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Fakedex #1 - #1k


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My new fakedex I'll probs upgrade once in awhile....its been awhile since I've been on the forums though (srry 4 being off topic but anywho).


These are mine if u want permission to use or change them in any shape or form PM me. Or else...I'll cyberbully you on yahoo.


Proof these are mine I quit WoW (World of Warcraft) for a month or so.


Also when I make the other two starters and their evolutions then I'll make an RP but till then! Some probs didn't PNG them so tell me.



Name: Aracnileaf (Cheesy but its worth it!)

Dex #: 0001

Type: Grass/Bug

Species: Leaf Spider Pokemon

Description: A little cute green spider with a sprouting leaf on its head. During the summer this pokemon spends times on rocks have the sun beating down on the little leaf on its head. This pokemon sometimes dreams of becoming a big Aracnitree in the later future.

Evolutions: ??? ??? ???

Locations: Only obtainable thru Prof. Buckwheat (Name of some tree)

Any comments would be appreciated!

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[spoiler=Daxinator's Post]

My new fakedex I'll probs upgrade once in awhile....its been awhile since I've been on the forums though (srry 4 being off topic but anywho).


These are mine if u want permission to use or change them in any shape or form PM me. Or else...I'll cyberbully you on yahoo.


Proof these are mine I quit WoW (World of Warcraft) for a month or so.


Also when I make the other two starters and their evolutions then I'll make an RP but till then! Some probs didn't PNG them so tell me.



Name: Aracnileaf (Cheesy but its worth it!)

Dex #: 0001

Type: Grass/Bug

Species: Leaf Spider Pokemon

Description: A little cute green spider with a sprouting leaf on its head. During the summer this pokemon spends times on rocks have the sun beating down on the little leaf on its head. This pokemon sometimes dreams of becoming a big Aracnitree in the later future.

Evolutions: ??? ??? ???

Locations: Only obtainable thru Prof. Buckwheat (Name of some tree)

Any comments would be appreciated!



I thought I recognized this little guy. Some time back I played a Pokemon Fan game called Pokemon Uranium. Nice little thing' date=' lots of cool Pokemon in it. One of them was this little bug things actually. Well not this bug exactly, it would seem you have doodled badly over this one.




This is the original one. In a game made by ~JV~, sprited by either Zorin or PichuK. The link to the fan game is here, in which you can find his Pokedex of the Fakemon used, including this bug Pokemon Uranium.


Excuse me for any form of advertisement in this case. No mean to show off the *cough*awesome*cough* pokehack or anything, just trying to show this guy is a thief.

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[spoiler=Daxinator's Post]

My new fakedex I'll probs upgrade once in awhile....its been awhile since I've been on the forums though (srry 4 being off topic but anywho).


These are mine if u want permission to use or change them in any shape or form PM me. Or else...I'll cyberbully you on yahoo.


Proof these are mine I quit WoW (World of Warcraft) for a month or so.


Also when I make the other two starters and their evolutions then I'll make an RP but till then! Some probs didn't PNG them so tell me.



Name: Aracnileaf (Cheesy but its worth it!)

Dex #: 0001

Type: Grass/Bug

Species: Leaf Spider Pokemon

Description: A little cute green spider with a sprouting leaf on its head. During the summer this pokemon spends times on rocks have the sun beating down on the little leaf on its head. This pokemon sometimes dreams of becoming a big Aracnitree in the later future.

Evolutions: ??? ??? ???

Locations: Only obtainable thru Prof. Buckwheat (Name of some tree)

Any comments would be appreciated!



I thought I recognized this little guy. Some time back I played a Pokemon Fan game called Pokemon Uranium. Nice little thing' date=' lots of cool Pokemon in it. One of them was this little bug things actually. Well not this bug exactly, it would seem you have doodled badly over this one.




This is the original one. In a game made by ~JV~, sprited by either Zorin or PichuK. The link to the fan game is here, in which you can find his Pokedex of the Fakemon used, including this bug Pokemon Uranium.


Excuse me for any form of advertisement in this case. No mean to show off the *cough*awesome*cough* pokehack or anything, just trying to show this guy is a thief.


Holmes worthy.

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