwind, Blackwing Armor Master, Brain Control, Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Call of the Hunted, Chimeratech Overdragon, Dark Armed Dragon, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Judgment Dragon, Rescue Cat, Snipe Hunter, Stardust Dragon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Manjoume Thunder Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Cards I'd like to see banned on the next ban list. Black Whirlwind' date=' Blackwing Armor Master, Brain Control, Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Call of the Hunted, Chimeratech Overdragon, Dark Armed Dragon, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Judgment Dragon, Rescue Cat, Snipe Hunter, Stardust Dragon.[/quote'] BWW, BAM, Call, Gorz, Kitty and Stardust are fine. Snipe Hunter is horrible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flame Dragon Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Cards I'd like to see banned on the next ban list. Black Whirlwind' date=' Blackwing Armor Master, Brain Control, Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Call of the Hunted, Chimeratech Overdragon, Dark Armed Dragon, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Judgment Dragon, Rescue Cat, Snipe Hunter, Stardust Dragon.[/quote'] BWW, BAM, Call, Gorz, Kitty and Stardust are fine. Snipe Hunter is horrible.BWW: How is it fine? It gives every BW a Gadget like effect ranging from searching 1 monster to searching out every monster in the deck. And that is only with 1. When 2 or 3 are used at once it gives BW an insane advantage. BAW: It's like Marshmallon only he can swing for 2500 damage. Call: What about this is fine? Gorz: Rewards poor playing. Kitty: Can create a level 6 sychro from no where. Can OTK. Give GBs a huge advantage by basicly letting them summon any GB with it's effect. Stardust: Your opponent can no longer use most forms of removal allowing the person that played this to overextended with out fear. Snipe: Continuous 1 for one removal. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RyanAtlus Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 [spoiler=Larry's Format]Newly BannedHeavy Storm Newly LimitedJudgment DragonGladiator Beast GyzariusBrionac, Dragon of the Ice BoundaryBlack WhirlwindBlackwing-Vayu the Emblem of HonorMagician of FaithDelta Crow - Anti ReverseCelestia, Lightsworn Angel Newly Semi-LimitedTragoediaLevel Limit-Area BGladiator Beast BestiariHonest Newly UnlimitedChaos Sorcerer *prepares to get flamed by the metaplayers* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest PikaPerson01 Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Cards I'd like to see banned on the next ban list. Black Whirlwind' date=' Blackwing Armor Master, Brain Control, Brionic, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Call of the Hunted, Chimeratech Overdragon, Dark Armed Dragon, Gladiator Beast Gyzarus, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Judgment Dragon, Rescue Cat, Snipe Hunter, Stardust Dragon.[/quote'] BWW, BAM, Call, Gorz, Kitty and Stardust are fine. Snipe Hunter is horrible. Pro-Tip: When one creates a ban/limit list, you have to not only look at the current meta, but analyze and think about the future meta you are creating. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
-Griffin Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 [spoiler=Larry's Format and my comments]Newly BannedHeavy Storm // Just wrong. If you don't understand why Heavy shouldn't be banned' date=' learn it.[/b'] Newly LimitedJudgment Dragon Yes.Gladiator Beast Gyzarius Limiting a self-returning Fusion seems... eh... GBs don't really need to be hit right now, leave.Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary Great, we now match the OCG where you can only win with Brio once per duel.Black Whirlwind I think I agree with this one?Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor Not sure, I thought Vayu turbo had died down in replace of BW Decks that only tech 1/2 of him anyway? Haven't kept up with him TBH.Magician of Faith Yes pleaseDelta Crow - Anti Reverse Eh, I don't think so.Celestia, Lightsworn Angel I think it might be best semi'd for the list to see how LS play with new cards coming out and JD limited Newly Semi-LimitedTragoedia I'm not sure... He actually seems like a good, balanced card that encourages good play, possibly enough to deserve a solid @3 spot.Level Limit-Area B No. Stall is not a good thing. Keep this away.Gladiator Beast Bestiari Like I said, Glads don't need to be hit, so bringing him up is probably smart.Honest I understand how multiples stack up, but IDK if he deserves this, since many Decks can use him well without being broken. Newly UnlimitedChaos Sorcerer Most pro move on the list. I love this. *prepares to get flamed by the metaplayers* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
speznats Posted January 10, 2010 Report Share Posted January 10, 2010 Okay all i have to say is that judging by the number of banned and limited cards (theirs a couple hundred now) yugioh rules need to seriously reevaluated and rewritten the cards are not fault at the core rules are. Most of them are to vague it is the loop holes in the core rules that every one is exploiting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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