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Best Pokemon character?


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The jerk.


If anyone got that reference' date=' you win until infinity.



That song sucks. And so does the dance move.


Whoever is in the OP's post, because he has a badass coat.


You obviously didn't get the reference.


You don't watch YouTube much, do you.


For all people like awesome66 out there, the jerk is a reference to Gary.

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Paul. His personality is unique and he has Weavile :3


I was going to say Paul. Seems to have the highest chance at becoming the "World's best Poke'mon trainer" because he goes for strong Poke'mon only. I also love his non-caring attitude. I'd be a cruel and hearltess bastard and only worry about winning and having strong Poke'mon if they actually existed. Also, I'd pull cheap moves to basically ensure a win.

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