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YCM Trading Cards ? 7/???

Alexis Rhodes

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[align=center]So i was thinking of making YCM trading cards mainly made from members but some rare ones aswell , so whatdoes everyone think of this ?










[spoiler=Crab Helmet]2nq64x4.jpg


[spoiler=Junk Raver]wu19wl.jpg






ATM i need a better YCM sign or one without the santa hat and opinions on if you would buy these to trade with other people like somone else used to do :)





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Nice. Colourful!!


Also are you doing the Sup Mods first because you missed Chaospud' date=' Icy and Flame



Yes ( Mods ) I was looking for mainly the avatars that didnt have a white BG and wasent doing any mods that didnt have an avi


Oh and i have dowloaded some new colors for the BG's so i can make lots more :)

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