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My best splice so far


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[align=center]This is Umbra, Gengar spliced with Umbreon, I have done a recolour to make it have a shiny to and made an egg I am also taking requests so if you have a splice that needs an egg and a shiny form just post the splice and tell me witch and I'l do it just like this.







This is the edit can you tell the difrence.



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I didnt think that was an egg until I read the writing.. They looked like hold items to transform the type... they look good...


Lol, i didnt think it was an egg either, i thought it was just its eyes, and i was wondering why you posted its eye separately than i saw it was an egg. Splice and recolor look nice. Only thing is you see how you put 2 ears on each side. The ear in front should have a full border around it, to show its in the front or else they look connected.

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I didnt think that was an egg until I read the writing.. They looked like hold items to transform the type... they look good...


Lol' date=' i didnt think it was an egg either, i thought it was just its eyes, and i was wondering why you posted its eye separately than i saw it was an egg. Splice and recolor look nice. Only thing is you see how you put 2 ears on each side. The ear in front should have a full border around it, to show its in the front or else they look connected.



Its an egg? o.o


Lol, i think taht looks awesome though (Not the egg...it scares me...)

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One reason your shading is off is because of the mirrored ear things. There's a thing known as a light source. A good number of times shading can stay fine when you add a part, but if a piece is flipped, the shading becomes backwards. Another shading flaw in the general whole body. Now you kept the shading pretty similar to Gengar's, but that's the problem. You changed the shape and size of the mouth, and moved the eye. These things would change the structure of the face, and therefore the shape of it. Of course fixing the shading for this isn't really an easy thing to do, and not something I can really explain sadly.


Just in general also while I'm sort of on the subject. The mouth's shape is pretty out there. It has quite the rugged outline, and it's hard to tell exactly what's going on.


Another point on the ears, their position is weird. After your edits, I can tell now which are in front, but that doesn't help with their position. The ones are the right look like they are almost right next to each other. The one on the left look like the one is behind it. They don't seem to agree with which depth the back ears are is what I'm getting at.


Some borders have issues. With using Pokemon like Umbreon and other dark colored things, amount of shades is low. This though can mess up the bordering. Now a good amount of borders on Gengar are black, which doesn't match with the usual Pokemon sprite style. So basically you either have to make a new shade, or choose to use certain shades in certain areas more wisely. For example, don't use black for all of the border purple. In areas like on the hand on the left, use the dark Umbreon color as the border there. Doesn't match the inside, so it works. While I'm talking about borders too, the yellow bands on the arms don't seem to have them.

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Woops missed the ones on the arms and thanks for the explanation the only thing that I can complain about your comment is you have gave me alot of work to do lol and I'm no good at shading and lighting so this is gona take time but it should be worth it.


Really do appreciate the help instead of just a simple I agree with the other 4 people that have said exactly this with no explanation the shadings off. You actually tols me what was rong with the shading so thank you.

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