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Fallen Gems :σ: The ORIGINAL Apocalypse Pokemon

Skippy Canoe

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[align=center]The Pokemon and their trainers were thriving greatly. That was, until the world ended suddenly from a collision with a spacial body. The human race was wiped out from fumes and/or the collision, but all Pokemon survived. This left them alone, and forced to hide in the nooks and crannies of the isolated Earth. They are forced to survive alone.


[spoiler=Fallen Gem Gardevoir]


Fallen Gem Gardevoir.png


After the collision, Gardevoir moved outward to a near brook, and has managed just barely to survive alone.



[spoiler=Fallen Gem Magmar]


Fallen Gem Magmar.png


Magmar was very close to the collision when it occured, and lost his right hand. He attempted to mend it with moss, and ever since has wandered the world aimlessly.



[spoiler=Fallen Gem Bellossom]


Fallen Gem Bellossom.png


Bellossom forever lived in a lonely glade after the collision. Her flowers have wilted, and she's gained many wounds.



[spoiler=Fallen Gem Pikachu]


Fallen Gem Pikachu.png


Pikachu, since the lost of his trainer, has suffered great depression, and has wandered aimlessly throughout the country.



[spoiler=Fallen Gem Luvdisc]


Fallen Gem Luvdisc.png


Luvdisc evacuated her area, and swam to the deep. She remained living in the dark depths of the ocean.




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Amazing simply amazing nice on how you applied the bruises and paleness :D

Also can you make a Gallade one? and for idea put cracks in its sword arms.


Thanks. I may do Gallade. I don't know.


I know how to do this (:O


Your point? I know how to recolor' date=' and you still show yours off.



Nah, just saying. Nice idea.

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You will make What we Call back in my Country the FerallyGatr? <3 P:





Plz'ith? =]



Mebbe. Not taking requests though' date=' really. Just thoughts. :D


awsome can i ask 2 things 1 permission to use them on my site 2 can you make a charizard one please :P



1: Nah. I'd prefer you don't.

2: I'll see...

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